
I know I'll be attacked but I have to clarify...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
having an idea and having the technical abilities to make that idea a reality are different things.

i have this awesome idea for a kick ass instant transporter and bacon cooker. unfortunately i do not possess the power to make it come into existence. will people weep when i die?
having an idea and having the technical abilities to make that idea a reality are different things.

i have this awesome idea for a kick ass instant transporter and bacon cooker. unfortunately i do not possess the power to make it come into existence. will people weep when i die?
When they all got the news
That jonKranked was dead
They goes home and dresses up in red


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!

Minute Man Messenger on Bromfield st in Boston had a fleet of these. If you had the balls you could lease one for a week @$55. If you hussled and showed up for work you could make $100 a day. It was the hardest Job I ever had..... Soul crushing actually...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
If Steve jobs was really god/Jesus/dW's illegitimate father he would have brought willy wonka's most inconceivable ideas to life. He sucked.