
Iditarod Trail Invitational Race 2/26/17


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
A few of us headed out to the start of the Ididarod bike race. The race goes from Knik Lake in hick-land, Ak to either McGrath or Nome, depending on how much hurt you are in for. Myself and Tim rode out to Flathorn lake from Knik in what ended up being pretty dismal slow trail conditions with soft soupy snow due to snow-machines and warm temps near freezing. We put quite the hurt on ourselves, but luckily a few more of us had ridden out to Flathorn Lake to set up an impromptu checkpoint where we offered the racers beer, cookies and encouragement.

Latent backwoods homosexuality

Yes. That is a foes. Wouldn't be my first choice, but not because it's a foes.

Some of these were not crazy loaded down. Some of them were 80lbs more more and hard to get out of the truck (we helped).

Racers/riders starting show up (after the bikes).

Tim and I heading out. Our ride turned out to be closer to 40 miles, and about 25 was hard fought at around 5mph or less average speed due to soft snow. Speed appears to have picked up after our checkpoint at Flathorn Lake according to the trackers. Soon the racers were doing about twice that speed.

Greg Matyas of Faback bikes (center) and Greg Sjoquist of QBP bicycle promotion on the right. Greg Sjoquist was kind of upset that we didn't have any "turns" in our "trails" like in Minnesota. There are plenty of turns in this race, but it's something like 350 miles and not a "weave through the forest" kind of ride. Hopefully he gets some time on our trails in Anchorage. Plenty of tight stuff to jam your bars on for days.

Greg just making sure his pupils aren't dilated.

We were told there was a bonfire happening. When we got there, no bonfire. We pretended. I brought cookies and peanut butter cups though...everyone brought beer.

Foes guy


One of the racers, Clint Hodges. His SO rode out with us to wish him luck.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002

Me (always bring a puffy jacket and mittens for winter drinking):

On the way back, which sucked only slightly less as far as snow conditions. Flat light made it hard too ride in the tracks of previous riders.

Few ITI racers headed opposite direction as we headed back to cars.

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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Suspect one of those 'lighter' bikes was Jeny's -- as Mike C's blog has some interesting posts re: provisions and gear (and lots of amazing pictures...)

Right above Foes guy I believe. White bike with a rear rack and sleeping bag. Janice Tower is friends with Jenny and was out with us at the lake, they were out doing some photos on Speedway Trail a few days ago.

I think it's also this white bike in the background of this picture:



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Edited because I wrongly said Greg was with 9zero7, he's the owner of Fatback Bikes. I always confuse the two no matter how hard I try. Super nice guy and puts on several events and races over the course of the year.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Some people are adverse to putting on clothes. I can stay warm when it's 25 or so out like in the picture with some clothes, but there's no escaping (for me) hot temps in the summer when even going naked doesn't make you cool enough. Even though it wasn't terribly cold, standing around drinking beer can make you cold, so you bring your "standing around and drinking beer" clothes on rides like this.

In any case, we were promised a bonfire, but that turned out to just be a joke to try and get us out to the lake evidently.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Yup, local guy, great effort!
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