
I thought you said virgin?!


Oct 17, 2002
A couple of weeks after being killed, Abu Musab al Zarqawi finally makes it
through processing and into heaven.

George Washington meets him at the Pearly Gates, and slaps him across the

Patrick Henry follows, punches him and calls him a pig.

James Madison piles on, kicks him in the groin, rams a stapler where the sun
don't shine, and screams "This is why allowed our government to provide for
the common defense!"

The beatings and thrashings continue as Jefferson, George Mason, James
Monroe, and 66 other early Americans pummel, throttle, spit on, pull the
hair of, pour excrement on, bite and scream at the terrorist leader.

Finally, as Zarqawi lay bleeding and in pain, an angel appears. Zarqawi
weeps uncontrollably for a while before finally managing to sniff, "This is
not what you promised me!"

"Yes it is," the Angel replies. "These are the same 72 Virginians we got
waiting for everyone in Heaven. What did you THINK I said"?