
I just need to rant/spew.....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
If they are going to school and working cut them some slack, you might not be thinking your a hard-ass, but if they are not used to it and they are doing what they need to do, try and cut them some slack (though I don't know how much slack you already are cutting them)

Sounds like he's pretty useless I say ride his ass till he can support himself or is on his way to
Yes, daughters are going to school and working (older held 2 jobs and ft student). I've always tried to present "chores" as "if it's one less thing your mom has to do, it's a big help". Yet it scares the poopoo out of me to wonder what "goodies" could be growing under their piles in their rooms. And again, I feel it's accountability-- if you say you're going to do something, do it, or accept the consequences. As for son, well, at this point, I do not appreciate his treating the house like his storage unit. If he paid some token "rent", or came over and did yard work, or such, yes, I can be more flexible towards his storing of stuff. He doesn't, so I'm inclined to put it the back of his truck, and have the truck towed for being "abandoned".

yeah you can and should be a little harsh on them. im a 17 year old kid. ive got two jobs, and have made it through a lot of **** pretty unscathed because my parents chew me out when i **** up. you tell them to clean some **** up. its not as hard for them as you might think.
Serious kudos to you. Honestly, it's always good to hear honest assessments of the younger generation. And I agree, and have said to them-- spend 30 minutes to an hour a day, get caught up on the rooms, then it's not so bad to maintain. Thought-- if it wasn't for wife, remove tv from living room.

Regarding wife-- this morning, we did have a small chat about son and his responsibilities. No, it wasn't much, yet it was in a calm manner, neither interrupting the other. I feel this is a good step in the right direction. What will the ultimatum be? Don't know, I just liked being able to discuss this with her........


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Yes, daughters are going to school and working (older held 2 jobs and ft student). I've always tried to present "chores" as "if it's one less thing your mom has to do, it's a big help". Yet it scares the poopoo out of me to wonder what "goodies" could be growing under their piles in their rooms. And again, I feel it's accountability-- if you say you're going to do something, do it, or accept the consequences. As for son, well, at this point, I do not appreciate his treating the house like his storage unit. If he paid some token "rent", or came over and did yard work, or such, yes, I can be more flexible towards his storing of stuff. He doesn't, so I'm inclined to put it the back of his truck, and have the truck towed for being "abandoned".
I understand that there rooms are gross (I for one can't do that anymore) but going from being a slob your whole life to being clean takes time (took me a good year) but then again if they say they will clean it that's their word. I on the other hand would never tell my parents I would clean my room.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Chase him around the house with this.

He'll leave, and your wife will respect you more.
Respect the cock, tame the cunt!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
i never understood staying at home that long . i love my freedom too much. ive been out of the house for 3 years and have matured so much more than people i know who are the same age and still live at home. reality is a good teacher. a parents job is to give a kid all the tools they need to be a successful adult. its up to the kids if they want to use those tools. at 23 i think its more harm than good letting him stay there. he has his own truck, let him sleep in it awhile
I'm with lovebunny here. When I graduated high school, I moved away for college. I came home the first summer, and that was it.

Maybe its time you introduce them to the door.
I'm with jonKranked & lovebunny here. Came home the first summer and that was it.

It sounds to me like there are some definite issues with consistency and expectation. I think you and the Mrs. really need to sit down and have a big talk (hopefully not an argument) to set the ground rules. All 3 "children" are really young adults and desperately need to learn responsibility.

Sounds like a tough situation, but I hope you can make it through.