
i just got fired because of RM


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
biggins said:
naw baby you know i aint worried about that!

it was a pretty funny experience actually cause one of the things they cited was "f'n"
1st off... How the hell do they scan for typed content?
2nd... Thats total crap man, they were after you for whatever reason. This is just their excuse. BTW, how long have you worked with them? Can you stick them with unemployment?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
biggins said:
<snip> Should i pic somewhere, go and then find a job?
Yes. Pick somewhere you'd think would be cool, pack your $hit, and move there. Live in a cheap motel for a week until you find someone who needs a roommate, then start living.

If you don't like it, you can go somewhere else. You can *always* go back, but where's the adventure in that?



Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
golgiaparatus said:
1st off... How the hell do they scan for typed content?
2nd... Thats total crap man, they were after you for whatever reason. This is just their excuse. BTW, how long have you worked with them? Can you stick them with unemployment?
i dont know how they do it. they had dheets of content i had typed. just post after post of mine. then they had a couple of sheets of other peoples posts as well.

i worked for them for almost 2 years and will be headed to the unemployment office tomorrow.

as for flagstaff that may be a much more viable option now. But damn that place is expensive.

im gonna wait a while and see what pans out here first though.


If they knew you were biggins - me thinks that someone ratted you out. A supposed friend. They can tie cookies to you, but I don't know what would say biggins, but I am not a code guy either, so it could be in there.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Its super easy to capture everthing you do / type / websites you visit / programs you use / etc

BUT, why would a company not fire someone that goofs off most of the day, especially someone that hates their job and probably has a really crappy attitude

suck it up dide - it was your own fault


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
did someone provide the info for them? did someone on here do it? See i dont know how else they would get lists of just my postings, name and all. unless every time i sent a post it was routed somewhere else. However the top of the page had the RM logo and everything on it. It looked like a thread just with my posts only in it.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
douglas said:
Its super easy to capture everthing you do / type / websites you visit / programs you use / etc

BUT, why would a company not fire someone that goofs off most of the day, especially someone that hates their job and probably has a really crappy attituded

suck it up dide - it was your own fault
damn dude takea deep breath, go to the fridge and get a nice tall glass of chill the hell out. i am not blaming this on anyone else. i have sucked it up and i am moving on.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Hmm, took me me 30 seconds to find this and its only $40,

Visage Surveillance 2.0

Download Now
Free download 2.63MB
More download links
Downloads: 1,060
Publisher: REALCODE Development
Date added: May 28, 2003
License: Free to try; $39.95 to buy
Minimum requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Uninstaller included?: Yes
Limitations: 7-day trial
Estimated download time: 00:06:44 Dial-up (53.3 kbps)DSL/Cable (384 kbps)DSL/Cable (768 kbps)T1 (1.5 mbps) Clock it!

Software Publisher's Description
Watch what your spouse, children, or employees do on the computer while you are not around. Visage captures all user activities on a PC. Similar to surveillance cameras, Visage takes screen snapshots at the time interval you specify. It also captures all keystrokes, even passwords, and records all Web sites visited by the user. It features a customized recording schedule, to record activities only at the specified time of the day or day of the week. It captures all applications run and Web sites visited on the system and time spent in each application and all keystrokes per application run. It includes selective recording; automatic start or stop recording only when selected applications are running in the foreground; inactivity timeout; graphical reports; and smart data capture and compression to minimize disk usage.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco said:
If they knew you were biggins - me thinks that someone ratted you out. A supposed friend. They can tie cookies to you, but I don't know what would say biggins, but I am not a code guy either, so it could be in there.

loco, that's absurd. Do you know how easy it is for a system admit to snoop around on what goes in and out of his or her network?

Every time you hit that "Submit" button, the contents of your post gets sent out of your computer, through the network, to Ridemonkey. It can be intercepted any one of a dozen places along the way. Other options include a keystroke logger on your computer, or the network guy could simply log onto your account and call up Ridemonkey.com, and see the "Hello, biggins" login right at the top of the screen.

Don't get paranoid. They were clearly looking for a reason to fire you, and that was their easiest option. I'm sure they would have come up with something else, if not that.

Hey... 6000 posts. :D


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
douglas said:
Its super easy to capture everthing you do / type / websites you visit / programs you use / etc

BUT, why would a company not fire someone that goofs off most of the day, especially someone that hates their job and probably has a really crappy attitude

suck it up dide - it was your own fault
Damn dude, that was pretty harsh for someone with 4,000 posts.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
in all seriousness though i would not expect ridemonkey to have provided them with info. i dont know how all this crazy computer crap works. its my guess they had some kind of intercept going on that still let it pass on to the site as well.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
once they find out your username... which they could do any number of ways (keystroke recorder, admin login, etc..) all they have to do is go to the advanced search page and plug your name in the "search for username" field. voila, every post by biggins is displayed...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The way corporate internets work (as opposed to home setups), is they use a proxy server. Your work pc requests a page through the proxy server, and then proxy server goes out to the internet and gets it and returns it back to the requesting pc.

Every internet request goes through the proxy server. URL's are easily monitored or blocked (without an URL, you can't get a page). Depending on how powerful is your proxy server, text can be scanned. Also the amount of data is downloaded is usually measured.

With large companies, it is impossible to keep tabs on all employees, so proxy server monitoring is the only way to do it efficiently. I remember a co-worker asked me how to bypass the proxy server. I told him to use a secure shell tunnel, but I told him that anyone monitoring would notice this. Sure enough, they caught him downloading porn (the ssh tunnel hides what you are doing, but cannot hide how much data you download). He had download so much data, it was suspected he a bot grab porn 24 hours a day for weeks.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
You were also probably going through a proxy server and something like Websense that logs everyones traffic. As stated above, it's easy to track what someone is viewing on the internet.

Edit: Posted to slow.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
Getting let go totally sucks I’ve worked at two places that I was “let go from” both were not from production or work performance but because they were just looking for an excuse to clean house is all. I’ve worked at places that total dumbasses got fired for surfing porn and stupid stuff like that. At the brokerage firm that I’m at now it seems that I’m the only one NOT surfing porn or in 4 different chat rooms or the instant messenger stuff. I just do the eBay, drudge report, mtb forums, velo news, drive by then I’m done.

Anyway I suggest you don’t let the grass grow on finding another job make finding a new job your NEW full time job. Because the longer you just sit around and get pissed about your situation the harder it will be for you to get into the right mental state of job hunting.

It’s imperative that you keep yourself busy and positive because when you do get an interview you gotta sell yourself and your body language will give you away. And here is a tip when talking about compensation never tell them what your willing to work for who ever give up a number first is in the position of weakness when Negoation salary or pay.

When asked about what you would work for come back with what does this position pay or something like that always make them give a number first. Anyway good luck and look at your situation as a new beginning and your going on to something better.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
douglas said:
Hmm, took me me 30 seconds to find this and its only $40,

Visage Surveillance 2.0

Download Now
Free download 2.63MB
More download links
Downloads: 1,060
Publisher: REALCODE Development
Date added: May 28, 2003
License: Free to try; $39.95 to buy
Minimum requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Uninstaller included?: Yes
Limitations: 7-day trial
Estimated download time: 00:06:44 Dial-up (53.3 kbps)DSL/Cable (384 kbps)DSL/Cable (768 kbps)T1 (1.5 mbps) Clock it!

Software Publisher's Description
Watch what your spouse, children, or employees do on the computer while you are not around. Visage captures all user activities on a PC. Similar to surveillance cameras, Visage takes screen snapshots at the time interval you specify. It also captures all keystrokes, even passwords, and records all Web sites visited by the user. It features a customized recording schedule, to record activities only at the specified time of the day or day of the week. It captures all applications run and Web sites visited on the system and time spent in each application and all keystrokes per application run. It includes selective recording; automatic start or stop recording only when selected applications are running in the foreground; inactivity timeout; graphical reports; and smart data capture and compression to minimize disk usage.

Legal trojans. S7 comes to mind. Ah, memories...I think I still have that on some of my friend's computers... ;) :eek:

It was a mutual thing, of course :thumb:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
biggins said:
naw im not gonna be a truck driver. however the dirty truck stop sex.........
Truck driving wouldn't be a bad gig.... after you buy your own rig you could live wherever you wanted to....
That'd be sweet to see a Sportworks rack on top of an 18 wheeler too.:)


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Biggins, sorry to hear this man, what a load of F'N CRAP.

Unless you have a written contract saying otherwise, your employment was most likely at-will, meaning you could be fired for any reason or no reason, at any time. They don't need a reason as long as they're not firing you because of race, sex, etc. (BTW, this is pretty much true for everyone.)

Sounds like there's another reason and I think it's lame for them to bring your little RM habit into it. They should just tell you the real deal.

Oh well. Enough people have already hit you with the cliches about how you are better off somewhere else, etc., so I won't repeat.

But look at it this way: Now you've got lots of time for RM!! (Sorry about that, couldn't resist.)


Jan 25, 2004
Skookum said:
Truck driving wouldn't be a bad gig.... after you buy your own rig you could live wherever you wanted to....
That'd be sweet to see a Sportworks rack on top of an 18 wheeler too.:)
If youre single and dont have any immediate plans in your life its a great gig.
I did it for a few years. Packed my bike and snowboard and had a great time. I averaged about 50 grand a year, which isnt too bad to travel and see some country.
Never the same day twice and you will have tons of interesting stories in a very short time. Drive flatbed though, they get the most interesting loads and pay the best.

Heres a shot I took back in the day hauling counterweights out of Palm springs.

only two of these guys to get up to 80,000 lbs :)



What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Hello Kitty said:
When asked about what you would work for come back with what does this position pay or something like that always make them give a number first. Anyway good luck and look at your situation as a new beginning and your going on to something better.
This works as a good answer as well...

"I am sure your company offers a competitive salary for [insert job description here] and I am sure I can give you a good return on your investment in me."

However this answer requires you to do some research prior to your interview. You better know what a competitive salary is in your area.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i gotta go to the old place of employment to today to turn some stuff in and get my number switched over to a normal account from the free unlimited one i had. then come home and start looking for jobs online.


biggins said:
i gotta go to the old place of employment to today to turn some stuff in and get my number switched over to a normal account from the free unlimited one i had. then come home and start looking for jobs online.
You should ask them if you can borrow the Internet from them for a while. :evil:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
hahaha i thought about logging on to a comp while was there and getting on RM or some porn sites to see they would try and fire me twice.