
IAB is a stud. Officially an Ironman

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Holy Mole - how many people did this thing? Our local mtb race yesterday had 16 entrants... I'm beginning to think the NE is packed with people.

Oh and good on you IAB. :)


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Now he needs to get the tattoo on his forehead so that no one ever forgets he's a winner.

(congrats, sounds like you had shitty conditions and still put together a good race)

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hey, thanks guys! I'm only following the path that MBC already started. She did this race too for the second time...a 2X Ironchick! I'm proud of her...she rocks.

I had a good race in some shitty weather. I was hoping to break 13 hours, so I was thrilled with 12:07.

Quick recap:
Swim - 2.4 miles of getting the crap beat out of me, by both rough water and other swimmers. The swimming was easy, but battling everyone else was the trick. I didn't let it bother me too much and I finished right where I was hoping to (1:30). Turns out the swim was the easiest part.

Bike - It started pouring 20 miles into the ride and it was accompanied by 20-35 mph winds. That was brutal. It didn't let up the entire ride. The course was two 56 mile laps. I took it easy the first lap, so I had plenty in the tank for the second lap. I passed a lot of people in lap two and moved up 600 spots in the standings. I felt pretty good getting off the bike in transition. I averaged 17.9 mph. 5500' elevation gain.

Run - 4:07 run was good for top 13%. That is my bread and butter. I kept the effort easy from the start, knowing it'd get hard, which it did about 10 miles in. I ran the first 14 miles before I had to take a walk break. I took a few more short walk breaks, mostly on uphills, but only walked about a quarter mile total. With 10K to go, I was spent. Just completely exhausted. I hung in there and my run pace didn't slip too much...maybe 20 sec/mile. The rain finally stopped with three miles to go, after pouring for the previous 9 hours. Crossing that finish line and hearing the announcer call you an Ironman is a pretty awesome feeling. I grabbed my medal and crashed down in a chair. That was fuckin' hard.

I was officially 722/2480 overall. No way did I expect to finish near the top 25%.

I saw MBC four times during the race...twice on the bike and twice on the run.

Early in the bike

50 miles in (RAIN)

Start of the run

Coming down the finish chute too tired to be happy

Boom diggity

About 30 minutes after finishing and housing a full plate of food
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