
I just had a thought...yes just the one


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Ok...so they are going to hand Saddam Hussein back over to the Iraqi's for trial. Fine. Cool.

But now, chances are there are still at least a few people out there loyal to him.

So....he's all nice and secure wherever it is he's being held now. But s'pose they bring him back to Iraq. Do you think some of his posse could successfully bust him out while he awaits trial?

(I realize his trial would likely happen sooner than later, and justice, whatever that would be, would be swift. But still......)


Jun 14, 2002
Santa Monica
I would asume that while the iraqies would try him, the us would still hold him. and I would also assume that the us will protect the judges and prosecuters that are involved. I may be wrong, but I would think that this is the only real way to do it.


Jun 14, 2002
Santa Monica
from CNN

French attorney Jacques Verges, who has long made a name for himself representing notorious world figures, has said he will lead a team of defense lawyers in any future trial. He said he plans to call top U.S. officials to testify about their support of Saddam during the 1980s.

"It is a trial that must be open," Verges said last month. "We shall have the duty to look at the truth, but all the truth. And in this matter the links between the American government and the Iraq government are so close you cannot judge from one and the other."
this could be a very intersting trial on many levels