
Idiot parents! (rant)


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Damn True said:
There's another monkey with a brain injury as well.
I won't say who because I don't know if he want's everyone knowing about it.
It's ok, we know about Burly. I mean, how obvious, right?


Nov 30, 2004
manimal said:
Hey genius....i could care less if that kid spreads brain matter all over the road. my "intervention" was mostly selfish.
Maybe you should not be a cop! I was with you until that retarded comment.


Sep 29, 2004
SC mtns
pnj said:
me too. I hit my head so many times on the cement.

I don't know of anyone that has gotten brain damage from hitting their head in 25 plus years I've been riding a bike.
Doesn't mean it can't happen. I know of two fatalities from bicycle falls, and neither involved an automobile or dirt jumping.
pnj said:
we've met?

I'm the biggest pvssy ever. and I do wear a helmet sometimes, especially when mtn. biking. I just don't believe in the 'wear a helmet everytime i get on my bike' school of though.
I'm older then I may appear....(but just as dumb;))
We've met in the sense that we have read each other's posts here for a long time.

JRA can get you just as well as hero work. The worst story I heard, told to me before I learned my lesson, was of a fellow who tipped over at a dead stop, hit a fire hydrant with his head, and expired.

I got my comeuppance by losing a front wheel while commuting.



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
koffee said:
Maybe you should not be a cop! I was with you until that retarded comment.

maybe you should try to imagine being one for a few minutes and then you'd understand the cynical sarcasm that comes with putting up with stupid people all the time.

had a nasty suicide last month and you know what my first thought was after seeing his brains all over the room?......this report is going to cut into my gym time. sorry.....we tend to be arseholes sometimes...but at least i was being honest. i mean..i don't want the kid to get hurt but if his dad makes such a big deal about him not wearing a helmet then i'm not going to let it bother me. if the kid ends up a vegatable because his dad's a tard then so be it....as long as he busts his head open somewhere else.

damned if you do...damned if you don't.


Nov 30, 2004
manimal said:
maybe you should try to imagine being one for a few minutes and then you'd understand the cynical sarcasm that comes with putting up with stupid people all the time.

had a nasty suicide last month and you know what my first thought was after seeing his brains all over the room?......this report is going to cut into my gym time. sorry.....we tend to be arseholes sometimes...but at least i was being honest. i mean..i don't want the kid to get hurt but if his dad makes such a big deal about him not wearing a helmet then i'm not going to let it bother me. if the kid ends up a vegatable because his dad's a tard then so be it....as long as he busts his head open somewhere else.

damned if you do...damned if you don't.

Suicide ehh. Must have taken alot of your ticket writing time!

dh girlie

Damn...I just read the first post...thats all...but for christs sake, you can get a helmet at freakin walmart for less than ten dollars. All helmets have to meet the SAME safety requirements. Thats too bad...oh well...that guy will be changing his kids diaper and feeding him and wiping the drool off his chin till he croaks...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
<snip>Thats too bad...oh well...that guy will be changing his kids diaper and feeding him and wiping the drool off his chin till he croaks...
Statistically speaking he probably won't. And then he'll be justified in his own mind that helmets are an unnecessary burden. :rolleyes:



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Ok Literal Larry...Statistical Stan...I'll make sure I indicate next time that I'm speaking hypothetically...:rolleyes:
It's similar to people who don't wear seatbelts - chances are, they'll never have an accident in which the belt saves their lives. But to recommend to other people that they shouldn't just because it probably won't help is asinine, IMO.



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Statistically speaking he probably won't. And then he'll be justified in his own mind that helmets are an unnecessary burden. :rolleyes:

that was kind of my point.....

actually, my point was (the one I made so poorly) I don't like other people telling me what to do.

don't put your fingers in the light socket
don't ride in the street
don't ride on the sidewalk
don't share needles
don't have unprotected sex
put on a helmet


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
that's a great picture of your kid. is he landing on the grass or the cement?

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
pnj said:
that was kind of my point.....

actually, my point was (the one I made so poorly) I don't like other people telling me what to do.

don't put your fingers in the light socket
don't ride in the street
don't ride on the sidewalk
don't share needles
don't have unprotected sex
put on a helmet
Sounds like you are in for a life of frusteration.

Don't be late to work
Don't turn in your expense report late
Don't etc etc etc


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
pnj said:
that was kind of my point.....

actually, my point was (the one I made so poorly) I don't like other people telling me what to do.

don't put your fingers in the light socket
don't ride in the street
don't ride on the sidewalk
don't share needles
don't have unprotected sex
put on a helmet
Yep - alot of people simply don't want to be told what to do. It usually is a result of some childhood trauma. They should *NOT* go around telling other people that it won't do any good, though - that's just irresponsible.


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
pnj said:
that was kind of my point.....

actually, my point was (the one I made so poorly) I don't like other people telling me what to do.

don't put your fingers in the light socket
don't ride in the street
don't ride on the sidewalk
don't share needles
don't have unprotected sex
put on a helmet
Yep, you would think all of those things would be common @#%@ing sense,
and people would not need to be told that..........but.......
Everyday somebody gets electrocuted from a light socket
Everyday somebody gets runover in the street.
Everyday somebody knocks over an old lady on a sidewalk.
Everyday junkies share needles.
Everyday people ride bareback
and Everyday future Terri Schiavo's do stairgaps without wearing a helmet.

It's an age old debate especially when it comes to passing laws.
Is it the Government's responsibility to protect stupid people from being stupid? You can argue both sides of that all day long.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Jeremy R said:
Yep, you would think all of those things would be common @#%@ing sense,
and people would not need to be told that..........but.......
Everyday somebody gets electrocuted from a light socket
Everyday somebody gets runover in the street.
Everyday somebody knocks over an old lady on a sidewalk.
Everyday junkies share needles.
Everyday people ride bareback
and Everyday future Terri Schiavo's do stairgaps without wearing a helmet.

It's an age old debate especially when it comes to passing laws.
Is it the Government's responsibility to protect stupid people from being stupid? You can argue both sides of that all day long.
Hear hear!! Excellently stated, my good man. :thumb:



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
pnj said:
that's a great picture of your kid. is he landing on the grass or the cement?

he launched that one to grass, i didn't want him to eat it on the pavement with that kind of force. grass is much softer. lately i've been putting a board on the steps and a kicker on top and he's been launching it to the boarded tranny. he hits it so smooth....like he's been doing it all his life. :thumb:


May 6, 2003
manimal said:
he launched that one to grass, i didn't want him to eat it on the pavement with that kind of force. grass is much softer. lately i've been putting a board on the steps and a kicker on top and he's been launching it to the boarded tranny. he hits it so smooth....like he's been doing it all his life. :thumb:
If he's still doing it in 10 yrs, he WILL have been doing it all his life :D

My 4yo is still on the training wheels, just trying to get comfortable w/the bike.

Props to manimal just for BEING a cop, a "real" dad, and someone who gives a flip about other people.