
i just don't get it


Jun 10, 2002
is common courtesy just not common anymore?

rant on:

so in my apartment is me, my girlfriend (herein g/f), and her friend that she lived with last year (herein Jane, who is apparently somewhat hard of hearing). the bedrooms are situated such that i'm am right next to Jane, and the living room, and g/f is down a hall. g/f is in an extremely rigorous program at UT. right now, she is taking a 'mini-mester' that ends in February, then she's off to her internship. Jane does nothing, because her and i start classes next week. as a matter of fact, yesterday, after getting out of bed at 1pm, she said "man, it's too nice outside to be cooped up in here all day." she then proceeds to open the blinds, eat, and watch tv on the couch. :stosh:

g/f has a test this morning that she's been preparing for since Sunday. Jane brings over a friend at 11pm last night. g/f was just about to go to bed, as was i. i don't sweat it 'cause i have nothing to do really. g/f gets annoyed aat Jane. Jane and her friend sit in the living room till 12am watching tv, drinking, and talking quite loudly. at 12, they leave. g/f goes back to bed, from being in my room, leaves the door open a crack for the kitty, and i retire. Jane comes back at 1:30am with her friend. she goes into her room, starts playing music loud enough to drown out my TV, then her and her friend sit in the living room and watch TV, drink, and again, talk loudly. wakes up g/f who is now pissed. yadda yadda, the guy leaves around 2:30, then Jane goes to her room, where she listens to music till 3:30am. :stosh: what sucks is that she routinely listens to music that late, and if she's not listening to music, she has all the sounds on her aim (the annoying chimes when your send/receive a message).

oh god, now she's listening to Radiohead. good god. there's only so much Radiohead, Bob Dylan, and Sheryl Crow i can take before i crack.

:rant off

are people really that oblivious without knowing it?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
yes they are. unless you mention the issue to her.

but good idea leaving the door cracked for kitty, i have an open door policy for any kitty that might wander into my apartment.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Oh god, I cant take too much radio head. Great band, but after one album i can feel a headache coming on.

I suggest telling her that she pisses you off. But make sure its the right day, or you might be sorry you ever said anything... ;)

One time when i was 12 i told my sister she looked fat on the wrong day. i think i still have the scratches on my arms :dead:


Jun 10, 2002
hahaaha. guess i'll have to start digging in her trash to make sure i don't ask while she's pms-ing or on her "."


Jun 10, 2002
Crash_Tested said:
hows the project coming along
tire, adjustable dropouts, and seat collar are coming from Jenson. post is coming in from Larry at Mtn High Cyclery. got a 16t King cog a while ago. next weekend all should be ready to go. wait, i gotta order heavier springs from Manitou, also. Charles was gonna hook me up with the King heavy duty axle and nuts, but i haven't heard from him yet. not too optimistic at this point.


Jun 10, 2002
pnj - living alone is a dream. waaaay too much $$$$, though.
mack - she's a smaller girl. dances like that, though.


Jan 26, 2003
the Inbred said:
tire, adjustable dropouts, and seat collar are coming from Jenson. post is coming in from Larry at Mtn High Cyclery. got a 16t King cog a while ago. next weekend all should be ready to go. wait, i gotta order heavier springs from Manitou, also. Charles was gonna hook me up with the King heavy duty axle and nuts, but i haven't heard from him yet. not too optimistic at this point.
lets ride when you get her done. sounds like a sweet rig


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
nothin like crappy roomates. i've had my share. the worst part is some people don't even respond to your complaints. 2 of my roomates got the cops called on them because they were playing drums at 2 AM (we live in a suburban neighborhood). a week later, just after midnight, they started playing again. i had went downstairs and asked them "who was here a week ago at about this time? the cops. and do you asshats remember why? because you were playing the f*cking drums in the middle of the night." they aren't really that bad as far as bad roomates go, it's just that they have a hard time forgetting we have neighbors and remembering to wash their dishes :mumble:

i spent the summer in cali and had a couple REALLY bad roomates though. hands down, the laziest folks i've ever met. i left to go to arizona for a week. night before i leave, one of my roomates orders chinese food. she eats, and leaves the half full containers on the counter. i come back 8 days later, containers are in the exact same spot and full of mold. it was a pretty repulsive living situation.

I wish i had the $$ to live alone...


Jun 10, 2002
well, this is very mild compared to what i was living with the past 2 years. your mold story was a daily occurance. and it got much, much worse. but she's back to listening to music again, and i can hear it from my g/f's room with the door closed. i'm gonna go throw my headphones at her face.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
nasty. i could barely put up with the filthiness for a summer. it's amazing what squalor some college kids can live in. i know people who ash on their floor and leave the butt there too.
one of my roomate's philosophy on cleaning is "we're in college, we don't have to be clean". compared to other places i've lived they aren't all that bad, but it's bad enough that i don't like having people come over and go anywhere but my room. i'm thinking about getting a fridge for my room and my own set of knives, pots, and dishes becuase all the ones in the kitchen are always dirty and it's a total pain to have to clean before and after you want to eat.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I was never happy with my living arrangement until I lived alone. I lived in a small studio for almost 3 years & it wasnt too much more $$$ than splitting rent in a bigger place. I did have some pretty ****ty neighbors though.


Jun 10, 2002
riderx said:
What I don't get is: why are you living w/ your GF and have seperate bedrooms? What are you, like 80 years old?
i need some space of my own. plus, with 3 bikes, and all my other crap, a 1 bedroom would be too small.


Jun 10, 2002
you guys mind if i just voice my frustrations here?

too bad, i will anyway.

isn't it common sense to pre-wash dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? i come home, see "deaf roomate" did the dishes. that alone cause a little turtle head. so you know, i'm thinking "man, she did a descent job. finally. i think i'll put them up." open the door to the dishwasher and am greeted with a top rack covered bits of food from her bowls and pan on the lower rack. i mean, really....come on...if you fix scrambled eggs a few times a week in the same pan without washing, just wash the ****ing thing by hand, then the dishwasher, or at least scrape off all the triple-scrambled eggs. ****, man.

and clean that ****ing cookie sheet that's been dirty for 2 ****ing weeks! i put it in the god damned sink last week for a reason! and clean your cat's litter, man. i smell his **** in my room.


are hippy art majors good for anything? :rolleyes:


Jun 10, 2002
you know, i don't know. why no option for Hope? J got some mono-minis on his Hammerhead, i wonder how he's liking them. austin seems to love Maggies. i don't get it. what about the El Caminos?


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
the Inbred said:
are people really that oblivious without knowing it?
yes. i have concluded after 15 years of research and rigorous observation that people are born stupid. During their lifetime they are educated on how the world works. if any part of their education is insufficient, they will lack the skills generally noted as "common sense" in that area. people are not born as thinkers, they are taught how to think, what to think, and when to think it.


the Inbred said:
you know, i don't know. why no option for Hope? J got some mono-minis on his Hammerhead, i wonder how he's liking them. austin seems to love Maggies. i don't get it. what about the El Caminos?
El Caminos + new = lots of jack
Maguras and Hope = the same mount that my maguras have that I can't seem to make stop rubbing. I can get Juicy 7s for $150 a piece. I bet ECs will be $250, at least. The dual piston maguras are intriguing, but having something I can put on Julie's skareb sounds nice if I have to ever ride it.
I feel for ya man...walk in there, grab her by her hair and slam her head in the toilet, flush...then ask her if she's awake yet so you can talk to her about common curtousy.. lol

But seriously, that sucks.

I had a roommate in the Navy, we shared a studio dorm like room with a bathroom. We put lockers down the middle to try and subdivide the room only he was a big black dude so I got stuck with the bed next to the door and bathroom. He was an airplane mech and worked night shift, I worked day shift at the HQ building. He'd come in drinking with his hoes, turn on his music and screw their brains out till 4 am, just on the other side of the lockers in the same room... Needless to say, I put up with that crap for about a week, then called him out on it. My life was threatened but I didn't care, I had enough, even if he was a big dude on steroids. I put in for a room transfer, sure enough, ended up with another one just like him, at least we worked together and came to an understanding...

Since then, I avoided roomates as best as I could.

Good luck with that. :nuts: