
I just got yelled at by a driver for riding in the bike lane!

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Seriously, I'm not kidding. Apparently the bike lane exists primarily for drivers to use as a way to sneak into traffic while waiting to make right hand turns at red lights. Our presence there is rude and unacceptable.

It took every ounce of my being to not run my ODI lock ons down her front quarter panel.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Did he yell something like "Yeah baby, work it! Work it!" ?

Cause if so, it might not be anything to do with you being the bike lane so much.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Did he yell something like "Yeah baby, work it! Work it!" ?

Cause if so, it might not be anything to do with you being the bike lane so much.
No. She was a snooty cow of a woman driving a BMW. Oh, and after laying on her horn and yelling at me trough the passenger window, she told me there wasn't any reason to be offended because she was just informing me of the law.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
No. She was a snooty cow of a woman driving a BMW. Oh, and after laying on her horn and yelling at me trough the passenger window, she told me there wasn't any reason to be offended because she was just informing me of the law.
Did you inform her about the adverse effects of cholesterol, and/or her misinterpretations of the law?

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Did you inform her about the adverse effects of cholesterol, and/or her misinterpretations of the law?
I actually informed her that if she didn't remove herself from my space I was going to pull her out of her car and drive it right up her *ss.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
Did you politely tell her that she needs pull her head out of her butt, re-read the driver's manual, and then go on a diet?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I believe bike lanes have dashed white lines by intersections, so cars would be allowed to use the bike lane to turn right.

But on that note, if you are there first, the person has to wait. It would be like honking a car in front of you because he is blocking your right turn on red.

I usually move over slightly so cars can turn right, but if they start honking, I move over so they are blocked in. Ultimately, moving out of the bike lane to allow cars to pass does endanger me, so I won't do it if it doesn't suit me.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Drivers suck.

I had someone honk at me when I was crossing in the crosswalk with the walk sign because she wanted to turn right in front of me.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I had a driver honk at me for doing the worm across the crosswalk once. No one appreciates a good worm anymore.

Drivers suck.

I had someone honk at me when I was crossing in the crosswalk with the walk sign because she wanted to turn right in front of me.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Yup had some lovely lady with children do the same thing to me right here in Bend just last night. Rude, stupid people are omnipresent it seems.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
It took every ounce of my being to not negative rep you...
For not doing it or even considering it in the first place??

Since we were at a red light and the cross street was a park way with no turn offs for like 5 blocks I didn't really have a good escape route and probably would have been run down.

Oh, and regarding who has right of way in what situation, my bike lane had solid white because it's a feeder for the main city bike path system. And we pulled up at the same time. So, I'm pretty confident that I had the right of way.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Similar situation-- I was on my bike at a light-controlled intersection, waiting for green arrow to turn left, first in line. Light turns green, I proceed, and move over to the bike lane. Mr. Dickweed Passenger in car slowly passing me starts yelling at me for being in the way and saying something about how I did his mother (haha). The sensible inside of me was saying "so did you make the light or not?", however, the physical manual side of me gave the ol' "you're #1" hand signal. He has driver pull over, I do a u-ie, and settled myself down. IF that was to happen now, I probably wouldn't do the u-ie..........


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
That's why I always ride to the front of the line at an intersection and cut in front of the car at the head of the line and plant myself in the middle of the lane.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
It took every ounce of my being to not run my ODI lock ons down her front quarter panel.
I bought this pair of crappy bmx grips that came with these conical solid aluminum bar end plugs. I tossed the grips and added the plugs with my Lock-ons. They install with a 5mm key.

I once dropped the bike and the bar end chipped a huge chunk out of the cement floor in my shop.

Imagine what it does to cars that attempt to cut me off. :D



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Sounds like trying to ride in the East Bay out here. I've had people hit me while passing, slow down and look in the rear view while I try to recover, and once I recover, take off. I caught up to one such driver and they got a size 12 Shimano Carbon SPD shoe to the passenger side door. Was it right? No. But then again, neither was hitting me and leaving. Did it feel good? Yes, but I was shaking afterwards.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Sounds like trying to ride in the East Bay out here. I've had people hit me while passing, slow down and look in the rear view while I try to recover, and once I recover, take off. I caught up to one such driver and they got a size 12 Shimano Carbon SPD shoe to the passenger side door. Was it right? No. But then again, neither was hitting me and leaving. Did it feel good? Yes, but I was shaking afterwards.
One day some pony-tailed fvckface in a pickup side swipe me on College Ave. He busted down Alcatraz and tried to ditch me. (nope - I was pissed and fast) I rolled up on him as he was getting out of his car and screamed at him in front of his wife and all of his neighbors (garage sale next door). I wasn't even scratched but I noticed my pedal had scraped the fvck out of his passenger door. I think I made him **** his pants.

I rode past his house a few times after that. One day his driver side window was open. I had a full 16oz cup of Royal coffee, so.....



Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
My girlfriend hates when I tell this story, but...

About 15 years ago a local radio station used to put on free concerts at Seattle Center in the amphitheatre called "Pain in the Grass".

I was leaving and riding my bike down the side walk at a casual pace. When entering the crosswalk to cross Mercer street with the walk signal this Ford Escort came ripping around the corner and almost took me out. The girl driving yelled something to the affect of "watch where the F your going".
Mercer street is a one way street. The center and right lane going north of the street I was on both turn right onto Mercer. The car that was turning right from the center lane had stopped to let me cross, the Escort was in the right lane and didn't.

Mercer goes in a dip underneath Aurora/HWY 99 before the next light. And backs up to this point all the way to I-5 this time of day. Not being smart enough to let this go I take a right and head down the dip to give this girl a peice of my mind. If I would have realized there were three dudes in the car I might not have been so brave?

So I roll up next to the car in the bottom of the dip and get into a shouting match with the people in the car culminating with the guy in the passenger seat telling me that they were going to get out and "kick my fat ass". So I stepped off my bike and told him to get out and kick my fat ass, which he didn't do.
At this point the light turned green and they started moving again talking sh*t the whole time.

I start riding my bike in the same direction they are going. At the light Mercer starts going downhill for four or five blocks. I ride past them just past the light and exchange more youthful banter as I ride past. Traffic starts to move and as they are going past me I couldn't resist and hacked up as much butter and and oyster as I could and let fly right in the passengers face.

I could here the guy yelling at the girl to pull over and at the next intersection she took a right. They are all jumping out of the car and I decide it would be wise of me to get out of here and in a hurry. I start putting down some cranks and realize its going to be a tight squeeze for me to get by.
But never being one to let down, as the guy was running at me and started to reach out to grab me as I went by I let fly with loogie number two! The first one was a face shot but I wasn't sure how good. But this one was true and square.
I couldn't help but laugh and yelled something like "kick my fat ass now" as I took off down the street.

Maybe I shouldn't be proud of this and maybe it was a bit of cowardice but I get a warm and fuzzy feeling everytime I think about it. Those were the days.

I summation, I say spit on them. Thats what I would do!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Still my favorite confrontation was at Critical Mass.

One thing about driving is you think are vastly superior to a cyclist since you are surrounded with hundreds of pounds of metal, but when you get out of your car at CM, it becomes you versus 100 cyclists.

Anyway, one guy got out of his car, ready to fight despite the hundreds of riders around him. I was able to get him back into his vehicle, by starting a simple chant:

D U I! D U I! D U I!


May 19, 2008
Northern Bay Area
I've been messed with a few times but the only notable time I had my paintball gun on me. Here's how it went:

Riding down the street, minding my own business. I've got the short barrel on my pb gun with a remote line to the tank because I was showing off my gear to some buddies and it fits better in my bag that way anyways. Come up to a light and it's red, so I stop, and I'm in the bike lane. Some asshat comes up behind me and honks then yells at me. I turn around and tell him if he doesn't stop honking he'll regret it. He stopped honking yes, but he came closer until he was pushing me with his car.

Pulled out my paintball gun and a pod, emptied the pod into the hopper and aimed at him. Apparently he didn't think I was serious because he kept going forward.

So I unloaded a full 200rd hopper onto his windshield. The whole thing was bright orange. In this time, the light had turned green so I left after that.

Cowardice yeah, but cyclists have far less protection against motorists so I find it justifiable when somebody's being a dick to **** with them and bolt. chances are if you don't bolt you'll probably really regret it, too =p


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
I've been messed with a few times but the only notable time I had my paintball gun on me. Here's how it went:

Riding down the street, minding my own business. I've got the short barrel on my pb gun with a remote line to the tank because I was showing off my gear to some buddies and it fits better in my bag that way anyways. Come up to a light and it's red, so I stop, and I'm in the bike lane. Some asshat comes up behind me and honks then yells at me. I turn around and tell him if he doesn't stop honking he'll regret it. He stopped honking yes, but he came closer until he was pushing me with his car.

Pulled out my paintball gun and a pod, emptied the pod into the hopper and aimed at him. Apparently he didn't think I was serious because he kept going forward.

So I unloaded a full 200rd hopper onto his windshield. The whole thing was bright orange. In this time, the light had turned green so I left after that.

Cowardice yeah, but cyclists have far less protection against motorists so I find it justifiable when somebody's being a dick to **** with them and bolt. chances are if you don't bolt you'll probably really regret it, too =p
No, drivers are cowards for using 2 ton metal things with moters as weapons.

Another critical mass story. Some driver got mad at some messengers because he had been waiting for 10 minutes. The guy gets out of the car and the messengers proceed to surround him. The guy starts talking **** to the main guy that had been taunting him. After 30 seconds or so of yelling the guys goes, lets go. He swings at the messenger the messenger ducks and proceeds to smash the guys nose hard. Then some one else starts talking **** to the guy how he got hit in the face, guy gets mad swings at the other messenger, the he ducks ducks (the driver was kind of old and fat so he wasn't moving to fast) then hits him in the face again. These messengers took turns antagonizing this guy and to the point of swinging and hitting him in the face, after 5 or 6 people hitting him and after hitting the ground a couple times he decided it would be best to get in his car and STFU


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
One day some pony-tailed fvckface in a pickup side swipe me on College Ave. He busted down Alcatraz and tried to ditch me. (nope - I was pissed and fast) I rolled up on him as he was getting out of his car and screamed at him in front of his wife and all of his neighbors (garage sale next door). I wasn't even scratched but I noticed my pedal had scraped the fvck out of his passenger door. I think I made him **** his pants.

I rode past his house a few times after that. One day his driver side window was open. I had a full 16oz cup of Royal coffee, so.....

I've had dozens of similar events to this. The one noted below was on College.
I was manualing down Bancroft one day on my slalom bike and a bunch of HS groms decided to throw water balloons at me while riding. Once I realized what they were doing because one hit me, I lost it. They took off down Bancroft turned up Shattuck, but I was so pissed that I was going wide open to catch them. After a 10 or so block chase, they eventually got stuck at the light by Ben & Jerry's on the west side of campus. I was livid and kicked off the mirror from their car as well as giving it a few SPD kicks. They were scared ishtless. I don't think they will ever harass cyclists again. I don't remember what kind of car it was, but I remember it being too nice for the kids, likely mom's car. I've always wondered how they explained that one...


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
No, drivers are cowards for using 2 ton metal things with moters as weapons.

Another critical mass story. Some driver got mad at some messengers because he had been waiting for 10 minutes. The guy gets out of the car and the messengers proceed to surround him. The guy starts talking **** to the main guy that had been taunting him. After 30 seconds or so of yelling the guys goes, lets go. He swings at the messenger the messenger ducks and proceeds to smash the guys nose hard. Then some one else starts talking **** to the guy how he got hit in the face, guy gets mad swings at the other messenger, the he ducks ducks (the driver was kind of old and fat so he wasn't moving to fast) then hits him in the face again. These messengers took turns antagonizing this guy and to the point of swinging and hitting him in the face, after 5 or 6 people hitting him and after hitting the ground a couple times he decided it would be best to get in his car and STFU
This is why I have utter contempt for the critical mass morons.
The pathetic cowards here were the messenger boys. :disgust:


Another critical mass story. Some driver got mad at some messengers because he had been waiting for 10 minutes. The guy gets out of the car and the messengers proceed to surround him. The guy starts talking **** to the main guy that had been taunting him. After 30 seconds or so of yelling the guys goes, lets go. He swings at the messenger the messenger ducks and proceeds to smash the guys nose hard. Then some one else starts talking **** to the guy how he got hit in the face, guy gets mad swings at the other messenger, the he ducks ducks (the driver was kind of old and fat so he wasn't moving to fast) then hits him in the face again. These messengers took turns antagonizing this guy and to the point of swinging and hitting him in the face, after 5 or 6 people hitting him and after hitting the ground a couple times he decided it would be best to get in his car and STFU
:disgust1: not cool. Sounds like how Nortenos jump in a guy. Real heroes those a**hole messengers are.