
I now have less respect for Obama :(

What's your view of Obama today compared to months ago?

  • Like him more

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • same

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • less

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • other

    Votes: 4 6.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 17, 2002
(EDIT: My title is wrong... I should say I have less respect for him, not none)

He claims he's for Hope and Change. I don't remember specifically, but I'm sure he wants to be a Uniter.

His association with people saying stupid sh1t, his fighting with Hillary, his ego is getting in the way of his own claimed progress. If it's not his ego, then the right thing for him to do is take the VP role, heal the DNC, disassociate himself from nutjobs, and begin doing what he claims he wants to do.

The latest is once again his Pastor who hates America, hates whites, hates jews, hates N8...

Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11
Obama's Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Has a History of What Even Obama's Campaign Aides Say Is 'Inflammatory Rhetoric'

Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."

Is Obama's Pastor a Liability?

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's south side, has a long history of what even Obama's campaign aides concede is "inflammatory rhetoric," including the assertion that the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own "terrorism."

In a campaign appearance earlier this month, Sen. Obama said, "I don't think my church is actually particularly controversial." He said Rev. Wright "is like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with," telling a Jewish group that everyone has someone like that in their family.

Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope."

An ABC News review of dozens of Rev. Wright's sermons, offered for sale by the church, found repeated denunciations of the U.S. based on what he described as his reading of the Gospels and the treatment of black Americans.

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."



Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
His association with people saying stupid sh1t, his fighting with Hillary, his ego is getting in the way of his own claimed progress. If it's not his ego, then the right thing for him to do is take the VP role, heal the DNC, disassociate himself from nutjobs, and begin doing what he claims he wants to do.
So what you're saying is you're *for* Hillary (who associates with people saying stupid stuff, has picked fights with Obama, and has a WAY bigger ego)? I'm not saying BO's a saint, but considering his opponents, he might as well be...

The latest is once again his Pastor who hates America, hates whites, hates jews, hates N8...
Minus, minus, minus, plus.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Would you not hire a qualified employee because their pastor was an idiot?

Do you think Obama thinks the same things? If yes then don't vote for him,

If no then fugetaboutit. A good leader will not just surround himself with people who agree with him 100%. Same thing goes for Clinton? Do you think Hillary will be getting cunnilingussed in the White House because her husband is a philanderer?


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
A black man confirming America hasn't been good to black folks? Blasphemy!


Oct 17, 2002
Would you not hire a qualified employee because their pastor was an idiot?
Come on, how can you even suggest that? It's not remotely similar. Heck, one of our best employees here is a guy who got out of prison three months ago after five years for manufacturing and distributing meth... I wouldn't want him as PotUS.

If Obama stands for hope, how can he have a spiritual guide who's full of hate?

EDIT: This is NOT just about his Pastor, but the whole DNC and how he's not uniting the DNC.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Come on, how can you even suggest that? It's not remotely similar. Heck, one of our best employees here is a guy who got out of prison three months ago after five years for manufacturing and distributing meth... I wouldn't want him as PotUS.

If Obama stands for hope, how can he have a spiritual guide who's full of hate?

EDIT: This is NOT just about his Pastor, but the whole DNC and how he's not uniting the DNC.
I doubt anyone could unite in a race this close. What the **** do you want him to do? Run around hugging people? He slips up once and Hillary will tear him a new arsehole.


Oct 17, 2002
I doubt anyone could unite in a race this close. What the **** do you want him to do? Run around hugging people? He slips up once and Hillary will tear him a new arsehole.
Clearly we have different expectations of the man. He's up there at the inspirational level of JFK (fantasy or reality, doesn't matter).

I expect him to call the DNC together and end this in-fighting. If the main people behind the DNC can't convince Hillary to play fair, then they should ALL publically denounce her or tell Obama to be the VP. And Obama should lead this effort. If he's really sincere, he'd accept the VP role. Hell, who the fock wants to be PotUS and clean up GWB's mess? The first term will be nothing but putting out fires anyways and not building a bridge to the future.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
I see no problem with his Pastor speaking his mind. In fact, it's a refreshing idea in politics: someone actually speaking their mind and simply not repeating what it is the people want to hear. That being said, the entire country (okay, closed-minded rednecks...50% of population) isn't ready to accept the fact that racism has been, and is, a significant part of society.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Clearly we have different expectations of the man. He's up there at the inspirational level of JFK (fantasy or reality, doesn't matter).

I expect him to call the DNC together and end this in-fighting. If the main people behind the DNC can't convince Hillary to play fair, then they should ALL publically denounce her or tell Obama to be the VP. And Obama should lead this effort. If he's really sincere, he'd accept the VP role. Hell, who the fock wants to be PotUS and clean up GWB's mess? The first term will be nothing but putting out fires anyways and not building a bridge to the future.

That is where we differ. I couldn't care less about someone being inspiring, often I find it insulting. I just want leaders that work for the greater good of the country, not for special interests. A president doesn't need to be the guy riding the white horse holding a flag in one arm and leading a charge. The president was never intended to be that guy. The executive branch is named just that because they should be the ones that execute the law of the land.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
If Obama stands for hope, how can he have a spiritual guide who's full of hate?

EDIT: This is NOT just about his Pastor, but the whole DNC and how he's not uniting the DNC.
What's he supposed to say, that he stays home on Sunday morning to watch the Bears play? He'd be branded a muslim (again) in no time.

And there's no way he can unite the DNC at this point, since Hillary is the DNC's choice for a candidate and she'll fight, smear, slander and do whatever else it takes to get the nomination. The only problem is the people (so far) have actually stood up and voted for someone else. the *ONLY* way she can win is if the superdelegates hand her the nomination over the pledged delegates, and she's willing to fight for that chance (and pretty much destroy the DNC in the process). that's unacceptable.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Clearly we have different expectations of the man. He's up there at the inspirational level of JFK (fantasy or reality, doesn't matter).

I expect him to call the DNC together and end this in-fighting. If the main people behind the DNC can't convince Hillary to play fair, then they should ALL publically denounce her or tell Obama to be the VP. And Obama should lead this effort. If he's really sincere, he'd accept the VP role. Hell, who the fock wants to be PotUS and clean up GWB's mess? The first term will be nothing but putting out fires anyways and not building a bridge to the future.
when you factor in hundreds of millions of dollars spent competing against him, and hillary's sense of entitlement to the Office, do you really think this is going to happen? she learned from her husband to suck all the oxygen out of the room, and ain't no way she's going to take a back seat. this is her one shot, yet the people are voting for obama in larger numbers.

this is going to be messier than curt cobain's apt


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I expect him to call the DNC together and end this in-fighting.
The ONLY way he can do this is to concede, and why should he, he's ahead? Hillary fighting dirty is no reason for Obama to give up his lead and quit...

If the main people behind the DNC can't convince Hillary to play fair, then they should ALL publically denounce her or tell Obama to be the VP.
So you want the "main people behind the DNC" to overrule the primary voting and decide the nomination? That would completely alienate the 45% of voters so far who've voted for Clinton and somehow still believe that she has a chance.

And there's no chance Obama is going to be VP. Zero. Zilch.
1) it would destroy his credibility
2) if Hillary loses, he'll set up perfectly for the 2012 election
3) if Hillary wins, it'll be the most divisive, partisan government in YEARS (including the last 7) since the republicans will attack her relentlessly, and he'll still be set up perfectly to re-challenge her (and probably win) in 2012.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003

Would have been much better off being a 20th/21st century black man in Africa!
would that be apartheid south africa, the sudan, rwanda, or rhodesia?

edit: oh wait, you're being sardonic


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
has anyone else listened to barack's pastor's (now) widely messages? he'd better find a new church or the wheels are coming off. no 2 ways about it.

and another thing: if you were to bring up in casual conversation that barack's half-white whenever his race is discussed, how you think that'll come off? :think:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
LOL! Hanity is playing clips of him now... hehhehe

*edit; or so I heard, not that i would be listening to that kind of tripe


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
There are a lot of reasons I'm not qualified to run for president, but being associated with a bunch of assholes at various times during my life... that's really not disqualification criteria IMO.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
LOL! Hanity is playing clips of him now... hehhehe

*edit; or so I heard, not that i would be listening to that kind of tripe
i heard it listening to medved while taking an oatmeal soak.

(no loofa; that would be ghay)


Oct 17, 2002
There are a lot of reasons I'm not qualified to run for president, but being associated with a bunch of assholes at various times during my life... that's really not disqualification criteria IMO.
Except that he's not associated to this guy, he's a spiritual mentor, someone to be respected.

It's like Farrakhan supporting Obama... Khan's not an advisor, so Obama doesn't have to renounce his idiocy.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
True enough. I guess it's not too big a deal to me because on some levels I agree. I think if you look at everyone who has a relationship with each presidential candidate, you will find assholes galore. It's sad that campaigning has degraded to people researching each candidates' acquaintances, and looking for dirt on them. It's like "Well, we failed miserably at assailing Obama's character. Bring me a list of everyone he has talked to in the last 20 years!".


Oct 17, 2002
It's sad that campaigning has degraded to people researching each candidates' acquaintances, and looking for dirt on them.
First, I'd like to stress that these people are FAR more than just acquaintances.

Second, after Bush's admin, I think we have a responsibility to look at a candidate's advisors.

Imagine if in 1999-2000 that PNAC and all those associated with it and GWB was made into a huge 'scandal'? To refresh, they said in 1997 that they wanted to invade Iraq. Imagine how different the last seven years would've been if Gore or ANYone else was PotUS?

We have to 'investigate' advisors.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I need more than a quote from 5 years ago before I call this pastor the devil. I say more controversial sh!t than that every 10 minutes.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
So... just about every christian pastor bashes gays. Should we hold anyone who regularly attends a christian church to the stand you're holding Obama to Opie?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Don't really see how you can blame Obama for the DNC infighting, rather than Hillary. Explain how the guy with more delegates and less negative campaigning is the one that is a divider for not subjugating himself to a theoretical VP candidacy (that will probably never materialize based on Hil's current campaign tactics, should Hil get the nod).

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
up until this thread i thought most of LO's political discussions derived from intelligent thoughts.

you are assuming so much about obama. i mean spiritual mentor? maybe if you were lifelong friends with obama i'd believe you on that one. you also make it sound as if everyone who frequently attends religious services takes whatever their pastor/priest/rabbi/whatever says/believes to heart. if that truly were the case, then we'd have a huge problem with male catholics fondling young boys.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i thought race wasn't an issue this election...
it wasn't as long as obama knew his place.
now that he's gotten all uppity & starting wooing more voters, it's brought out the inner bitch in hillary.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
up until this thread i thought most of LO's political discussions derived from intelligent thoughts.

you are assuming so much about obama. i mean spiritual mentor? maybe if you were lifelong friends with obama i'd believe you on that one. you also make it sound as if everyone who frequently attends religious services takes whatever their pastor/priest/rabbi/whatever says/believes to heart. if that truly were the case, then we'd have a huge problem with male catholics fondling young boys.
10 seconds of googling might have prevented you from posting this drivel.

that's assuming it takes you ten seconds to type "obama spiritual mentor"


Oct 17, 2002
So... just about every christian pastor bashes gays. Should we hold anyone who regularly attends a christian church to the stand you're holding Obama to Opie?
So nobody is going to take the time to contemplate the subject?

Obama isn't anyone. McCain isn't anyone. These people want to be PotUS. Both of them have nutjob spiritual leaders.

Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? Are y'all dismissing advisors as irrelevant accessories? What if Obama chose a SecDef who wanted to invade Iran? He's just an advisor? What if McCain chose a Press Secretary who had tourettes?