. . . but . . . for the last 20 years . . . or so . . . I've been fairly "loyal" to the elephant party . . . what a limp dick thing to admit . . .
. . . anyway . . . I've FINALLY woken up and realized some things:
1 - W-bush is a damn liar - I actually believed the whole WMD BS - I'm such a fool - GW has done more to help turn back the clock on environmental issues than . . . well, it's just pathetic . . . and let's don't even talk about the mars/moon bullsh#t . . . and what about protecting American jobs ? Stupid moth-r-freaker . . . I think GW was carrying out the final vengence from his daddy . . . who didn't finish the job with Desert Storm . . . WMD my a$$ . . . f-you GW!!! 500 American lives lost . . . 6 to 8K Iraqi civilians died . . . nearing 2 billion for this BS "war" . . . are we any safer . . . f-yew!!!!
2 - All congressional politicians (dems & republicans) receive "lobby money", therefore, they are all whores - it's legalized bribery . . . the lobbyists "donate" to the politicians campaign fund simply because there is legislation on the table - or will be soon - that affects the corporation "donating" the money & they're simply buying a vote - f-that
3 - If I was ever asked if I smoked mary-j, I'd say "Hail-YES!!! and it was fun & though I don't smoke it anymore I don't regret all the damn good times I had when I did smoke it and it's a hellu lot safer than alco-freakin-hol
4 - I could go on & on . . . but . . . it's late & it's been three days since my last relief and . . . I don't wanna wake up with a woody again . . . so . . . I'm gonna go grab a couple of Kleenex and . . . . well . . . you get the idea, I'm sure . . .
peace out
. . . anyway . . . I've FINALLY woken up and realized some things:
1 - W-bush is a damn liar - I actually believed the whole WMD BS - I'm such a fool - GW has done more to help turn back the clock on environmental issues than . . . well, it's just pathetic . . . and let's don't even talk about the mars/moon bullsh#t . . . and what about protecting American jobs ? Stupid moth-r-freaker . . . I think GW was carrying out the final vengence from his daddy . . . who didn't finish the job with Desert Storm . . . WMD my a$$ . . . f-you GW!!! 500 American lives lost . . . 6 to 8K Iraqi civilians died . . . nearing 2 billion for this BS "war" . . . are we any safer . . . f-yew!!!!
2 - All congressional politicians (dems & republicans) receive "lobby money", therefore, they are all whores - it's legalized bribery . . . the lobbyists "donate" to the politicians campaign fund simply because there is legislation on the table - or will be soon - that affects the corporation "donating" the money & they're simply buying a vote - f-that
3 - If I was ever asked if I smoked mary-j, I'd say "Hail-YES!!! and it was fun & though I don't smoke it anymore I don't regret all the damn good times I had when I did smoke it and it's a hellu lot safer than alco-freakin-hol
4 - I could go on & on . . . but . . . it's late & it's been three days since my last relief and . . . I don't wanna wake up with a woody again . . . so . . . I'm gonna go grab a couple of Kleenex and . . . . well . . . you get the idea, I'm sure . . .
peace out