

Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
How many more ads can be crammed into the Ridemonkey website.
Yeah, it seems like for the amount you are paying, there should be less ads. Oh, wait a second. This site is free? I'm sure if you wanted to front RM all the money they make off ads, they would gladly take the ads away.

Now quit yer bitchin' and go yap on your private chat site and look at all your Snowshoe ads!

(you know I love ya ;))


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
Yeah, it seems like for the amount you are paying, there should be less ads. Oh, wait a second. This site is free? I'm sure if you wanted to front RM all the money they make off ads, they would gladly take the ads away.

Now quit yer bitchin' and go yap on your private chat site and look at all your Snowshoe ads!

(you know I love ya ;))
Yeah you right - paying $20 to become a premium member might be a good idea. Less adds / less threads deleted / less oppression from the man / and less BS from the MODS?

Humm that would be worth $20 - guess I'll always be stuck with these ads.

Maybe if you stopped typing and started riding a bike again we could get you back out to snowshoe


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
There are definetly more ads these days. But then this place is a business for Ridemonkey. (Who the hell owns this place these days anyway?? Has Clear Channel bought this place out yet?)

I paid the 20 bucks back when there were less ads as a means of helping the owner (Aaron). Now I would pay it just so I don't have to deal with the ads.

So... I guess the plan is working.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Dirty Dog said:
LOL you have to be kidding. Seriously, LOL. To start with, do you have any idea what it costs to host a site like this? And that is just to start. There are backups, security, upgrades, administrative support time, and on and on.

This is the last I am going to post about this but here it is: you would not believe the personal sacrifices it has taken to run this site over the years. When people come along and complain and insist that this should be "free and easy", it really strikes a nerve with me.

Luckily, this site has proper backing now so I don't have to worry about paying the rent anymore. You shouldn't complain too much about what is given to you for free. Helpful suggestions and feedback are welcome. But when it turns into simple complaining, I am going to take exception to that.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
You call it business - I call it selling out :brow:
Seriously... get a clue.

I don't know all the numbers but this place could easily run a grand a month in hosting costs. That's completely ignoring everyone's time, of course.

It's free. You sure do spend a lot of time bitching about it, though.



Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Yeah you right - paying $20 to become a premium member might be a good idea. Less adds / less threads deleted / less oppression from the man / and less BS from the MODS?

Humm that would be worth $20 - guess I'll always be stuck with these ads.

Maybe if you stopped typing and started riding a bike again we could get you back out to snowshoe

You pay, I'll ride. I'm broke, all my money went to being a premium member of Ridemonkey.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
I have no pop-ups and only see 2 ads up the top of the page.

A few ads means the operators of this site don't have to pay out of their own pocket so that bike geeks like us can get a good daily 'fix'.

I couldn't give a flying fvck if they doubled the amount of advertising they have, these guys deserve to keep their own money and let advertising dollars pay the way.

It is entirely up to you if you click on the ads or not.

Basically, stop yer damn moaning or go to another site. I'll stay here thanks very much, less illiterate kids and more industry representatives makes it a better place.

Cheers RM.

Now where's my free socks?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
took long enough for you to chime in with your 2cents
Too bad it didn't take you that long to come up with another in a long line of whiny, bitching posts about a service that's provided to you free of charge and that you contribute nothing to.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I think Konabumm should have to take a forced vacation........maybe then he would stop b!tching


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
But you have to admit, he does have a valid point. However, it does no much matter, because as it was pointed out to me, and I quote "It's a business".

And before all of the "Do you know how much it costs..." yada yada yada, yes I do.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I just am not that bothered by the ads. I felt bad and paid $20 to help out because I think of all the work I would get done if this site wasn't around, the least I could do is pitch in.

I get my porn for free, so I have a few extra bucks, anyway.