
I think I'm going to bring my dog to work...

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
<rant on>If someone can bring their child into work and disrupt the work of others around them, why then would it not be acceptable for me to bring my "kid" to work?

I just don't get the mentality in this world that kids are the end all and be all and can go anywhere. Until my dogs are allowed to do the same then it will continue to piss me off! :angry: <rant off>


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I agree! In addition, why does my co-worker get to leave early to pick up his kids? He should have coordinated that around his work schedule, or come in to work earlier!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
you wouldn't be complaining as much if you were the mother of that child and were completely psyched that you were able to keep bringing the bacon home while not having to pay crazy amounts of money for daycare. i think it's cool that employers are OK with it. i wish i could bring my dog into work too, the difference is that the baby isn't going to growl at co-workers and sniff around the office all day looking for things to eat or piss on.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Velocity Girl said:
<rant on>If someone can bring their child into work and disrupt the work of others around them, why then would it not be acceptable for me to bring my "kid" to work?

I just don't get the mentality in this world that kids are the end all and be all and can go anywhere. Until my dogs are allowed to do the same then it will continue to piss me off! :angry: <rant off>
Dogs are allowed here where I work. If your dog is mellow and will sit quietly in an office or cubicle no problem. At any one time there will be 5-10 dogs in the building.

It gets interesting at lunch when all the dogs are headed out the door for walks at the same time. Some of them are territorial.

Kids are allowed too, if they are as well behaved as the dogs. If not, they should stay at home in or in a kennel.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Ciaran said:
I agree! In addition, why does my co-worker get to leave early to pick up his kids? He should have coordinated that around his work schedule, or come in to work earlier!!!
That's actually one situation where I treat my "kids" as co-workers treat theirs. If it is acceptable for them to leave early (without coming in early) to pick up their kids then I have no problem doing the same to pick my dog up from the vets, etc. (Even though I do try to make up the work during the If they make up the time, then I'll make up the time (even though I generally end up making it up regardless).

Equal rights for kids with fur!!!!!

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
dfinn said:
you wouldn't be complaining as much if you were the mother of that child and were completely psyched that you were able to keep bringing the bacon home while not having to pay crazy amounts of money for daycare. i think it's cool that employers are OK with it. i wish i could bring my dog into work too, the difference is that the baby isn't going to growl at co-workers and sniff around the office all day looking for things to eat or piss on.
You're working on an assumption that children are always better behaved than dogs. My dogs don't cry, bang against cubicle walls, play electronic video games with the volume up, or talk continuously.

My dogs are not aggressive and the one I would choose (my eldest) would be very content to just lay on his dog bed all day and sleep.

Kids have to be taken to the bathroom just the same as a dog does (depending on the age of the child of course). Kids have to be fed, etc. I don't see much of a difference.

So fine, if they can bring their kids in (to avoid paying daycare or whatever their reason) I should be able to do the same.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
H8R said:
Dogs are allowed here where I work. If your dog is mellow and will sit quietly in an office or cubicle no problem. At any one time there will be 5-10 dogs in the building.

It gets interesting at lunch when all the dogs are headed out the door for walks at the same time. Some of them are territorial.

Kids are allowed too, if they are as well behaved as the dogs. If not, they should stay at home in or in a kennel.
That's awesome!!!!! No way would I ever bring all 4 of mine in at once, but I know at least 2 of them would love it! (The other 2 would get to frustrated because they couldn't play). I would be so much happier and less stressed at work if I could pet my pup during the day :D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
Ok, your talking about rugrats, I was talking about infants. As long as they aren't mobile I'm cool with it, but when they are running and screaming around the office then I agree, they belong somewhere else.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
narlus said:
vg, i suggest you run for public office.

let us know how it works out.

Hehe...my platform would consist solely of laws to make the life of pets and pet owners more enjoyable! More dog parks, dogs at work, dogs in restaurants, dogs in stores. Oh yeah, and regulations about kids, oversized, and stinky people on airplanes (put 'em all on one flight far the hell away from me!)

I think I would be wildy popular :p


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Velocity Girl said:
Hehe...my platform would consist solely of laws to make the life of pets and pet owners more enjoyable! More dog parks, dogs at work, dogs in restaurants, dogs in stores. Oh yeah, and regulations about kids, oversized, and stinky people on airplanes (put 'em all on one flight far the hell away from me!)

I think I would be wildy popular :p
Don't forget the CAT VOTE! We cat owners need to leave early when our kids are sick too. Heck, my mom was over sunday to visit her grand-kitties... now that's love!

I am voting for Velocity Girl and the "More Pets, Less Kids" platform.


Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Ciaran said:
Don't forget the CAT VOTE! We cat owners need to leave early when our kids are sick too. Heck, my mom was over sunday to visit her grand-kitties... now that's love!

I am voting for Velocity Girl and the "More Pets, Less Kids" platform.

So sorry, I did not mean to forget our feline friends. At one of my previous jobs we were actually considering an office cat because it would fun to have one, and we had a bit of a mouse problem!!!

That's very sweet that your mom has grand-kitties! My mom sends my dogs toys every x-mas and brings them when she comes...she has finally come to terms that those are the only kind she's ever getting from me :D

That's a snappy slogan by the way...I like it! Want a job as my campain manager?

Edit: Check out the new sig :thumb:


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
chicodude said:
So, You are comparing dogs to kids...

I like dogs and all, but you have to be kidding
That is a crazy comparison.

I can get pretty much any dog to behave. And the ones that are impossible to deal with get put down. If only we could do that to children...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
splat said:

And how do you plan to Handle those of us who are Violently alergic to said Kids with Fur ?

Wait, what are we talking about now? Are these werewolf children?

It would suck if your kids were really hairy and you were allergic to them.


Aug 27, 2002
Seattle, WA
Repeat after me:

Pets Are Not People!

I don't know you VG, I have no beef with you, but I don't think you'll get very far arguing your furry friends are equal to you co-workers infants.


Dec 6, 2001
Velocity Girl said:
<rant on>If someone can bring their child into work and disrupt the work of others around them, why then would it not be acceptable for me to bring my "kid" to work?

I just don't get the mentality in this world that kids are the end all and be all and can go anywhere. Until my dogs are allowed to do the same then it will continue to piss me off! :angry: <rant off>
I would hope that said people are using personal/vacation time to do the things you're talking about. The company I work for alots everyone their vacation time and a certain amount of paid personal time (regardless of whether they have kids or not). No vacation or personal time left? Too bad, take it unpaid. Salaried? Make up whatever work gets missed. Seems pretty fair to me.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
Of the 8 people in my group 6 have had kids in the last 6 months. Two of us are childless.

Guess who gets to do all the extra work when they go to the doctor, daycare, school events and whatever else?

You got it.

One went part time. Did the boss cut the workload because we had 50% less of one person's time? Nope.

The childless get screwed in the workplace. I told my boss either they need to work more or I get to take off more and ride. It was his call - piss off everyone else and make them actually follow the schedule or let me ride more.

Anyone up for a ride???


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Denny said:
Repeat after me:

Pets Are Not People!

I don't know you VG, I have no beef with you, but I don't think you'll get very far arguing your furry friends are equal to you co-workers infants.
Neither are infants, arguably, but that's a philosophical discussion...

Anyways, that wasn't her point. Her point is that her co-workers use their hobbies (because your boss didn't rape you and force you to have kids, I'm guessing...) to generally be dicks and impose on others.

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
I'm 100% on board with the VG campaign. I used to get hosed pretty regularly at a past job because I was the one without kids. Oh you can work late, you don't have kids or we've got to send you to the Chicago plant for 4 days and come back on the red eye to meet with a prospective customer but you don't have kids so that won't be a problem. Yeah, I don't have kids so does that mean I don't have a life? My dog is my child.

By the way, I have similar feelings towards smokers. I shared an office with a guy that would take 5 or 6 smoke breaks during the day that took anywhere from 5-15 minutes each. Our boss was a smoker too so he didn't have a problem with it. I got to the point that every time my co-worker would head out to smoke I would stop what I was doing and kick back until he returned. I still worked circles around his lazy @ss anyway.

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
Oh yeah, I work with a Lhasa Apso and a 10 month old Bull Mastiff. Can't beat it. The Lhasa doesn't get along with any dog but the Mastiff so I can't take my pup to work :(


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Silver said:
That is a crazy comparison.

I can get pretty much any dog to behave. And the ones that are impossible to deal with get put down. If only we could do that to children...

Yea, but kids don't lick their ass and then lick your face.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I can relate to the "you don't have kids/husband so you can take on the crap-ass assignment"...grinds me to no end. Why is my life unimportant just because I don't have kids, or a husband/wife?

Although I seriously would love to bring my dogs into work, it's more the point that if I'm not allowed to disrupt the office with such a thing why is it ok for others? Just because it's a child does not mean they get a free pass. I'm not a "kid-person" and don't really enjoy interacting with them unless they are related to me so doing it at work is not what I want to do.

And in defense of my co-worker today, the office is dead right now so it really wasn't too big a deal (although I still don't agree with it )Just everytime I hear that high pitched voice it sends chills up my spine!!!!

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
chicodude said:
Yea, but kids don't lick their ass and then lick your face.
But they pick their nose and then try to touch you. And I don't know about you, but alot of the little kids I see have a selective memory when it comes to washing their hands after going to bathroom.....I think I'll take the kiss from my dog!


Nov 29, 2004
Yeah, and little boys don't have little pink things that stick out of their weiners when they get all excited!!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Velocity Girl said:
But why does the fact that it's a human make it acceptable to disprupt the work place? (That's why there are vacation days, sick days, and telecommuting)

I am not defending that either.