
I want to make my DH bike light enough for Big Bear.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
bikenweed said:
Yeah dude. Way to go. Completely give up already and try to tell everyone only the worst possible scenario will occur. I hope you have a fun time crying into your pillow while we figure out a way to ride our bikes and have fun. Dork.
Anyhow, wonder what this news means in terms of the national? Will they still do 4x or slalom? hmmmm...

Ha ha, nice one.

I hope you do get to ride at BB, so good luck. But if you go out with a 34.9 lb bike and start doing DH despite rules that say you can't, don't be surprised if soon enough no bikes at all are allowed there. With your help the folks that run BB will soon figure out that no matter how they arbitrarily define "DH bike", there are DH riders that will find a way around the specific rule, even if they know the intent. Then you'll have played a part in ruining it for people outside your little circle, but who cares about them right? You're probably one of the guys that built illegal trails out there. That is, you're probably part of the reason no more DH will be allowed at Big Bear, and by extension you're probably part of the reason riding areas all over the place are getting shut down.

So go for it brah, go ride DH where you are not wanted. It'll be especially helpful if you scream and holler your way down the trail, insult other trail users, leave some garbage around, build **** on private land without permission (maybe cut down a few trees and dig some holes in the process), and make fun of other riders who are battling with land managers and faced with the negative impressions of mountain bikers you helped create.

Yeah I'm just a dork trying to ruin your day. :rolleyes: