
If anyone ever deserved to get beat.....


Mar 14, 2005
I cant believe that article...
could you imagine being that guy who lost the finger....now he has to wait for it?? yikes what is this world coming too?


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I'm talking about the part where the dude would not return the finger so that it could be reattached. I would have killed that mofo to get my finger back - what a dick.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Ridemonkey said:
I'm talking about the part where the dude would not return the finger so that it could be reattached. I would have killed that mofo to get my finger back - what a dick.
No crap. The guy who "found" the finger is keeping it for evidence so he can sue. Cripes, it's not like he ATE it. The guy who lost his finger will probably counter-sue. Eh, just sue everyone.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I Are Baboon said:
No crap. The guy who "found" the finger is keeping it for evidence so he can sue. Cripes, it's not like he ATE it. The guy who lost his finger will probably counter-sue. Eh, just sue everyone.
I'd sue, then burn his house, after chewing off his kid's fingers.

dh girlie

Ok wait a minute...am I the only one who thinks the fact that the freakin custard store employees and management allowed custard to be served that someone had lost their finger in??? I mean wtf? If I had my finger cut off in a custard mixer...I think I would be like hmmm...lets see...lets NOT serve this custard 1) cuz its freakin disgusting and against health department and osha standards to serve custard with a bloody body part in it...2) I'd like to see if I could get my finger reattached...

The guy was a dick for not returning the finger...but jeebus I'd be so freaked out that they let a bloody finger stay in custard they were serving...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Ridemonkey said:
I'm talking about the part where the dude would not return the finger so that it could be reattached. I would have killed that mofo to get my finger back - what a dick.
I'd call a few hard-hittin', pipe-totin' buddies of mine to teach that hillbilly boy a lesson...

It's almost like some people deserve to die...well, not really, but karma is a bitch.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
dh girlie said:
Ok wait a minute...am I the only one who thinks the fact that the freakin custard store employees and management allowed custard to be served that someone had lost their finger in??? I mean wtf? If I had my finger cut off in a custard mixer...I think I would be like hmmm...lets see...lets NOT serve this custard 1) cuz its freakin disgusting and against health department and osha standards to serve custard with a bloody body part in it...2) I'd like to see if I could get my finger reattached...
I agree. Severed fingers should not be allowed in the custard. They should just stick to severed toes.


Oct 17, 2002
Ridemonkey said:
I'm talking about the part where the dude would not return the finger so that it could be reattached. I would have killed that mofo to get my finger back - what a dick.
Absolutely. That's like multiple felonys: impeding an investigation, theft, and something about bodily harm or other.

Soon after Stowers found the finger in a mouthful of chocolate soft-serve he bought Sunday at Kohl's Frozen Custard in Wilmington, he put it in his freezer at home, taking it out only occasionally to show to television cameras.
I think that's how Dahmer started out.


Oct 17, 2002
dh girlie said:
Ok wait a minute...am I the only one who thinks the fact that the freakin custard store employees and management allowed custard to be served that someone had lost their finger in??? I mean wtf? If I had my finger cut off in a custard mixer...I think I would be like hmmm...lets see...lets NOT serve this custard 1) cuz its freakin disgusting and against health department and osha standards to serve custard with a bloody body part in it...2) I'd like to see if I could get my finger reattached...
maybe the guy who lost his finger freaked and ran to the hospital withouth thinking or telling anyone?

And maybe the manager didn't know cuz he was mixin up a batch of strawberry custard?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yeah, what selfish sob that guy is! I can't imagine what that must be like to be the poor guy who lost his finger, knowing that it could have been reattached, but that it is too late now. All because some jerk found it in his ice cream and decided to keep it as evidence.

I think that the counter suit for the loss of the finger on this one will pay way more than the initial suit against the icecream stand.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
And what the hell are people doing eating CUSTARD? That sh*t is nasty.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
reflux said:
It's almost like some people deserve to die...well, not really, but karma is a bitch.
some people DO deserve to die. like, all of them.

Karma does not exist. it's just something to make people feel good about things they can not control.

good things happen to bad people all the time.
and bad things happen to good people all the time.
both will die eventually.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
pnj said:
good things happen to bad people all the time.
and bad things happen to good people all the time.
both will die eventually.
Bad people, truly bad people, never die.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Here is the way it will play out.
The asschap who found the finger will sue and get a settlement.
Then the 9 nine fingered guy will sue him to get his settlement.

Unless the Custard place was not a chain, and there was no money in it.
But then again, how much money could there be in Custard. Yuck.
That finger might have made it taste better.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
dh girlie said:
I'm just still shocked that the fact the guy didn't give his finger back is an issue...I'd be more concerned about the place serving finger filled custard!!! Is no one else shocked about that????
Uh yeah but that is not what this thread is about. This thread is about the poor guy who lost his finger and the dillhole who stole it.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Story goes:

Dude got his finger cut off by the same machine that cut someone else's finger off in the recent past.

Manager takes dude and rushes him to the hospital, doesn't tell other employees about finger in custard. Big mistake by the manager there. Gonna cost the manager her job and the owner of the custard stand his business most likely.

Finger is found by customer in a very disgusting manner.

Customer refuses to give dude back his finger so it can get reattached. Ass-HOLE.

Presumably, there will be 3 lawsuits here:

1. Fingerless dude suing the custard shop owner and custard machine maker, since the machine has a history of digit removal.

2. Fingerless dude suing asshole customer for stealing his severed limb when it could have been saved.

3. Asshole customer suing custard shop owner because he got grossed out.

Now if I'm a judge in this county, this all works out just fine. Asshole customer wins his suit, and takes all the custard shop owner's assets, probably a total of about 31 cents after attorney costs. Fingerless dude gets that 31 cents, and all the assets of the asshole customer, probably totalling another 84 cents after attorney costs. And finally, fingerless dude gets a few million from the company that made the digit removal machine. Damn I should have become a judge.


Oct 17, 2002
dh girlie said:
I'm just still shocked that the fact the guy didn't give his finger back is an issue...I'd be more concerned about the place serving finger filled custard!!! Is no one else shocked about that????
finger food happens everyday. I'm not sure when the last time I heard about someone stealing another's body part.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Don't forget lawsuit #4 by the finger stealers family after he gets head bashed in with bat by fingerless guy.

Echo said:
Story goes:

Dude got his finger cut off by the same machine that cut someone else's finger off in the recent past.

Manager takes dude and rushes him to the hospital, doesn't tell other employees about finger in custard. Big mistake by the manager there. Gonna cost the manager her job and the owner of the custard stand his business most likely.

Finger is found by customer in a very disgusting manner.

Customer refuses to give dude back his finger so it can get reattached. Ass-HOLE.

Presumably, there will be 3 lawsuits here:

1. Fingerless dude suing the custard shop owner and custard machine maker, since the machine has a history of digit removal.

2. Fingerless dude suing asshole customer for stealing his severed limb when it could have been saved.

3. Asshole customer suing custard shop owner because he got grossed out.

Now if I'm a judge in this county, this all works out just fine. Asshole customer wins his suit, and takes all the custard shop owner's assets, probably a total of about 31 cents after attorney costs. Fingerless dude gets that 31 cents, and all the assets of the asshole customer, probably totalling another 84 cents after attorney costs. And finally, fingerless dude gets a few million from the company that made the digit removal machine. Damn I should have become a judge.

dh girlie

I dunno...I think the dude who had his finger cut off in the machine is just as much of dick...if it were me...I would be like screw this...my fingers in that machine, that is gross and I want my finger back...he was either negligent on his part, or if like Echo said...the manager chose not to tell anyone, I'd've protested that...even if it meant my job...it's my finger...AND it's gross...then he is a part of an negligent act...I'm sure the machine has a warning sticker on it somewhere saying not to stick your hand in the machine while its running...maybe the guy made a bad choice...

I still agree the dude who wouldn't give it back is a dick, but he ain't the only dick...I smell dicks all over the place in this one...


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
dh girlie said:
The guy was a dick for not returning the finger...but jeebus I'd be so freaked out that they let a bloody finger stay in custard they were serving...
It has already been determined that the manager took the dude to the hospital and neglected to tell the other employees what happened. Big mistake on the manager's part obviously. But does the dude deserve to lose an appendage because the manager freaked out?


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
dh girlie said:
I dunno...I think the dude who had his finger cut off in the machine is just as much of dick...if it were me...I would be like screw this...my fingers in that machine, that is gross and I want my finger back...he was either negligent on his part, or if like Echo said...the manager chose not to tell anyone, I'd've protested that...even if it meant my job...it's my finger...AND it's gross...then he is a part of an negligent act...I'm sure the machine has a warning sticker on it somewhere saying not to stick your hand in the machine while its running...maybe the guy made a bad choice...

I still agree the dude who wouldn't give it back is a dick, but he ain't the only dick...I smell dicks all over the place in this one...
Uh right. I'm sure you'd be all cool and collected after your finger got cut off.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
dh girlie said:
I still agree the dude who wouldn't give it back is a dick, but he ain't the only dick...I smell dicks all over the place in this one...


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
dh girlie said:
I dunno...I think the dude who had his finger cut off in the machine is just as much of dick...
It was a high school kid. I'm sure when you were in high school, if something like that happened to you, you would have calmly filled out all the necessary OSHA paperwork before going to the hospital right? And you would have ignored your adult boss's demands that you go to the hospital right away too?

the law

Jun 25, 2002
where its at
Well, if I was the shop owner, i would assert the defense of "unclean hands" (pun intended) and ask the court to dismiss the suit. I think he the customer shot himself in his foot by refusing to return it.

dh girlie

Echo said:
It was a high school kid. I'm sure when you were in high school, if something like that happened to you, you would have calmly filled out all the necessary OSHA paperwork before going to the hospital right? And you would have ignored your adult boss's demands that you go to the hospital right away too?

Of course I woudln't ignore the adult bosses demands to go to the hospital, cuz I'd probably want to go to the hospital after getting my finger cut off like any other dillhole...but I probably would've called my parents regardless. You don't have to fill out the required paper work before going to the hospital...9 times outta 10 here at my office they come back after going to the dr. to fill out the paper work...but I guess it was the managers fault...I didn't see where they said the manager just left the custard...she shoulda put a sign on the machine and told the other people...thats so gross...so looks like the managers at fault...


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
dh girlie said:
Uhhh...I'm not saying that...I'm saying its gross...but after reading more stuff I see it was the managers fault...get H8R panty debuncher out for you and Echo...

Uh right, MS yellow brake lever tantrum.