Anyone have a left over drive side Shimano XT crank arm 175mm used that would want to part with it cheaply? I have a buddy, just fixed his bike up. He's a nube. Didn't know the pedals went on with specific left and right thread clock and counter clock. And I forgot to tell him. So when he went to put on his pedal he bought, he apparently cranked down on them hard, no pun intended
and stripped out one side bad. Now I need a new crank arm on the drive side, four bar to swap it out. Could care less about cosmetic, I will paint it flat black. Just got the bike Demo from texas and it's really nice.
Anyone have one PM me. I have a bunch of parts too just sitting around... maybe you might need something I have as well. Thanks.
BigHit R.

Anyone have one PM me. I have a bunch of parts too just sitting around... maybe you might need something I have as well. Thanks.
BigHit R.