
i need a professional resume........


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
anyone on here do that for a living or know where i can get one done? I would prefer to go somewhere local but i know monster.com does them. anyone ever had one made before? or have any ideas on how to select someone that knows what they are doing?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
what's wrong with one you write yourself?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well, i am pretty eloquent when i write, but a professional knows what employers are lookin for a lot more than i do. they can spice it up and phrase it better as well as maintain it and do a more professional format. the way i see it is if i can get an interview then i have a good shot at the position. in todays job market the only thing companies judge an applicant by for a position is some resume they recieved in HR over the internet so it is very important to have a well done resume.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
oh and most resume writers have lots of contacts in hr/recuiting departments, if someone sitcks out in their mind they can head you in the right firection as well as contact people.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Can't help you with the resume deal.I haven't ever had one.Worked a factory job when i was first married for about 5 years,left there and have worked for Toyota Industrial Equipment ever since(last 11 years).


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
biggins said:
well, i am pretty eloquent when i write, but a professional knows what employers are lookin for a lot more than i do. they can spice it up and phrase it better as well as maintain it and do a more professional format. the way i see it is if i can get an interview then i have a good shot at the position. in todays job market the only thing companies judge an applicant by for a position is some resume they recieved in HR over the internet so it is very important to have a well done resume.
meh. i view it as a waste of money, but then again i don't have a clear idea of what they do besides do it better than you or i can. :think: :oink: my job hunting tactic was to apply early and often. i used monstertrak and had a "hit rate" (interviews : positions applied for) of something like 1:20 fwiw.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
biggins said:
holy crap, i guess i need a degree for that job huh?

Actually,I started out there 11 years ago at the lowliest(is that a word?) position they had just to get my foot in the door.Have slowly worked my way up.Have had the Rep job the last 4 years.I don't have a college education unless you count the year I spent at EKU in a drunken stupor :thumb:
biggins, you just suggested to me a new interview technique.

"Please take ten minutes to recreate your resume on this notepad. It doesn't have to be perfect, just cover the major points that were mentioned on the one you sent us."

That would tell me a lot about an applicant.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 1, 2002
my wife works for careerperfect.com(resume writting), that is who you will get directed to from the monster.com link. My wife answers phones and edits the resumes and cover letters. Ask for Megan if you call.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
I've only written a resume once, and it seems like the silliest thing to worry about having it look perfect. JBP's solution sounds MUCH better. everyone seems to have a different idea of what should be on a resume and how it should look. If the resume is truly important, then how it looks shouldn't matter as much as what's on it and what your references have to say about you. i'll guarantee no one ever got a job just because the format of their resume was impressive. i say just put it together yourself, make it look presentable and concise (with no grammatical or spelling mistakes!), then go wow them in the interview.