
I saw somebody run down a bike cop.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
This past saturday Sandwich and I were enjoying some delicious roast beef sandwiches from Clarck's Ale House in Syracuse. We bore witness to some dude running down a bike cop. The officer managed to dismount in time to get clear, but his bike got dragged for a good 50 feet. There was a cruiser on his tail about 4 seconds after he hit the bike (I think he was being pulled over and the one on a bike was assisting). Either way, he took off, made two laps around a museum on the next block, got airborne going up a curb (in a chevy lumina, awesome), made a lap around a parking lot and then sped out of sight. The cruiser was on his tail the whole time, and more sped by in under a minute. The officer was fine, and there was no way this guy was getting away. That livened up my lunch experience. Just thought I'd share.

Sorry I couldn't find any links, guess it didn't make the news.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Although they piss me off with their "sobriety" checkpoints and when they ticket me for speeding, smoking and shooting off fireworks, the alternative is a much worse option for society. It's a tough, hateful job that I sure as hell wouldn't want to do...but running one over? That's just not charitable.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Although they piss me off with their "sobriety" checkpoints and when they ticket me for speeding, smoking and shooting off fireworks, the alternative is a much worse option for society. It's a tough, hateful job that I sure as hell wouldn't want to do...but running one over? That's just not charitable.
Not charitable? That's downright bad kharma man.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Although they piss me off with their "sobriety" checkpoints and when they ticket me for speeding, smoking and shooting off fireworks, the alternative is a much worse option for society. It's a tough, hateful job that I sure as hell wouldn't want to do...but running one over? That's just not charitable.
I know you're not that dumb so I'll assume you're being sarcastic.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
thats pretty impressive.

i was once almost hit while riding my bike downtown. some schmo was makinga run for it, and ran a red and turned left.

that livened up my ride home.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Don't be so Puritan. :disgust:
Puritan? In what sense?
Being a Law Enforcement type myself, it bugs me when someone trys feebly to make light of a situation which could have resulted in a Cop losing his life.
As llkoolkeg said, "It's a tough, hateful job that I sure as hell wouldn't want to do...but running one over? That's just not charitable."
That Cop is someones husband, father, son, brother, friend, cousin etc, and although we all accept that dying in the line of duty is a possibility, when some moron attempts to hasten that death, I get a little torqued off. And then to joke about it, well, that just adds salt to the wound. I have worn black tape over my badge a few too many times this life, I pray I will never have to again.:rant:
Rant over...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
I got ticketed in a sting last weekend where cops had set up a check point at a popular exit on the interstate to nab people passing on the shoulder when traffic backed up. Normally I wouldn't, but I had been driving so long and ridden hard that morning and just wanted to be home, I followed the car in front of me who started the exit a bit early (20 feet before the dashed lines started). Anyway, cops were right there and pulled each person who did that over. They pulled over at least a half dozen people while I was being ticketed.

Okay, my bad. I broke the law. I got caught. Thing was, after pulling away I noticed that the only reason traffic was backed up at all was because there were four cops handing out tickets to would-be violators. Once past, traffic was moving steadily. So they caused the back up that they were then ticketing people for passing.

At that point, I started singing some NWA.

Also, fine $30, processing fee $50. What the **** is up with that?

*note: I have much respect for police. They do a job that they do not get paid enough for IMO. And I'm glad to hear that that cop escaped injury.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I got ticketed in a sting last weekend where cops had set up a check point at a popular exit on the interstate to nab people passing on the shoulder when traffic backed up. Normally I wouldn't, but I had been driving so long and ridden hard that morning and just wanted to be home, I followed the car in front of me who started the exit a bit early (20 feet before the dashed lines started). Anyway, cops were right there and pulled each person who did that over. They pulled over at least a half dozen people while I was being ticketed.

Okay, my bad. I broke the law. I got caught. Thing was, after pulling away I noticed that the only reason traffic was backed up at all was because there were four cops handing out tickets to would-be violators. Once past, traffic was moving steadily. So they caused the back up that they were then ticketing people for passing.
When I lived down there, they used to do the same thing on Columbia Pike near the Navy Annex and by the Wilson Bridge/495 before the RTE 1 exits...bastages!

At that point, I started singing some NWA.
Let me guess- I Ain't tha One? :biggrin:

Also, fine $30, processing fee $50. What the **** is up with that?
That would be the "damned if you do/damned if you don't fistfvck court surcharge".