Christie is a much better politician.My only hope is that win or lose, people see this as a MASSIVE overreach. Even the right's darling Chris Christie isn't backing Walker 100%, saying he supports "intelligent bargaining" or something to the effect. The GOP assembly pulled a fast one only allowing ~2sec for the final vote, meaning less than half of the Democrats were actually able to get a vote in in that time. The more and more these political tricks come out, the worse it's going to look for the Republicans.
He traveled the state extensively, argued (and shut down) several teachers, and has made a reasonable request for a 1% increase, which was refused.
When he makes cutbacks again, the teacher unions look like pompous fools and will not receive a lot of public support.
Scott Walker, gets into office and 4 weeks later decides to drop a bomb and act like, "I'm the next Reagan".