
I work next to the creepiest place ever...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
The building we moved into is nextdoor to a Holistic Medicine Clinic more, specifically the "Bio Energy Department". Complete with signs on the door making it quite clear that the FDA is very unwelcome... To make matters worse, we unfortunately have to share a bathroom. So anytime you go in there you are likely to see someone more dead than alive wheeling around an IV full of vitamins & minerals. To top it all off one of the "Doctors" over there does not wash his hands after leaving the crapper either.

I am not sure if their condition is the reason they are there or the cause of it. But some of these people literlly have one foot in the grave, and while I have sympathy for them I just want a place to relieve myself in peace. :dead:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Ok I get it...........

Man some of the people from my office go to schit like that. I like to punch them in the face when they start talking about it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'm sure all the "patients" there are dumb hippies or people who have illnesses that modern medicine can't seem to treat. Hollistic medicine is often a last ditch effort.

dh girlie

Westy said:
I'm sure all the "patients" there are dumb hippies or people who have illnesses that modern medicine can't seem to treat. Hollistic medicine is often a last ditch effort.

Exactly. A guy I work with...his wife (not a dumb hippy, just desperate to live) came down with bone cancer...they didn't think she was going to make it, so in addition to all the chemo, etc. they tried holistic medicine and even went down to Mexico for some treatment that is offered there and not here...I guess if you're facing death, you grasp at any straw...