
I met a famous rapper today

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
narlus said:
i can't believe the thread title isn't:

i met a famous raper today

(coming from picture) Hey, thatsth not faya. You don undathand! I wuthn't no rapitht. I wuth fwamed! I was fwamed I tell ya! That girl came upthairs wantin' to have thex! She wanted THEX I tell ya! You thpeak like I did thumpin wrong. But I thware, the girl went up into the bafroom to remove a tampon and she wanted it! I wuth fwamed!

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
morethanjake543 said:
I hate this superficial "hyphy" and "crunk" fad, but I can assure you that it takes more talent to put together an over-produced song with a lame hook than you'd think.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is obviously missing out by not cashing in on such an easy gig.
Yeh, I'm sure it's hard to use drum tracks, other peoples music with samplers and ryhming the same damn regurgitated crap over and over and over takes a lot of talent. GEEZE! Get a clue. Rap is Crap and it's about to no longer be wack, and dat's da fact, jack!

Hard rock is coming back. The age of six black dues on stage dressed like the last six on stage last month hopin up and down leaning side to side, holding one hand on their crotch to hold their pants up and holding a mike 35 degrees downward is coming to an end, thank god! Now we can get back to creating MUSIC, REAL MUSIC and melody and harmony. No more talking into a mike. The commentary isn't singing. It's talking. No talent. Noooo Talent. Read my text, NOOooo Talent! And no more songs that start off with, "Yee-uh yee-uh," or "Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo," The ride is about to be over.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Chunky Munkey said:
Yeh, I'm sure it's hard to use drum tracks, other peoples music with samplers and ryhming the same damn regurgitated crap over and over and over takes a lot of talent. GEEZE! Get a clue. Rap is Crap and it's about to no longer be wack, and dat's da fact, jack!

Hard rock is coming back. The age of six black dues on stage dressed like the last six on stage last month hopin up and down leaning side to side, holding one hand on their crotch to hold their pants up and holding a mike 35 degrees downward is coming to an end, thank god! Now we can get back to creating MUSIC, REAL MUSIC and melody and harmony. No more talking into a mike. The commentary isn't singing. It's talking. No talent. Noooo Talent. Read my text, NOOooo Talent! And no more songs that start off with, "Yee-uh yee-ug," or "Yo Yo." The ride is about to be over.
Hard rock, hahahaha.



Apr 8, 2004
aznfreerdr08 said:
e40, underground. hahahahahahahahahahaha
E40 is nowhere near underground. he's about as underground as MAC GAY (macdre)
Dammmn son, you gonna die. Mac's gonna rise from the dead, pull the license plate out his neck, and straight ice your ass.

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
Read my text. NOOooo Talent! Black people today can't hold a candle to bands like Parliament, and Earth Wind and Fire. Wanna see a REAL COMEDY reality TV Show on Television today? Take the TOP 20 Black Hip Hop Rap artists and put an instrument in their hand and see if they can play guitar, bass, horns, keys and synths, and then sing in harmony and hold a key let alone write music with MELODY, and HARMONIZING lyrics, that ain't about killing someone or f**king some ho. See if they can sing where one guy is low, one middle and one high. Go listen to some older black genre music and THEN you will understand how talented black people really use to be. The black culture has lost their talent to a bunch of record mogul marketing geniuses catering to a certain niche market targeted all to glorify the lower class inner city strife way of life that's all led by a bunch of black street thugs. There ain't a talented one in the bunch.

Now a guy like Usher, he can actually sing. He's about at close to a singer as you're gonna find. Mariah Carey, not only HOT BODACIOUS DELICIOUS as her beautiful face and hot little body is, but she's got TALENT! She can sing a whole octive. Not to many singers have that capability.

Oh I'm not saying all the rappers are gonna go away, but a very large percentage of the white kids that have been buying their albums are growing up and are gonna stop buying any day now. And the next generation of white youth is tired of the rehashed, re-edited, same cut and chop old stuff with a new computerized drum track and a new hook lyric or street expression that comes along with the same old jumping low rider 64' Impala's or Lamborghinni Gilliardos and a 65 person entourage bouncing up and down in the background while five thugs take turns getting all up real close swinging their hands into the face of the low angle camera laying five inches off the ground.

The only way black people will win them back is a new generation of black "Musicians" that bring back the old sound of FUNK. Yes funk and soul. Bands like Earth Wind and Fire, Parliament, War, The Commadores, Herbie Hancock, even songs like Superfly from Curtis Mayfield and Shaft are still considered great songs today. They have a great rythm and stand the test of time. September from Earth Wind and Fire is another example. The late GREAT Rick James, everyone makes fun of, "I'm Rick James Bitch!" He wrote many hits that people hear today and can't help but get up on the floor and start dancing to. Those are songs that will last a long time. Good well composed musically. Guys like Bootsie Collins and Sly and the Family Stone, created music that defined black music and unlike today sounded completely different from other bands in the same Genre. All rap sounds exactly the same. From the electronic drum tap to the Yo Yo Yo. Old school, that's where black music will go once again to grab both markets. If not, rap will continue only it wil stay in the black community cuz young whites today if you haven't noticed are showing up at shows like Oz fest and they're moshing to an all new breed of hard and metal rock from a bunch of short haired musicians with tatoos that can play and sing.

Word up my brotha! Rap is on it's way out. BIG time. Ask any huge record rep if he thinks whites are going to still be a large part of the consumer market. I work in advertising. I know. Trust me, I know.

Funk and soul are coming back with a new breed of talented black youth. With a vengeance. And it's gonna sound good!

Go check it out.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Chunky Munkey said:
If not, rap will continue only it wil stay in the black community cuz young whites today if you haven't noticed are showing up at shows like Oz fest and they're moshing to an all new breed of hard and metal rock from a bunch of short haired musicians with tatoos that can play and sing.
And you honestly think any of the bands playing at Oz fest have any vocal talent whatsoever?

Come on be honest............

And at some point I am sure there will be a Tool reference in this thread, but they eat GW's asshole.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Chunky Munkey said:
Word up my brotha! Rap is on it's way out. BIG time. Ask any huge record rep if he thinks whites are going to still be a large part of the consumer market. I work in advertising. I know. Trust me, I know.

But the rap on huge record labels is gay anyway. So your point is moot.

Rap will always be around, whether you like it or not

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
Changleen said:
Uh, I think that might be a instant banning offence...OMFG.
Compared to Snoop Dog or Dr. Dre's voice, FLAVA FLAVE? HELL Yeh Usher can sing. Absofreakinlutely!
stevew said:
And you honestly think any of the bands playing at Oz fest have any vocal talent whatsoever? Come on be honest.....
Well Oz fest isn't a perfect example. But not all bands at Oz fest, but yes some do actually sing and have harmonizing voices. Just talking into a mic is not singing. It's just talking. It's not talent. Nor is walking around on stage with a mic and no instrument. Holding a note is singing. Playing an instrument is a musician. Rap stars are like, "the band," or "We's rock stars." Uh HELLOOoo, when did ROCK become rap? At least an example of trying to sing is Coolio in Gangsta Paradise. He goes up and down with his voice. His voice don't sit in one area and just talk. He moves it up and down and tries to sing. Not a great example but. He isn't that good but the song has more to it in harmony, background vocal singing and music merit.

But Rock is coming back and it will take a huge cut out of rap music sales from the white market. Five years tops. Ask any radio station where it's all going. They'll tell ya. And don't ask a station that plays all rap. That will be a one sided view.

Hey don't get mad, I'm just telling it like it is. No one thought 50's Bee Bop music would go. But it did. And the sixties hippie generation thought their music wouldn't, but it was replaced by 70's disco. Blacks went from gospel to soul, from soul to jazz and funk, from funk to disco, then it died out for a while, while the 80's took hold with long hair, spandex and heavy metal. Grunge and Alternative killed 80's music. Everyone thought it was here to stay. So did Gen X with alternative. Then rap took over and bit a large chunk out of white rock market sales. Now it's coming full circle back to rock and hard rock again. Not my doing. Just a new generation that doesn't want to listen to their parents music. Don't get ticked at me about it. It's just the way things are moving. Doesn't mean you have to go along with them and buy it. Just means you'll be out like all the 80's people wondering what happened to your type of music and why it got replaced. Youth. Trust me. The black rap market being bought by whites is diminishing. Rap is being shown the door. It will still be there but it will fade out of the main stream. All genre's do. Unless bands like Living Color start popping up, the white market will go back to buying rock over rap. That's not me, that's just life's cycle. 2010 is coming. It's way over due. Have a good one. :)

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
Hey now, I made a very nice compliment to your daughter pic the other day. I'm just pointing out that rappers in the true sence of the word TALENT, have none as all they do is hold a mic and talk into it. ANYONE can do that and ANYONE can sample music with the proper equipment. Not everyone can sing and not everyone can play instruments well enough to record a good TALENT album. That's all. No big D.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
"All rap sounds exactly the same"

So these sound the same....



Jun 30, 2004
Santa Barbara
Chappelle voice* WHYYYYTEEE POWWEERRR*Chappelle voice

Dude, calm down about the rap going away stuff. I hope it does, it would make no difference to me. Any music that is mainstream these days suck, and don't even get me started on other genres of musac. I will keep listening to the underground stuff I listen to now, which is made by people who really are talented.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004

Everything mainstream sucks!


:rolleyes: :nopity: Poor teenagers. This kinda shows what Chunky is talking about though. His opinion about it still sucks though. :mad: ;)
Oct 9, 2003
Chunky Munkey said:
Not everyone can sing and not everyone can play instruments well enough to record a good TALENT album.
So how about Beastie Boys, The Roots, Outkast and other rappers who play instruments? What about Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and other crossover band who rap and play instruments. talent or no talent?
Chunky Munkey said:
Just talking into a mic is not singing. It's just talking. It's not talent.
I bet Jay-Z could kill you in 8 bars. And please don't mention Coolio or Living Colour again.
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
Chunky Munkey said:
Yeh, I'm sure it's hard to use drum tracks, other peoples music with samplers and ryhming the same damn regurgitated crap over and over and over takes a lot of talent. GEEZE! Get a clue. Rap is Crap and it's about to no longer be wack, and dat's da fact, jack!

Hard rock is coming back. The age of six black dues on stage dressed like the last six on stage last month hopin up and down leaning side to side, holding one hand on their crotch to hold their pants up and holding a mike 35 degrees downward is coming to an end, thank god! Now we can get back to creating MUSIC, REAL MUSIC and melody and harmony. No more talking into a mike. The commentary isn't singing. It's talking. No talent. Noooo Talent. Read my text, NOOooo Talent! And no more songs that start off with, "Yee-uh yee-uh," or "Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo," The ride is about to be over.
Take rap and replace it with any genre you want and you'll have the same valid arguement. And don't give us any of that "extrapolate the stereotypes" BS. Yo, Yo, Yo, you probably thought talking in hyperbole in middleschool made you cooler than all the other kids. Your argument isn't witty or relevent.

My point is this: That image you're refuring to as "rap" isn't real rap. You're basing your opinions off of assumptions you make from the trash that pop-culture hands you. Dig deeper. Hard-rock has it's 'crunk' and you'd be silly not to feel the same way about it when becomes the next video-fad.

It's easy to take some drum beats and samples and make a decent sounding song. It's also easy to take a few chords and a drum beat and get something that sounds legitimate as well. It takes talent to do such things well. How do I know? I'm a trained percussionist. I've played in jazz, latin, and rock bands. None of which were forced upon me in my schooling. Being geninely interested in music, I've taken a generous amount of time to expirament with the same equiptment that rappers use to create their music - it, without a doubt, is a talent.

The "cool" genre (and the trash that gets shoveled to the masses with it) will always change with time, you're completely on-spot with that. However, long after a genre is created, there will always be legitimate musicians who utilize said genre to express themselves with talent and energy.
Jun 18, 2004
Dirtbike said:
E-40 acutally lives about 5 houses down the street from a friend of mine.
Str8OutaBallard said:
So is that in Danville or what?.... this thread is lame.
I find reading this more intresting... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-40
or if you go here and hear him http://www.myspace.com/e40
Dirtbike said:
so E40 just wants us to believe he's from Vallejo, now?... in a way I can picture him buying a house in Danville... but hey, there is always the Vallejo hills and Glen Cove... but Danville and E40, hard to fathom
Oct 9, 2003
Str8OutaBallard So is that in Danville or what?.... this thread is lame. I find reading this more intresting... [url said:
For the European route, see European route E40.



Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Str8OutaBallard said:
so E40 just wants us to believe he's from Vallejo, now?... in a way I can picture him buying a house in Danville... but hey, there is always the Vallejo hills and Glen Cove... but Danville and E40, hard to fathom
When he says he is from vallejo he means he grew up there, he currently lives danville. Not only does he live in danville but he lives in a extreamly rich gated comunity within danville called blackhawk


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Rappers get rich and guess what, they don't want to live in the same slum they grew up in.

50 Cent is famous for moving to a staid central Connecticut town. He still lives a bling lifestyle, evidenced by his birthday bashes which are shown on MTV, but it is funny how the rich white people around him react to their much wealthier neighbor...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
TheMontashu said:
When he says he is from vallejo he means he grew up there, he currently lives danville. Not only does he live in danville but he lives in a extreamly rich gated comunity within danville called blackhawk
He lives in Blackhawk?


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
sanjuro said:
Rappers get rich and guess what, they don't want to live in the same slum they grew up in.

50 Cent is famous for moving to a staid central Connecticut town. He still lives a bling lifestyle, evidenced by his birthday bashes which are shown on MTV, but it is funny how the rich white people around him react to their much wealthier neighbor...
There are no neighbors. My sister was doing an internship for Vanity Fair and they went to his house for a photo shoot, AND I live literally 10 minutes from it. Not much around in Farmington.
Jun 18, 2004
sanjuro said:
Rappers get rich and guess what, they don't want to live in the same slum they grew up in.

50 Cent is famous for....
50 Cent wouldn't be anybody unless he got up in M&M's bungwhollio, yo...

the 2 reasons why E40 interest me are that:
1) I lived in V-town for 4 years when I went to Cal Maritime and people up here would ask me about Magizine St etc...
2) that from what I've read he's completely selfmade, as in the entrpenerual sense.... like Esham, only he made it

Blackhawk is for wankers! he should live in Benicia... if he wants to live the 'bling lifestyle' why dosn't he live in next to Robin Williams in the city... I heard that he was born in Oakland anyway...

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
stevew said:
"All rap sounds exactly the same"

So these sound the same....
YES THEY DO!!! Not only does it prove exactly what I'm saying to the point, but it etches it in stone. You can call it rapping but it's just talking, no actual singing. Kind of like BOOMHAUER on King Of The Hill. You know jus like them ding ol' dang ol black folk boys from da hood just talkin into a mic premuch jus talkin bout nuthin here I'll tell ya what.

And I didn't listen to them all but these last two and this is EXACTLY what I mean by NO TALENT! No singing, just talking talking talking yeh yeh yo yo same old regurgitated repackaged remarked to a bunch of brain washed people to believe it's better than the old crap. All designed to TAKE YOUR MONEY!

Rainer Wolfcastle said:
So how about Beastie Boys, The Roots, Outkast and other rappers who play instruments? What about Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and other crossover band who rap and play instruments. talent or no talent?

I bet Jay-Z could kill you in 8 bars. And please don't mention Coolio or Living Colour again.
Beastie boys can't sing either. Terrible voices. No harmonies there either. But they have musician talent and are truly talented as they can do more than just talk into a mike and walk around hoping on stage saying, "Yeh yeh," and "Yo Yo." Limp Bizkit, Fred Durst does not great voice but your getting into the area of singing holding a note and showing "RANGE" over audio. Linkin ain't too bad. That's a good example of talent. The voice shows range and singing as oposed to talking. But I wouldn't classify these rock bands you describe in the category of RAP or Hip Hop. That's more a rock with rap style lyrics but none the less, the white boys is singing and the black boys is talkin. The talking rappin is no talent. It's just rhymin.

As to JZ killing me in 8 bars, I agree, he probably could kill me in 8 bars. A topless bar, a biker bar, a disco bar, a dance club bar, a country western bar, a nude bar, a cigar bar or a juice bar and in that case only with a nine millimeter cuz ya boy can't sing. :rofl:

Oh almost forgot where he should be singing, in a GAY bar cus his singing voice SUCKS!:eviltongu:

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
It all comes down to this. No musical instruments played by the actual band=no talent.

Singers not actually singing into the mic, just talking into it over and over for purposes of just ryhmin=no talent.

Got the picture? No talent=a public finally no longer listening to the trends and latest marketing hype, bored with it and ready to move on to the next thing.

History repeats itself. Rap is on the way out.

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
konabiker said:
Chappelle voice* WHYYYYTEEE POWWEERRR*Chappelle voice

Dude, calm down about the rap going away stuff. I hope it does, it would make no difference to me. Any music that is mainstream these days suck, and don't even get me started on other genres of music. I will keep listening to the underground stuff I listen to now, which is made by people who really are talented.
I'm not excited or upset about it! Chappelle RULES! I just said, talking in a mic monotonous simply ryhmin isn't talent. Playing a musical instrument on stage and being a band all playing different instruments, making music and SINGING as in holding notes, as in going high and low with the voice holding notes IS. Talking is NOT TALENT! PERIOD! Ergo rap, hip hop, 5 guys swinging there hands into a camera walkin around on stage holding a mike is no talent.

And rap, IS on it's way out as a mainstream white purchased product. The trend is moving BACK to rock. That's all. No calming down needed. I'm not worked up at all. Any time you say something that is the truth there are a lot of people that don't want to hear it. But they'll all fade as the fad fades and that's what makes generations, ''generations.''