
i learned an important lesson


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i learned that when a conference call director asks a question like " any suggestions?" that they dont really want to hear any suggestions at all. What they wanna hear is "your idea sounds like the perfect solution"

just thought i would share to save you all the trouble.

The other lesson is when you are on your cell phone on the conference call make sure to mute before taking a piss.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Don't you mean " i learned some important lessons" because you actually learned 2 things?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
biggins said:
i learned that when a conference call director asks a question like " any suggestions?" that they dont really want to hear any suggestions at all. What they wanna hear is "your idea sounds like the perfect solution"
Did you get kicked in the nards for some criticism?



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Talking on the phone while taking a piss is both unhygenic and uncool. I once saw a guy drop his cell in the urinal while shaking off- it just fell right out the crook of his shoulder for a 10-point splashdown. He was somewhat irked with my laughter.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
llkoolkeg said:
Talking on the phone while taking a piss is both unhygenic and uncool. I once saw a guy drop his cell in the urinal while shaking off- it just fell right out the crook of his shoulder for a 10-point splashdown. He was somewhat irked with my laughter.
i was using a handsfree ear bud and a holster so i could walk around and fix my coffee.

they came up with a really bad idea that creates at least 3 times our current workload. They followed that up with a "anyone have any suggestions?" to which i made a suggestions that they apparently did not like and made it adbundantly clear when calling me after the conference call. They didnt want to scold me during the call so they just called me back.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
biggins said:
i learned that when a conference call director asks a question like " any suggestions?" that they dont really want to hear any suggestions at all. What they wanna hear is "your idea sounds like the perfect solution"
Actually, they just want to hear silence so the conference call can end and people can get the hell out of there and back to doing real work.

BTW, I actually like conference calls. It's much easier to not pay attention than in face to face meetings. :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
Talking on the phone while taking a piss is both unhygenic and uncool. I once saw a guy drop his cell in the urinal while shaking off- it just fell right out the crook of his shoulder for a 10-point splashdown. He was somewhat irked with my laughter.
My first phone was broke that way. I got home from my christmas party drunk off my ass and my friend called me. I was wearing a suit coat so I tried to answer the phone that was in the inside pocket of the coat.... barely got it out of the pocket before it went falling into the toilet.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i dropped my pedometer in the toilet the other day at work. i came out of the bathroom fuming about it and this girl i worked with picks it up and starts trying to fix it. i decided since she already had her hands all over it, it would do me no good to warn her that in fell in the toilet after i peed.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
Talking on the phone while taking a piss is both unhygenic and uncool. I once saw a guy drop his cell in the urinal while shaking off- it just fell right out the crook of his shoulder for a 10-point splashdown. He was somewhat irked with my laughter.
Unfortunately (actually, very fortunately) the stall walls blocked my view, but I watched a marketing guy at an old job hurriedly enter a stall, while talking on a phone, and let loose with the most atrocious series of squirts you can imagine.

While he was (I'm guessing) cleaning himself up, still talking on the phone (I can't imagine who he was talking to or what they thought the sounds were), I hear, "S**t!" <SPLASH> ... silence ...

I walked out of the bathroom absolutely roaring with laughter.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
laura said:
i dropped my pedometer in the toilet the other day at work. i came out of the bathroom fuming about it and this girl i worked with picks it up and starts trying to fix it. i decided since she already had her hands all over it, it would do me no good to warn her that in fell in the toilet after i peed.
Thats awesome!!!!

You should call her Little Miss Pee Hands from now on.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
biggins said:
liquid damage is non-repairable and will void all manufacturer warranties.
First question the Cell Phone guy asked me was if I dropped it in a toilet when I tried to return it.
I never opt for the insurance policy.


Mar 30, 2003
Down South
We caught someone at home today on a conference call. In outside sales, we are all supposse to be in the office, guy was going on and on about some report and next thing we hear is his dogs barking in the background.


Aug 14, 2001
When some nimrod is yapping away on their cell phone while on the crapper I always make it a point to flush the toilet next to them. But first, I wait until they aren't talking so the person on the other end gets to fully hear where they are. :evil: