
I told him not to do it......(crash vid/pics)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i told him it was too big and bumpy. i told him that he'd probably get hurt if he tried it. I told him it was his decision......he said, "i can do it....just like you daddy". my attempt at explaining the difference in a 26" wheel and a 12" wheel over a drop fell on deaf ears. his mind was made up and he hit it.

probably the worst crash i've seen.......especially since it was my own kid.

he cried for a minute, i made him take some deep breaths to calm down and then told him that i got it on video....he quit crying and asked to see it. he was fine after that. a little bruise and scratch on his left forearm and shoulder but other than that unscathed. his face never even touched the dirt thanks to his helmet.

check it here

and some stills from the vid

oh yeah, i actually rode today too! spent most of my time rebuilding some stunts that were in desperate need of repair.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Thats good to hear he's okay. Looks like quite the spill. It's cool to see that he's looking at some trail type stunts now and sees that they're within his abilities, of course as long as he figures out how to do them. Maybe once he's more used to the 20" bike he'll ride it out there.

Very cool!:thumb: He should be sponsored.:)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
quadricolour said:
Do they make fullfaces that small? Looks like he could have popped his chin pretty good if he landed just a little different...

that's been one of my top issues lately. it's really hard to find one that fits that isn't so heavy (MX) that it'll snap his neck on a hard landing. (exagerating a bit)

hmmm, perhaps i can send some of his pics/vids to some helmet companies....i bet someone would either sponsor him or custom make one :thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
manziman said:
dude, the kidski forgot to pull up. but he's got balls none the less! eprops to your child.
he pulled up enough to keep from nosing directly at the end of the ramp but he's not used to hitting things that long. his ramps at home are much shorter. it was almost like he manualed the ramp and his leverage fizzled out at the end.

comtbkr - he seems to like his12" bike a lot more for jumps/stunts. the 16" bike i got him is almost half of his weight and he has a hard time keeping the front end up. it'd be like me riding a 110 lb DH bike and trying to manual. i think by late spring he'll be all over it, he'll probably be proficient enough to race BMX on it by then.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Manimal, you and your bambino inspired my 5 year old daughter to beg me to set up some "jumps and stuff" like your kid has. I was showing my wife some of your videos and my kiddo saw them and was excited and ran right out and started acting a fool on her bike. :thumb:

Here is a shot of her first clean run across the 2X6 shore lite bridge.



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
ummbikes said:
Manimal, you and your bambino inspired my 5 year old daughter to beg me to set up some "jumps and stuff" like your kid has. I was showing my wife some of your videos and my kiddo saw them and was excited and ran right out and started acting a fool on her bike. :thumb:

Here is a shot of her first clean run across the 2X6 shore lite bridge.
dude! that is so awesome! she looks stoked!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
manimal said:
that's been one of my top issues lately. it's really hard to find one that fits that isn't so heavy (MX) that it'll snap his neck on a hard landing. (exagerating a bit)

hmmm, perhaps i can send some of his pics/vids to some helmet companies....i bet someone would either sponsor him or custom make one :thumb:
Don't BMX racer kids start that young? If you haven't already, look into BMX "specific" helmets.

P.S.-your kid rips!!! :thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
thanks for the link to the helmet.....didn't even think about that. it's just hard to find a shop that carries a helmet that small to try it on and i don't want to spend $80 for a bmx/mx helmet that might not fit.

the pads he has on in that pic are the same ones he's always had, my old Dyno elbow pads. they fit him pretty well but i did get him some regular skate pads that are a little big still. i might have to get him a roost protector upper body armor for the crazy stuff since he has a nice red strawberry on his shoulder from that crash.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
johnbryanpeters said:
You might consider teaching him either to hang on to the bars JustBill style or to tuck and roll - that extended arms habit will eventually bite him.

no kidding, we had a post crash discussion. he always asks me to show him, with his bike, what happened. i'm not sure why he did that. it may be because i just taught him how to ghost ride his bike and told him that it's a good way to bail if you have to get away from the bike. guess it's live and learn with crashing.

as we were leaving he said, "dad, next time, can i put my ramp on top of it to go even higher?" i, remained silent on that one :D it's amazing how fast he forgets the pain of crashing, i'm still a bit tripped out over my concussion a year ago


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
manimal said:
as we were leaving he said, "dad, next time, can i put my ramp on top of it to go even higher?" i, remained silent on that one :D it's amazing how fast he forgets the pain of crashing, i'm still a bit tripped out over my concussion a year ago
In 5 years your kid is going to be going bigger then you, maybe sooner :p


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
.:Jeenyus:. said:
In 5 years your kid is going to be going bigger then you, maybe sooner :p

as dickiesbike1 stated: "the shadow grows darker"

man, that kid is going to skool me in a few years. i'm getting older and more scared, he's getting older and more invincible.

oh well, i'm just glad that i went ahead and forked out the money for supplemental health insurance, so i can at least get paid when we have to go to the ER. :thumb:


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Manimal, Wal Mart has full face helmets for kids. I haven't checked them out in great detail, but if I remember right they are either Bell or Mongoose branded.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
ummbikes said:
Manimal, Wal Mart has full face helmets for kids. I haven't checked them out in great detail, but if I remember right they are either Bell or Mongoose branded.
i checked, they don't carry any that small. i tried the youth XS and it was still too big. i found a pryme full face at my LBS that fits him but it's so heavy.....think i may splurge and get it for him anyway. it's a full on DOT approved bmx helmet


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
ummbikes said:
Manimal, you and your bambino inspired my 5 year old daughter to beg me to set up some "jumps and stuff" like your kid has. I was showing my wife some of your videos and my kiddo saw them and was excited and ran right out and started acting a fool on her bike. :thumb:

Here is a shot of her first clean run across the 2X6 shore lite bridge.
Rob, thats so sick. I cant wait till breaden can be on a bike. He already has 2 trikes in the works, but being 14 mos old, i still think its a bit early....

Ryan leech better watch out....your daughter will be doing 180's off ledges on to that rail soon......


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
My 2.5 yr old told me the other day in garbled toddler speak, "I ride my bike" I didn't quite understand what she said so I asked "what?" and she responded "Real fast, like daddy." I've never been so proud :thumb: When your own says something to the effect of "you do it so I can too," you know you're either doing something really right, or something really wrong.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
oly said:
Rob, thats so sick. I cant wait till breaden can be on a bike. He already has 2 trikes in the works, but being 14 mos old, i still think its a bit early....

Ryan leech better watch out....your daughter will be doing 180's off ledges on to that rail soon......

I figure I have about 5-6 more years on Olivia, by then I'll be 40 and she'll be 10-11, and rippin' shizz up for real. :blah:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
helmet update:

i was checking his helmet over and found a HUGE dent on the side from where his head bounced off of a root (same crash in this thread).......so i went ahead and got him a nice XS Fullface, it was the only one that fit him and MikeDSX hooked it up with a KILLER deal :thumb:
MikeDSX = coolest LBS manager ever!!! oh yeah, and he kicks but in DS/4X too.

i'll post pics and action shot w/ it after christmas when he gets it.