
I have to write a paper relating Jesus to Mohammed need help getting three topics

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elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
If you're really pretty maybe you get a spot on Grey's Anatomy.
That is about as close as you are getting to the OR unless you are on the table.
lol haha i bet that spot pays well, while gettin any degree if u do the work study hard, buckle down and do what u r supposed 2 do then it is completely capable

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
lol yah sounds liek u r a hard worker since u tak so much tiem typing ur posts and makin sure ppl understand u. not 2 mention not even comming up wit ideas 4 ur own paper.

elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
lol yah sounds liek u r a hard worker since u tak so much tiem typing ur posts and makin sure ppl understand u.
look at it this way my paper is 90% done, yet 90% of the time i have been posting, therefore in 10% of the hour i'v written 90% of my paper making me 190% more efficient than the rest of you who havent accomplished anything

yes i am a genius

haha jk

elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
i guess thats the main reason i want to take on something like surgery because its a challeng and its not something that every1 would want to take on

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
welllll um currently in math im 2 grades ahead of my age and at least 1 grade in eveything else.. what more could any1 want... or expect for that matter
haaahahaaahahaa, you misspelled I'm.

Oh man.

In a post-apoclyptic word where dictionaries are valued more then anything else, one special child will change the world. See it in 2008!

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
(this is Mudgrrl posting)

I nominate this the most entertaining thread of .... January.

I don't want to nominate it for the year, because there is plenty of opportunity to go above and beyond the fine content and logic in this thread.

Mudgrrl out


Jun 29, 2005
They got nutin in common. Jesus is out back cutting the lawn and Mohammed's dead, strapped a bomb to hisself.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
yeah....no writing skillz needed there.....you won't be inundated with paperwork or anything....Maybe that's why I could never read the prescriptions I was given....

"This say peryfexodonil.....500mg."
"You sure doc??!? It looks like a monkey f*ckin' a coconut..."
"MFC Sir? Is that you? It might be a melon, looks like a CO-CO-NUT."

The Ito
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