
Ideas? Advice? What to do when ....?

What to when the new guy eats all the company snacks?

  • Do you passive aggressively start leaving mean notes when a basket goes empty?

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Do you (as my coworkers have done) advise the boss to stop filling the snack baskets?

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Do you approach him and explain other's dislike of his selfish desire to eat ALL the snacks?

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Do you start making guffaws and public jokes about fatsos with their mouths covered in chocolate?

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Do you sit down with him and have a heart to heart?

    Votes: 8 44.4%

  • Total voters


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Our boss is very kind and provides the office with yummy treats such as chocolates, candy, pastries periodically, chips, etc. These are for the entire office to share and are generally stored in the kitchen.

So what do you do, as the supervisor of the new guy, if the new guy has a thing for sitting down in front of a basket of chocolates and eating the whole damned thing?
To add a twist to it - if he is exceptionally obese and is rather proud of it...

AAND when your other coworkers go out of their way to say something to you about their discomfort in:
a) the man's obviously orgasmic pleasure in eating (moaning in ecstasy with each bite)
b) his obvious love of food and chocolate and insistence that he must eat 5-6 big meals a day because of how hungry he is - and he will defend this while eating the office snack supply as if it is his right to eat more than everyone else because of how hungry he is?

So...I'm curious to hear your ideas and thoughts... right now...I'm pretending ignorance - I already eat at my desk with my door closed so I can read the news and catch up a bit...so I only hear 2nd hand accounts of others' discomfort...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Oh ya - there's another part to this - my job requires that I dress nice periodically as I work a lot with customers...so I will frequently appear in suits and nice shirts and stuff...

Recently I've noticed my new coworker is less than shy about checking me out when I'm trying to:
a) correct an error he's made
b) update him on company information so he does not give customers incorrect info
c) train him on new tools and resources....

So - confronting him about his size is already rather undesirable as I fear he'll just sit back, stretch his arms across his sizeable belly, wiggle his crotch (as he always does ...gross!) and stare pointedly at my chest...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
binary visions said:
I'm afraid the only answer is to poison the chocolate.
What - like when someone starts eating your lunch foods? hehehe...bring in a plate of brownies with your name on them, but spike thm...

wicked... :evil:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
since you are the supervisor i think it is your duty to approach this new, unpleasant hire and explain to him why you feel his eating of all the snacks and inappropriate staring are not acceptable behaviors at work.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
As far as the food goes, I'd probably say something short and sweet like, "You know, those treats are for everyone so go easy."

As far as checking you out, you're probably best off speaking to your boss or HR about that.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
just say. "listen you fat slob, the food in the baskets is for everyone, if ya dont chill and just take your share, I'm gonna fill one up with hershey squirts and make you eat all of it!"


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I Are Baboon said:
As far as the food goes, I'd probably say something short and sweet like, "You know, those treats are for everyone so go easy."

As far as checking you out, you're probably best off speaking to your boss or HR about that.
I'd recommend saying the above for the second problem as well. :thumb: :D



What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
1st off


You are going to have to "coach" him and back it up in his personel file. The eating of the snacks is totally yours. I would recommend saying something like. Hey this office has a great community atmosphere that is fostered by everyone giving and taking at equal levels..... bla bla bla..

onto the oogling of you, you are gonna have to get someone else involved or it could become sticky if you are technically his supervisor. You are gonna end up saying something about professionalism at the work place.


Aug 14, 2001
The solution is a bowl full of chocolate laxitives in the break room...that solves the food problem.

As for his staring problem, send out a reminder notice on what constitutes sexual harrassment. Part of your job to remind everyone of the rules once in a while... :devil:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
Toshi said:
since you are the supervisor i think it is your duty to approach this new, unpleasant hire and explain to him why you feel his eating of all the snacks and inappropriate staring are not acceptable behaviors at work.
i'm not sure talking like that really has any affect on people like him. ya gotta be harsh and crude, it's the only thing they understand. and besides, is there ANYONE out there who actually thinks staring at a co-workers boobs is acceptable work behavoir, or that eating every last drop of the obviously communal food is ok? this guy is a jerk, and deserves to be treated as such.

don't get mad, get even.
1. put some laxatives in a plate of brownies and let the fatty go to town. just make sure to warn everyone else.
2. tell your boss about his sexual harrassment. tell him you've tried being nice but it doesn't work. maybe your boss will talk to him. sexual harrasment isn't taken lightly. he sounds like a real perv, so I'm not sure exactly how you could get him to stop staring, short of :nuts:, literally. that'll show him who's boss.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
I would wear the tightest shortest skirt you have...add a pair of spiked heels and fishnet stockings to work tomorrow :evil:

Hahaha...you know I'm just kidding :p

Ew....I'm going to think twice about getting changed in the parking lot of your office next time we ride up north....Yikkess..he probably staring out the window moaning and fondling some chocolate :nope:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I Are Baboon said:
And if none of that works, just pull his shirt up and blow on his belly button.
Phil, thats just sick!!!!!! And Jr_Bullit do you have a pic of you in your business clothes? You know so we can give you the proper response need for the fat crotch wiggly guy.;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :thumb:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Brian HCM#1 said:
Phil, thats just sick!!!!!! And Jr_Bullit do you have a pic of you in your business clothes? You know so we can give you the proper response need for the fat crotch wiggly guy.;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :thumb:
Jeezus, man. There's *lots* of porn on the net if you need to pull your taffy. :D


Edit: Oooooh... you're wife's gone..... pull away, man! :p


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
First of all, his obesity has nothing to do with the fact that he's eating all the snacks and gazing at your cans. It would be just as wrong if Mr. Universe was doing it.

As his supervisor, it's your job to sit him down and explain his inappropriate behavior to him (both the grazing on everyone's food and the ogling at your hooters). Document the fact that you counselled him.

If the inappropriate behavior continues, then you have the ammunition you need to take care of the problem.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Smelly said:
is there ANYONE out there who actually thinks staring at a co-workers boobs is acceptable work behavoir

Wait... What are you saying?

...seriously, though, the sexual harassment thing is something you need to discuss with your boss. At the very least, she will be able to advise you on a course of action to resolve it, ideally, she'll deal with it herself. edit: depends on your management structure... Are you solely responsible for this guy, or just a supervisor?

The eating of community goods is less clear, but I think the first course of action would be a very easygoing talk like Rob suggested. He may take it seriously, he may just ignore you. Unfortunately, firing him for stealing from the community candy dish is probably not justified (as fun as it would be - can you imagine, "Reason for Termination: The 6th deadly sin of gluttony" or, "Didn't learn how to share in Kindergarten"), and sometimes jerks ruin it for the community. You certainly wouldn't be the first office to cease having a community food supply because of one pig.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
<snip> and sometimes jerks ruin it for the community. You certainly wouldn't be the first office to cease having a community food supply because of one pig.
Goddammit. It's not my fault everyone *else* was so slow gettin' their donuts on Fridays........ :angry:



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
I would wear the tightest shortest skirt you have...add a pair of spiked heels and fishnet stockings to work tomorrow :evil:

Hahaha...you know I'm just kidding :p

Ew....I'm going to think twice about getting changed in the parking lot of your office next time we ride up north....Yikkess..he probably staring out the window moaning and fondling some chocolate :nope:
Hahahah - fortunately, if I thought he had any kind of line of site - or any of my male coworkers for that matter, I'da invited you in to use the "ladies" room for that. ;)


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
binary visions said:

Wait... What are you saying?

...seriously, though, the sexual harassment thing is something you need to discuss with your boss. At the very least, she will be able to advise you on a course of action to resolve it, ideally, she'll deal with it herself. edit: depends on your management structure... Are you solely responsible for this guy, or just a supervisor?

The eating of community goods is less clear, but I think the first course of action would be a very easygoing talk like Rob suggested. He may take it seriously, he may just ignore you. Unfortunately, firing him for stealing from the community candy dish is probably not justified (as fun as it would be - can you imagine, "Reason for Termination: The 6th deadly sin of gluttony" or, "Didn't learn how to share in Kindergarten"), and sometimes jerks ruin it for the community. You certainly wouldn't be the first office to cease having a community food supply because of one pig.

Nope - not solely responsible, just his supervisor. My boss - Rick - would take it very very seriously, maybe. We have an executive director who has a bad habit of sitting behind another one of the girls in the office or showing up when she's like plugging in computers so he can check out the tush. :rolleyes:

Maybe if the girls had some tasty male meat to ogle, we'd feel differently. ;).

Also - the food thing - well okay there's more to it - the boss lady obviously ran out of treats exceptionally fast this month, but one of the treats was a basket of pre-packaged hot-cocoas that all came with hershey kisses and marshmallows to put in the cocoa (some fund raiser thing).

K - well most of the office really isn't into the hot cocoa thing...but the weirdest thing has been happening...the new guy keeps walking back to his desk with handfuls of hershey's kisses, and the bags of individually packaged thingies have been losing their kisses.

It sorta came to a head today when Phaedra, the admin assistant, flipped her **** and put angry sticky notes on everything.


Oct 17, 2002
dl porn on his PC... fat chicks with chocolate syrup on their chest. Then have an IT guy 'find' it. Totally believable, problem solved :devil:


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Jr_Bullit said:
Nope - not solely responsible, just his supervisor. My boss - Rick - would take it very very seriously, maybe. We have an executive director who has a bad habit of sitting behind another one of the girls in the office or showing up when she's like plugging in computers so he can check out the tush. :rolleyes:

Maybe if the girls had some tasty male meat to ogle, we'd feel differently. ;).

Also - the food thing - well okay there's more to it - the boss lady obviously ran out of treats exceptionally fast this month, but one of the treats was a basket of pre-packaged hot-cocoas that all came with hershey kisses and marshmallows to put in the cocoa (some fund raiser thing).

K - well most of the office really isn't into the hot cocoa thing...but the weirdest thing has been happening...the new guy keeps walking back to his desk with handfuls of hershey's kisses, and the bags of individually packaged thingies have been losing their kisses.

It sorta came to a head today when Phaedra, the admin assistant, flipped her **** and put angry sticky notes on everything.

ok this is getting kinda funny.... You really should keep us all informed.

Why does this remind me of some commercial with some hefty dude with his head in the company fridge with his coworkers busting him for eating someone else's stuff. He turns around and mutters the phrase

No name, fair game, no name fair game.. And continues to swallow someone elses leftovers.


May 6, 2003
Jr_Bullit said:
. . . thingies have been losing their kisses.

It sorta came to a head today when Phaedra, the admin assistant, flipped her **** and put angry sticky notes on everything.
If this is what you call "flipped her ****" in your office (angry sticky notes), be thankful you work in such a docile place. When doors start slamming shut and you can still hear the shouting through the walls, THAT is someone flipping their ****.

What the glutton really wants is kisses, and not just the chocolate. Surely you know how closely related our different appetites are? The poor wretch is eating to fill a hole that will only be filled when he gets to fill a hole. Which, of course, explains his other indiscretion as well.

The snacky problem is common courtesy. Up to the boss as to whether to enforce it (I say order a Code Red). The wandering eye is up to you. If you can handle it yourself, just tell him what it/isn't acceptable. If he's bothering you too much for that, take it to your super.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
No name, fair game, no name fair game.. And continues to swallow someone elses leftovers.
This idea makes me happy I have a frig. in my office :thumb:

Jr_B....I think you should bake some brownies with Exlax in 'em(did that once to an ex :D )take bets in the office to see how long it takes for a reaction :oink:


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Snacks said:
Jr_B....I think you should bake some brownies with Exlax in 'em(did that once to an ex :D )take bets in the office to see how long it takes for a reaction :oink:

yes. do this. some people don't have a clue when it comes to other peoples anything. I know, i'm one of them. ;)

you have a few options, which have been mentioned already.
1. go the professional route and tell your bosses and document stuff.
2. go the personal route and attack him.

number 2 is always better. spike the chocolates (brownies work well. you can even make some fake packaging as if they were purchased at a store, taking the spotlight off of you. like something a mom&pop type bakery would have)

then, tell him, like a super pissed off bitch that all respectable ladys have hiding inside them, to "STOP LOOKING AT MY TITS!!!!" just be an grade A A-hole to the guy when he does this type of stuff.

and of course, as mentioned, put porn on his computer. that would be hella cool. :thumb:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
This idea makes me happy I have a frig. in my office :thumb:

Jr_B....I think you should bake some brownies with Exlax in 'em(did that once to an ex :D )take bets in the office to see how long it takes for a reaction :oink:
Ohhh - mean!!! hehehe - :nopity: ;)


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Jr_Bullit said:
What - like when someone starts eating your lunch foods? hehehe...bring in a plate of brownies with your name on them, but spike thm...

wicked... :evil:
X-lax chocolate chip cookies


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Brian HCM#1 said:
Phil, thats just sick!!!!!! And Jr_Bullit do you have a pic of you in your business clothes? You know so we can give you the proper response need for the fat crotch wiggly guy.;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :thumb:
The wife isn't gone more than ONE day and you are already cruzin for skin..

;) :evil:


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
where's DH_girlie? she should have some good advice.......


Several ass faces stole on the company cards and they quit buying us junk food since no one can be trusted. Your gig seems golden. Just beat him to the bowl.