
I watched an incovenient truth last night


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch

Common fallacies of logic and rhetoric

Ad hominem - attacking the arguer and not the argument.
Argument from "authority".
Argument from adverse consequences (putting pressure on the decision maker by pointing out dire consequences of an "unfavourable" decision).
Appeal to ignorance (absence of evidence is not evidence of absence).
Special pleading (typically referring to god's will).
Begging the question (assuming an answer in the way the question is phrased).
Observational selection (counting the hits and forgetting the misses).
Statistics of small numbers (such as drawing conclusions from inadequate sample sizes).
Misunderstanding the nature of statistics (President Eisenhower expressing astonishment and alarm on discovering that fully half of all Americans have below average intelligence!)
Inconsistency (e.g. military expenditures based on worst case scenarios but scientific projections on environmental dangers thriftily ignored because they are not "proved").
Non sequitur - "it does not follow" - the logic falls down.
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc - "it happened after so it was caused by" - confusion of cause and effect.
Meaningless question ("what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?).
Excluded middle - considering only the two extremes in a range of possibilities (making the "other side" look worse than it really is).
Short-term v. long-term - a subset of excluded middle ("why pursue fundamental science when we have so huge a budget deficit?").
Slippery slope - a subset of excluded middle - unwarranted extrapolation of the effects (give an inch and they will take a mile).
Confusion of correlation and causation.
Straw man - caricaturing (or stereotyping) a position to make it easier to attack..
Suppressed evidence or half-truths.
Weasel words - for example, use of euphemisms for war such as "police action" to get around limitations on Presidential powers. "An important art of politicians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public"


May 2, 2002
Anyone ever read Michael Crichton's "State of Fear?" You should, it's a good read. It is about fun stuff surrounding both sides of this argument.
Pure storytelling, but still interesting....


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004

Sealing the Fate of Antarctica
By Patrick J. Michaels
The American Spectator 12/20/2006


Writing in Harpers Magazine in 1995, author Ross Gelbspan noted that "Michaels has received more than $115,000 over the last four years from coal and energy interests. World Climate Review, a quarterly he founded that routinely debunks climate concerns, was funded by Western Fuels."[2]

Asked about his funding on CNN in August 2002 Michaels rejected the suggestion that industry funding influenced his work. "Well, you know, most of my funding, the vast majority, comes from taxpayer-supported entities. I would make the argument that if funding colors research, I should be certainly biased more towards the taxpayers, of which I am one, than towards industry. But the fact of the matter is, numbers are objective," he said. [3]
But Peter Gleick, a conservation analyst and president of the Oakland-based Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security, said "Pat Michaels is not one of the nation's leading researchers on climate change. On the contrary, he is one of a very small minority of nay-sayers who continue to dispute the facts and science about climate change in the face of compelling, overwhelming, and growing evidence." [7]

Michaels is the Chief Editor for the "World Climate Review," a newsletter on global warming funded by the Western Fuels Association. Dr. Michaels has acknowledged that 20% of his funding comes from fossil fuel sources: (http://www.mtn.org/~nescncl/complaints/determinations/det_118.html) Known funding includes $49,000 from German Coal Mining Association, $15,000 from Edison Electric Institute and $40,000 from Cyprus Minerals Company, an early supporter of People for the West, a "wise use" group. He recieved $63,000 for research on global climate change from Western Fuels Association, above and beyond the undisclosed amount he is paid for the World Climate Report/Review. According to Harper's magazine, Michaels has recieved over $115,000 over the past four years from coal and oil interests. Michaels wrote "Sound and Fury" and "The Satanic Gases" which were published by Cato Institute. Dr. Michaels signed the 1995 Leipzig Declaration. In July of 2006, it was revealed that the Intermountain Rural Electric Association "contributed $100,000 to Dr. Michaels." (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GlobalWarming/story?id=2242565&page=1)

N8 - trying quoting somebody who isn't on the fossil fuel payroll, ok?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I guess those of you in the Church of Global Warming like to gloss over and over simplify difficult concepts much like your Southern Batpist bretheren who use the same methods to convert the hethen.

However, the real issue is infinately more complicated than what your Pope Algore says. There are significant uncertainties and conundra surrounding the issue and there is far from a general agreement in the scientific community.

For example:

Is it the Earth's wobble that is responsible for all of our global warming debates?! Can it be completely ruled out as a major contributor?

Climate experts and biologists led by Jan van Dam at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, overlaid a picture of species emergence and extinction with changes that occur in Earth's orbit and axis.

The Earth's orbit is not a perfect circle: it is slightly elliptical, and the ellipticality itself goes through cycles of change that span roughly 100,000 and 400,000 years.

Its axis, likewise, is not perfectly perpendicular but has a slight wobble, rather like a poorly-balanced child's top, which goes through cycles of 21,000 years.

In addition, the axis, as schoolbooks tell us, is also tilted, and this tilt also varies in a cycle of 41,000 years.

These three shifts in Earth's pattern of movement are relatively minor compared with those of other planets.

But they can greatly influence the amount of radiation -- heat and light -- which Earth receives from the Sun. The effect can be amplified, causing global cooling, affecting precipitation patterns and even creating Ice Ages in higher latitudes, when two or all the cycles peak together.



The sun is also to blame for global warming (fairly obvious)..

The Sun is, however, the primary heating agent in this system. The principle of Occam indicates that the simplest answer is most likely correct. The amount of energy coming from the sun dwarfs the heat reservoir of the oceans. The sun is not restricted to heating the atmosphere only. The Sun’s energy directly heats (or cools) the oceans and the earth (land).

Dr. Vezier of the U of Ottawa has written a paper that is consistent with this common sense.


The Sun has been at an 8000 year high. This most likely is the cause of the high ocean temperatures between 1998 and 2004. Anyone who doubts that the sun is the cause need only look at the graphs from the NPAL acoustic thermometry to see that it goes up and down with summer and winter.

Or maybe this...

The first accurate measurement of CO2 was recorded in 1812 at a value 385 ppm

Today's value is approx roughly 380ppm.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I guess those of you in the Church of Global Warming like to gloss over and over simplify difficult concepts much like your Southern Batpist bretheren who use the same methods to convert the hethen.

However, the real issue is infinately more complicated than what your Pope Algore says. There are significant uncertainties and conundra surrounding the issue and there is far from a general agreement in the scientific community.

For example:

Is it the Earth's wobble that is responsible for all of our global warming debates?! Can it be completely ruled out as a major contributor?
Your logic fails to connect the dots again N8. That artice relates climate change to wobble but makes no reference that this could explain existing climate change nor does it mention any changes in the current state of 'wobble' of which I am sure we have a fairly long historical reference of.


Oct 17, 2002
well, here's the absolutely truth and bottomline:

If there is NO global warming and we do smething about it, then at least doing the right thing will yield a better environment.

If there IS global warming and we do nothing, then our grandchildren are fvcked.

Why not take the chance that there is no global warming and make positive steps to living a little cleaner?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Your logic fails to connect the dots again N8. That artice relates climate change to wobble but makes no reference that this could explain existing climate change nor does it mention any changes in the current state of 'wobble' of which I am sure we have a fairly long historical reference of.
Geological time vs The Church of Global Warming's concept of time are about the same as the modern understanding of scientific time vs the Cathloic Church's view that the earth is only 2000 years old.

Our last 100 years is so small when viewed against the age of the earth that it is essentially meaningless.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Atmospheric Co2 can be historically measured by samplice ancient ice layers. The data.

I don't personally always accept data that comes from a possibly politically slanted org so here is similar dat from the Gubment, Suprisingly it does not agree with N8.


N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
well, here's the absolutely truth and bottomline:

If there is NO global warming and we do smething about it, then at least doing the right thing will yield a better environment.

If there IS global warming and we do nothing, then our grandchildren are fvcked.

Why not take the chance that there is no global warming and make positive steps to living a little cleaner?
perhaps Global Warming is supposed to occur and will either advance the human spieces or make it extinct.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
perhaps Global Warming is supposed to occur and will either advance the human spieces or make it extinct.

If you were supposed to get hit by a bus tomorrow and knew it, would you try to prevent it?

Personally I hope you wouldn't. ;)


Artisanal Tweet Curator

Concentrations of atmospheric analytes are measured in everything from gases to bedrock, oceans, ice and trees you tool.

Measuring the atmosphere varies hugely by location, barometric pressure and who farted in the last 20 minutes........as well as methodology.

So how was the 1812 measurement conducted? Combustion analysis? Spectroscopy?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Atmospheric Co2 can be historically measured by samplice ancient ice layers. The data.

I don't personally always accept data that comes from a possibly politically slanted org so here is similar dat from the Gubment, Suprisingly it does not agree with N8.

Again, the first accurate measurement of CO2 was in 1812 and was recorded at 385 ppm. Measurements taken at the outbreak of WWII measured levels in the range of 440ppm.

Today's level is about 380 as your graph suggests.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
The biggest part of joining The Church of Global Warming is that, like any good religion, you have to BELIEVE in it regardless of the facts.

It is a faith after all.

Not that its bad necessarily... but like Christianity, it does direct its followers to convert the heathens by forcing its ideology on them if opposed.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Why not take the chance that there is no global warming and make positive steps to living a little cleaner?
You have got to be fvcking kidding me! Where's the money for oil executives in this scenario? Do you want their kids to buy SUB-STANDARD YACHTS?

Evil global warming sheep. All of you.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
The biggest part of joining The Church of Global Warming is that, like any good religion, you have to BELIEVE in it regardless of the facts.

It is a faith after all.

Not that its bad necessarily... but like Christianity, it does direct its followers to convert the heathens by forcing its ideology on them if opposed.
Try again dumbass.


Norman Einstein
Jan 18, 2004
Again, the first accurate measurement of CO2 was in 1812 and was recorded at 385 ppm. Measurements taken at the outbreak of WWII measured levels in the range of 440ppm.

Today's level is about 380 as your graph suggests.

I think this graph is fairly accurate, the steep areas coincide roughly with ice ages and/or other known environmental changes. But, again, look at this graph carefully, the last even, which looks like 30,000 years ago, the levels didn't normalize like all the other events.

After all the other big spikes, the CO2 levels worked back down to ~200ppm, but for the last 20,000 years, we havent been below 250? This is WELL before the industrial age, so again, my question is WHY?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Kohlensäure Gehalt der unteren Luft schichten in Abhangigkeit von Witterungsfaktoren, W. Kreutz,1941

Avg CO2 from 1939-1941 measured at 438ppm
:rolleyes: :wait:

Do share where you found this little gem. Seems to show up only in very specific places.

I'm a chemist by training. I'd certainly enjoy reading a translation of it.

As for your other article........wonder where you found that?

Yes, you've said before that limbaugh's too liberal for you.:rolleyes:


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
And in geologic terms, 650000 is a blink of an eye when you consider the earth is estimated to be upwards of 4.55 billion years, give or take a few hundred million years. So 650000 is 1/7000th or so of that timescale.
Now try measuring 650,000 years against when the Earth would have had a relevant weather and eco system.

If I gave you a 7000 pixel photo, and said "only one pixel here is correct for sure, and it is this one. Now tell me, is the rest of the picture correct."
A 7000 pixel photo is about the resolution of an atari screen. If you've ever played pong, then you are well aware of the importance of that single pixel. Of course of your 7000 pixels, only about 2000 of them are at all relevant.

AND of course, that's not even the relevant screen to be looking at. We're comparing the trend of the last hundred years to every other change that has occured over the last 650,000 years. The correct statement that this pixel on THIS screen is drastically different than any of the other 6500 pixels we have observed.

We may know that the climate has changed, we may know about when, but we don't know why.
The only reason that would be true is willful ignorance.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
:rolleyes: :wait:

Do share where you found this little gem. Seems to show up only in very specific places.

I'm a chemist by training. I'd certainly enjoy reading a translation of it.

As for your other article........wonder where you found that?

Yes, you've said before that limbaugh's too liberal for you.:rolleyes:
Know what's amusing?

Study the arguments of the CoGW alarmists and one will find they are funded by global warming promoting goverments (anti-US) in the Kyoto threaty and/or the CoGW itself, therefore, they are obligated to produce global warming hysteria.

Or they are climatologists whom have noticed that by sounding the alarm about global warming, they get to shine in the liberal media spotlight... which is always great for increasing their social status, inflating their expertise and that results in huge money being thrown their way by the CoGW faithful and those who may have an even darker adgenda.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Again, I'm not saying that the climate is not changing, it is. And I will say that once again to drive it home, I believe the climate is changing and the data supports that. BUT, from what I have read, the climate is changing faster not compared to the last great climate change, but since the beginning of actual recorded weather history, which frankly is a blink in geologic timescales.

But then explain how your "equilibrium system" can get so out of whack that multiple ice ages occur, without "non-natural" means, IE man's industrial age. In your system ice ages would never occur(Ice ages are afterall, part of the global warming phenomena).

1. The environment doesn't operate on geologic timescales, or anything close to them.

2. as someone else pointed out the the available history is close to a million years, which is more than long enough.

3. Natural fluctuations in solar radiation, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, other overwhelming events.

Everyone else has already thrown out enough information. If you need more, you should really look it up yourself instead of begging to be hand fed and refusing to eat.

And N8 the comparison of airborne CO2 in Germany during a industrial revolution, is not comparable to the CO2 level in Antarctica derived from virgin ice. And the level of CO2 in Dresden during a firestorm is likely quite different from the CO2 level in Antarctica at the same time. Antarctica is much more indicitave of the overall state of co2 in the world as a whole.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Kohlensäure Gehalt der unteren Luft schichten in Abhangigkeit von Witterungsfaktoren, W. Kreutz,1941

Avg CO2 from 1939-1941 measured at 438ppm
I'm really interested in this data so I tried to find it.

A google search on this reference only brings up someone else's post in another forum and a blog Curiously exactly the same as your post. I'm sure you didn't copy it.

Anyway digging deeper on the matter I did find this paper that references the Kreutz data. The document is an abridged version of a full paper.
-I could not find the full paper.
-The abridged document is only found on a bloggers website and does not seem to be published in any recognized journal.
-Although references others data it contains no bibliographic data.
-Contains several spelling and grammatical errors,
-Cites the difference in CO2 measurement data but makes no attempts to explain the cause of the difference, it just assumes the higher ones are correct.
-Makes no attempt to explain the source of the trillions of tons of CO2 that caused the 1940's rise nor explains where it went.
-The Beck data shows historical wildly fluctuating CO2 levels yet in the last 60 years of modern measurement changes are smooth and comparatively gradual.

This really all has to be chalked up to "I read it on the Intarnweb". A stoned high school student could have made this up. I'd be very interested if you could find a published source of data and would be even more interested to find out where all that CO2 came from and where it went.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Know what's amusing?

Study the arguments of the CoGW alarmists and one will find they are funded by global warming promoting goverments (anti-US) in the Kyoto threaty and/or the CoGW itself, therefore, they are obligated to produce global warming hysteria.
He ducks, he dodges.
Back it up. All you've provided so far is opinionated summaries that any jackass can get from an editorial.
Guess what........before it was even known well enough to be fashionable, people started noticing some alarming things about climate change. These weren't people with a political agenda because it wasn't an established concern, and hence........not yet cool for your percieved liberal media to exploit.

Believe it or not, you're talking to someone who reads environmental papers regularly. I put out annual reports that provide data from continuous monitoring on many of the things you think you understand. So thowing out the name of a paper you heard from someone else is bullsh1t if you think I'm going to leave it at that.

If you're going to pretend that you know what you're talking about, prove it.

In the meantime.......check westy's post. Sounds like he found the same bs I did.

[insert dip**** "bait" post here]


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I still don't understand why we don't err on the side of caution? Is there some subtle reason not to?
If we can link killing oil bearing muslims, killing non oil bearing non muslims or killing jews to reducing emissions it might catch on. Maybe a program where if you drive a car with a sub 2.0 liter engine you get jew gold.