Yup, and the increasing influence of money from both individuals and corporations. Barrett was outspent $31m to $4m, and that doesn't count the outside spending by groups like WMC, AFP or the unions (of which the total spent broke 2-1 for Walker) which ran countless ads. Combine that with some highly questionable stats put out from the governor's office (employment/deficit numbers) and you get a reelected governor...
It came down to organization vs money, and money won.
If doubling the amount spent garnered an additional 1% of the vote (according to your link), outspending your opponent by 7x and winning by 7% seems just about right.
I'd also argue that it allows you to shape the debate on your terms and define your opponent. Walker put out questionable jobs numbers (that the BLS numbers were actually off by ~50,000 jobs, the greatest error it would have ever made), and then blanketed the state with advertisements touting those jobs gains. Same with his "erasing a $3.6B deficit" (that's based on projections/requests by the various agencies, NOT on actual forecasts. If an agency requests $100m more for next year, suddenly you have a '$100m deficit!!!', even though no accounting changed. Under GAAP we have a higher structural deficit this year than last year).
I'd also question the idea that some Texas multi-billionaire would give a WI governor a check for half a million dollars just because he was going to win anyway...
Same-day voter registration. Turnout from the city clerks is based on the number of voters registered the Friday beforehand, as opposed to general voting-age population. Voters can register on election day and vote immediately.
Statewide, voter turnout reached somewhere around 57% of the adult population.... A state record for a gubernatorial race. *That* is depressing.
On the bright side, the Democrats look to have picked up a win in one of the Senate recalls, meaning that they now control it. Back to divided government where one side has to actually *negotiate* with the other instead of ramming things through. There are no more legislative sessions till after the November election, but this might keep Walker from calling a special session to try to push through any additional legislation.
Yup, and the increasing influence of money from both individuals and corporations. Barrett was outspent $31m to $4m, and that doesn't count the outside spending by groups like WMC, AFP or the unions (of which the total spent broke 2-1 for Walker) which ran countless ads. Combine that with some highly questionable stats put out from the governor's office (employment/deficit numbers) and you get a reelected governor...
It came down to organization vs money, and money won.
This should scare everyone... Walker was caught on tape admitting to using 'divide and conquer' in an effort to turn WI into a right to work state. And yet apparently 1/3 of union households were more interested in hurting other people than in protecting their own salaries and benefits.
Same-day voter registration. Turnout from the city clerks is based on the number of voters registered the Friday beforehand, as opposed to general voting-age population. Voters can register on election day and vote immediately.
Statewide, voter turnout reached somewhere around 57% of the adult population.... A state record for a gubernatorial race. *That* is depressing.
On the bright side, the Democrats look to have picked up a win in one of the Senate recalls, meaning that they now control it. Back to divided government where one side has to actually *negotiate* with the other instead of ramming things through. There are no more legislative sessions till after the November election, but this might keep Walker from calling a special session to try to push through any additional legislation.
I don't think that this can create a judicial path to overturn CU.
Our shitshow of a legislature is more than enough evidence to overturn, but said shitshow is in charge of such things. The Moron Mass of 'Mericans ain't going to do anything about it.
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