
"I was trying to blow his brains out is what I was trying to do."


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I thought this was going to be about your exploits in the adult film industry.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
stosh said:
I thought this was going to be about your exploits in the adult film industry.
I was never in the "Adult Film Industry". You should go back and reread that post there chief. I said "Adult Entertainment Industry". Everything I made was on Video and that was for private consumption :evil:


dh girlie

I saw one of those Real TV shows the other night where they showed a camera in a convenient store and some dude came in and tried to hold the cashier up with a pitchfork...the guy clobbered him with something, but then right after the pitchfork wielding robber ran out, some other dudes came in and robbed the guy...the pitchfork thing was kinda funny.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
dh girlie said:
Kinda like the Paris Hilton tape or more like the Tommy and Pamela tape?
Depends on when they were made. The ones I made with my ex (the ones she didn't destroy) were more like the Tommy and Pamela tapes. I haven't seen the Paris Hilton tapes but if it involves having your way with a young women and trying out some things I have heard about, then the latest round would be like that. Its all fun and games until well.... I get bored......jdcamb


Feb 14, 2003
Pau11y said:
The Paris tape was terrible! The quality was far from good, even for amature status. And that girl, she was like a dead fish, just laying there. She's all looks and no talent, pretty much like her TV show.
Yeah, she performed like most 19-year-olds who think they're "hot".

(actually, like most 19-year-olds in general)

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
The Paris tape was terrible! The quality was far from good, even for amature status. And that girl, she was like a dead fish, just laying there. She's all looks and no talent, pretty much like her TV show.
I ain't no catty chick but I'd have to say...in Paris Hilton's case it would be all NO looks and no talent...that biatch is NASTY!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
paris hilton is ugly with her big forhead crooked eyeball crack head figure self. The video was horrible, i mean the bumb ho even answered the phone in mid suck. if i were that guy id gotten up and left right after givin her a world class money shot while was on the phone.


May 6, 2003
BKQuill said:
we don't mess around in the south
Here are some lessons from the story (other title was "Darwin's Little Helpers Score Two"):

1. If yer gonna rob a store, don't head to some Ma&Pa outside of town. Do it at some chain store in town where they don't let the poor clerk pack.
2. Don't ever mess w/a dude who goes by the name "Shoats", especially in Georgia (can you say "squeal like a pig?").
3. Don't ever pull a gun that may not work or that you don't know how to use. If the 1st robber's gun hadn't jammed this story would have had a very different ending.
4. Contrary to my innate prejudices, the .380 is a legitimate self-defense weapon. Good choice, Shoats!

And PS, I think Paris looks like a clean-shaven Kid Rock w/t!ts.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I, too, was surprised by the choice of a .380 Auto. I would only use something that small for a backup. Regardless, he apparently knew how to shoot it...which is the more crucial factor than caliber.


May 6, 2003
llkoolkeg said:
I, too, was surprised by the choice of a .380 Auto. I would only use something that small for a backup. Regardless, he apparently knew how to shoot it...which is the more crucial factor than caliber.
Yah, I hear ".380" and I think "ashtray" or "boot" gun. But I've known a few people w/good taste in weapons who keep them around, including the one my bro-in-law gave my sister for her primary piece. I'm glad to know it works.

Shoats apparently knows how to shoot. . . or else his wife took 'em both out w/her 9! Here's my sexist remark for the day: don't mess w/a woman who is comfortable shooting. Odds are she'll be on target.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Fathead said:
Yah, I hear ".380" and I think "ashtray" or "boot" gun. But I've known a few people w/good taste in weapons who keep them around, including the one my bro-in-law gave my sister for her primary piece. I'm glad to know it works.

Shoats apparently knows how to shoot. . . or else his wife took 'em both out w/her 9! Here's my sexist remark for the day: don't mess w/a woman who is comfortable shooting. Odds are she'll be on target.
Here is my theory. Most folks that have guns don't actually ever shoot them. So when they actually have to shoot them. They can't do squat with them except at close range. So... They poke the Hornets nest and then can't run away fast enough. I fear this works both ways. Most folks that carry for self protection.... Don't actually have the balls to pull the trigger. They think to much for that weapon to be usefull. Guns are not for fun. They mean business and if you show it... You damn well better know how to use it. My hope is that enough law abiding folks who have guns have on some level recieved a decent level of training. Whereas most bad guys haven't as illustrated here.....jdcamb


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
jdcamb said:
Here is my theory. Most folks that have guns don't actually ever shoot them. So when they actually have to shoot them. They can't do squat with them except at close range. So... They poke the Hornets nest and then can't run away fast enough. I fear this works both ways. Most folks that carry for self protection.... Don't actually have the balls to pull the trigger. They think to much for that weapon to be usefull. Guns are not for fun. They mean business and if you show it... You damn well better know how to use it. My hope is that enough law abiding folks who have guns have on some level recieved a decent level of training. Whereas most bad guys haven't as illustrated here.....jdcamb
Here is my theory: if you're gonna rob a store, don't pick one that has a big Jaw-juh (Georgia, for you yankees) boy behind the counter. Chances are, he has been shooting since he was old enough to hold a .22LR level and will put you in your pine, given half a chance. I was born and raised in Atlanta(not really part of GA), and that's how it was even for me. You are frankly expected as a male to demonstrate marksmanship with firearms at an early age in much of the South.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
llkoolkeg said:
<snip> You are frankly expected as a male to demonstrate marksmanship with firearms at an early age in much of the South.
And in rural Redneck portions of the north, for that matter......... I'm pretty sure I was shooting rifles and pistols before I could do multiplication and division... :thumb:



May 6, 2003
jdcamb said:
Here is my theory. Most folks that have guns don't actually ever shoot them.
The 1st image you brought to my mind is the kinda thug wannabe that I see almost every time I go to the range. He (various individuals all fitting same description) wears a sports jersey at least 2 "Xs" too big for him, and invariably shoots either a "9" or a tree-fiddy-seven. He always holds the gun sideways, and seldom hits paper. Then again, at LEAST he's at the range.

The 2nd image is me: I don't carry for several reasons, but mostly 'cuz I don't want to kill anyone. There is plenty of firepower at home should we ever need it, but all I ever wanna shoot is targets and poor defenseless food :D

LL: right on, as usual. "Get used to sights and triggers w/the BB and pellet guns. Pick up the .22 for targets and small game. You'll get the .410 when you're 10."


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
llkoolkeg said:
Here is my theory: if you're gonna rob a store, don't pick one that has a big Jaw-juh (Georgia, for you yankees) boy behind the counter. Chances are, he has been shooting since he was old enough to hold a .22LR level and will put you in your pine, given half a chance. I was born and raised in Atlanta(not really part of GA), and that's how it was even for me. You are frankly expected as a male to demonstrate marksmanship with firearms at an early age in much of the South.
That happens in other places also. I grew up in Buffalo NY in the heart of the city. But every weekend my grandfather had the chance we went out to the hills and were expected to hunt, fish, and learn how to properly use a firearm. He was under the impresion that if the commies came we could be the first line of defense. He also thought we should be able to sustain ourselves of the land so to speak. Hunting (I should probably say poaching) was a mandatory activity. Venison fed out family for 3/4 months out of the year.

In his later years as the neighborhood began to decline, he was pretty deadset in "keeping what is mine". The one thing he taught us that was weird was the shooting while running training that my uncle who had just came back from Vietnam convinced my Grandfather we needed. Gramps and my Uncle used to invent all these scenarios and make us pratice them so that he could show us off to his friends. It was very weird now that I think about it. I saw a special on Frontline about Special Forces training and while I was watching it I had to laugh because a lot of the training rituals they went through my Brother and I also went through except we were 13/14 years old. Years later the Police came to our camp (my Uncle was in the cultivation business) they were surprised by all the shell casings laying everywhere. He had targets, mazes, and boobytraps everywhere. When they came across the "explosives shed" the feds were called and he had to explain the pics of us being trained. Funny, funny stuff.

I haven't fired a gun in years and my Brother was surprised at how well I could still shoot. He said that Gramps would be proud.....jdcamb

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
biggins said:
paris hilton is ugly with her big forhead crooked eyeball crack head figure self. The video was horrible, i mean the bumb ho even answered the phone in mid suck. if i were that guy id gotten up and left right after givin her a world class money shot while was on the phone.
What he should have done is get up and visit her back-door while she chatted, and see how long she could hold a conversation.

Maybe I've hooked up with one too many skanky strippers, but I find Paris oddly appealing...not necessarily really that attractive, but doable in a "sure thing, and better than a 1:59'er" kind of way. I'd hit it.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
jdcamb said:
Years later the Police came to our camp (my Uncle was in the cultivation business) they were surprised by all the shell casings laying everywhere. He had targets, mazes, and boobytraps everywhere. When they came across the "explosives shed" the feds were called and he had to explain the pics of us being trained. Funny, funny stuff.
So gramps like guns and "cultivation"? Care to share what was being cultivated that attracted attention from the Po-Po? :D

Sounds like a pretty cool guy to me...maybe a touch paranoid, but the greens'll do that to ya if you overindulge. :evil:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
El Jefe said:
What he should have done is get up and visit her back-door while she chatted, and see how long she could hold a conversation.
Paris wouldn't have flinched even if you hit bone dry. That skank's probably lost her car keys before just by inadvertently sitting on them while wearing one of her micro skirts!

El Jefe said:
Maybe I've hooked up with one too many skanky strippers, but I find Paris oddly appealing...not necessarily really that attractive, but doable in a "sure thing, and better than a 1:59'er" kind of way. I'd hit it.
Let me guess- the bars out there close at 2:00am? Dude, I wouldn't snake that pipe even for night call "emergency surcharge" money. Too many peckers have hosed down her walls for me even to maintain a CHUBIE in the same room!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
llkoolkeg said:
So gramps like guns and "cultivation"? Care to share what was being cultivated that attracted attention from the Po-Po? :D

Sounds like a pretty cool guy to me...maybe a touch paranoid, but the greens'll do that to ya if you overindulge. :evil:
Gramps wasn't into anything more then Genny pounders, Canadian Club, and anything that "spit fire" as he would say. My Uncle on the other hand used to fancy himself as a grower. I had some of his stuff (homegrown) back then and it was nasty. The difference between male and female was lost on him. Gramps was pretty tolerant of it though. I remember seeing folks light up right in front of him, just never saw him partake. He did have one rule. If you were going to shoot on his property you couldn't be all doped up. Sloppy drunk was OK but that wacky tabaky was for afterwards....jdcamb

Word of advice... DO NOT LOOK UP Paris Hilton at work. By the way she is nasty.....

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
To each their own, but I don't really care how many guys she's been with. I'm more concerned that she get a bit more energized than she was in her vid. Of course that dolt who was doing her really didn't have a lot of mojo going on, so maybe at times she actually does like to hang up the phone.

damn, photo wouldn't link.

Again, I'd hit it.