
I just had a bad experience donating blood

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Everything went fine until they were taking the needle out of me after taking my blood. I started to feel very nauseous and felt like puking. Then I got very hot and started sweating pretty bad, right through my clothes. They had to lay me down, prop my feet up, and stick a few ice packs on me. The feeling went away after about 10 minutes and I am fine now, but it sucked while it lasted. I have donated blood before but this is the first time I had this reaction to it. One nice thing about working for a hospital is that there were PLENTY of medical staff there to help. :)

Oh well. Just felt like sharing. :monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
The last time I gave blood, the nurse who I got was still in school. It took her 3 times to get it right. And on both failed attempts, she didn't just stick the needle in, miss, then pull out. Nooooo. She would stick the needle in, miss, then wiggle damn needle around trying to hit the vein before giving up. I haven't given blood since.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I hear ya, IAB, but perhaps this true story will make you feel better about your own blood-donation experience:

My father-in-law has had a lifetime of near-death experiences: brain anurism, kidney failure, quadruple bypass, strokes, skin grafts, etc. This past Spring, the kidney that kept him alive for the past 25 years- donated by his wife- finally gave out. One of the members of our old church in Arlington that my in-laws still attend, seeing his name on the prayer list, felt moved by the spirit to donate a kidney to him. Miracle upon miracles, the statistical improbability became a reality...she was a perfect match! So all the hoops are jumped through by all involved, a surgery date set and all the specialists scheduled. He's still on dialysis, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. So he goes in for a hip-replacement in the interim, I make a series of special trips down to Arlington to donate the blood for his surgeries(as I am a perfect blood match), and it is assumed all is well. His hip-replacement goes as planned and he is recovering from that while awaiting his kidney transplant surgery.

Well, if he didn't have bad luck he'd have none at all. The hip-replacement surgeons fvcked up and didn't use my donated blood...they used blood that was not a perfect match and as a result, his blood chemistry is altered to the point that the good samaritan's offered kidney(which the hospital played no part in locating) is no longer a match and he will be on dialysis until either he expires or another miracle occurs. To make matters worse, while on his way to dialysis months later(due to the hospital's fvck up), he is sideswiped by some richbitch in a new BMW who swerved across many lanes of traffic into his off-ramp so as not to miss her turn and have to double-back. His new hip and many other bones are shattered in his legs in the resulting accident, he almost dies on the operating table due to cardiac arrest, and although he survived, he most likely will never walk again.

Not trying to make light of your own difficulties...just trying to inject some perspective. :thumb:

P.S. I donate regularly at my church, always go MTBing directly afterwards, and have never experienced what you did. Newbies sometimes screw up and have to restick me a few times to get it right, but the worst that has ever happened to me was when one dummy forgot to put the cap on the end of the needle-thingy. My blood spurted arterially all over her, an adjacent donor, the wall, the floor and made the room basically look like a Friday the 13th set before her fumbling hands could cap it. You can only imagine the fire drill that ensued what with fear of AIDS and all...


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
That started happening to me too. I have given blood a bunch of times and never had a problem. It just started out of the blue where I would get light-headed, tunnel vision and all that. It happened the next three times I gave blood (my wife and I had regular appointments to donate). It kinda started to freak me out. I tried to make sure that I was well hydrated before I gave and that my blood sugar was nice and high, but it never made any difference.

dh girlie

pixelninja said:
The last time I gave blood, the nurse who I got was still in school. It took her 3 times to get it right. And on both failed attempts, she didn't just stick the needle in, miss, then pull out. Nooooo. She would stick the needle in, miss, then wiggle damn needle around trying to hit the vein before giving up. I haven't given blood since.
Yeesh...I had the same type of thing happen...they were taking blood for a routine test for my diabetes and they can't see my veins well as it is, and this woman pissed me off...I should have known when she barely tightened the tournequit thing...she was moving that needle all over the place in my arm!!!

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
I hear ya, IAB, but perhaps this true story will make you feel better about your own blood-donation experience:

My father-in-law has had a lifetime of near-death experiences: brain anurism, kidney failure, quadruple bypass, strokes, skin grafts, etc. This past Spring, the kidney that kept him alive for the past 25 years- donated by his wife- finally gave out. One of the members of our old church in Arlington that my in-laws still attend, seeing his name on the prayer list, felt moved by the spirit to donate a kidney to him. Miracle upon miracles, the statistical improbability became a reality...she was a perfect match! So all the hoops are jumped through by all involved, a surgery date set and all the specialists scheduled. He's still on dialysis, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. So he goes in for a hip-replacement in the interim, I make a series of special trips down to Arlington to donate the blood for his surgeries(as I am a perfect blood match), and it is assumed all is well. His hip-replacement goes as planned and he is recovering from that while awaiting his kidney transplant surgery.

Well, if he didn't have bad luck he'd have none at all. The hip-replacement surgeons fvcked up and didn't use my donated blood...they used blood that was not a perfect match and as a result, his blood chemistry is altered to the point that the good samaritan's offered kidney(which the hospital played no part in locating) is no longer a match and he will be on dialysis until either he expires or another miracle occurs. To make matters worse, while on his way to dialysis months later(due to the hospital's fvck up), he is sideswiped by some richbitch in a new BMW who swerved across many lanes of traffic into his off-ramp so as not to miss her turn and have to double-back. His new hip and many other bones are shattered in his legs in the resulting accident, he almost dies on the operating table due to cardiac arrest, and although he survived, he most likely will never walk again.

Not trying to make light of your own difficulties...just trying to inject some perspective. :thumb:

P.S. I donate regularly at my church, always go MTBing directly afterwards, and have never experienced what you did. Newbies sometimes screw up and have to restick me a few times to get it right, but the worst that has ever happened to me was when one dummy forgot to put the cap on the end of the needle-thingy. My blood spurted arterially all over her, an adjacent donor, the wall, the floor and made the room basically look like a Friday the 13th set before her fumbling hands could cap it. You can only imagine the fire drill that ensued what with fear of AIDS and all...
Oh my god...that is horrible. Poor guy...

And HAHAHAHA to your P.S. story!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
llkoolkeg said:
It's that darn questionaire, right? What was the trip-up: the part about "have you given or received money for sex" or the "have you had homosexual sex" part?


I apologize, but you had to know it was coming. :D
i know,i asked for it. yeah the questions were really difficult. i thought theywere gonna be multiple choice so i could at least guess like on the SAT test i took to get into colludge but it was difficult. the i told them i had gay sex for money and they were like, "are you busy tonight?" but it was a female so i was like " i dont dig on chicks"

seriously though i have tried twice to donate and my blood pressure has been to low which is starnge cause i'm a walkin time bomb as far as stress goes.


Sep 7, 2004
I Are Baboon said:
Everything went fine until they were taking the needle out of me after taking my blood. I started to feel very nauseous and felt like puking. Then I got very hot and started sweating pretty bad, right through my clothes. They had to lay me down, prop my feet up, and stick a few ice packs on me. The feeling went away after about 10 minutes and I am fine now, but it sucked while it lasted. I have donated blood before but this is the first time I had this reaction to it. One nice thing about working for a hospital is that there were PLENTY of medical staff there to help. :)

Oh well. Just felt like sharing. :monkey:
Same thing happened to me, not giving blood though but getting an injection into the roof of my mouth so the dentist could extract a wisdom tooth, I don't like needles so got so worked up about getting it my blood pressure dropped, got the sweats almost hurled and likewise ended up feet in the air for 5-10min.

Funny thing is i have loads of tattoo's and thats never bothered me getting them done.

Still won't give blood and never will...


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
I've given blood more times that I can count...
Think I've been through 8 or 9 of those little "cards".
Never had one bad experience {yet?}

But one time just after finishing, I was talking to this guy, we were eating cookies & having some juice & he started convulsing & shaking all around...
I thought he was going to start saying "Two weeks - Two weeks" or something, & all the nurses came to help him...

I asked right away "Can I go now?"

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
I've managed to donate blood once despite many attempts over the years... every time I make an appointment I get sick a day or two beforehand... :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
never donated blood before, but once when i had limes disease they took allot outa me for testing, actually not that much, but i got a bad head rush, then like 3 seconds later i was out cold.

for u non coke heads or if ur normall and dont get headrushes like me all the time they feel like that. strange i get em all the time, never even done coke.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
There's no way in hell I could give blood.......I pass out about 50% of the time after getting a freaking shot... Doctor says I have a condition called VVS, I think that's his way of calling me being a big pussy :o: :( :monkey:


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
at my high school, they have a blood drive every year in the spring. They put this all over the announcements for months in advance, put up big banners, and the teachers tell us to donate blood. well, i don't mind helping people, so, on the day of the blood drive, i skip an off period to wait in line. I got to the front and said i wanted to donate, and only THEN did they tell me that only seniors can donate. i was uber pissed. oh, well. :)