
if meat is murder, then what are vegans?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Is it any more abusive than jamming food down Fatty McDiabetic Jr's throat?
:rofl: McDiabetes. McCancer. McSars. the possibilities are endless.

I have nothing wrong with vegetarians/vegans. Do I think some of them take it too far? Absolutely. Case in point. I don't think you should force something like that on a child. You need to wait until they are old enough to let them decide for themselves, but that poses an issue in a situation such as this when both parents are vegan (which effectively doesn't really expose them to other options).

And I don't get the no breast-feeding thing. That's what they're there for, despite popular opinion that they are there for men to oogle over (not a bad thing, just not their primary function).

In the meantime... like maddox says... for every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three. (FTR i try to buy freerange as much as possible - trying to find some good places to get it around here).


Dec 6, 2001
3.5 pounds and they didn't know the baby was in trouble? I may not be able to read my son's mind about what is wrong sometimes but when your child wastes away before your eyes your should get a clue a little sooner. 3.5 pounds! That is truly criminal.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
So I finally read the link, pretty horrible. Fortunately they wont be spreading their genetic material, at least with nothing other than their cell mates.


Dec 6, 2001
I say that about porn sites all the time...

<edit> I agree that it's bad to force kids into a lifestyle choice that was made by the parents. But that goes for religion and politics as well as many other chioces.
If the mother was a eating a healthy diet, vegan or otherwise, and breastfeeding the baby, there would have been no issue. A baby needs more than just soy milk and apple juice to survive. With someone eating a vegan diet I would think it even more important since the baby would pick up most, if not all of it's, sustanance through mom. Chris@!%$! I'm sure there was some good vegan reason to not use formula but come on! These people were clearly just dumb.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
If the mother was a eating a healthy diet, vegan or otherwise, and breastfeeding the baby, there would have been no issue. A baby needs more than just soy milk and apple juice to survive. With someone eating a vegan diet I would think it even more important since the baby would pick up most, if not all of it's, sustanance through mom. Chris@!%$! I'm sure there was some good vegan reason to not use formula but come on! These people were clearly just dumb.
I smell Darwin Award.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Darwins are for killers of themselves, not murderers of children...

Ed: This tragedy does bring to mind another vegan conundrum...can vegan chicks (or dudes, I suppose, as well) swallow?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Darwins are for killers of themselves, not murderers of children...
i can see it as such: you have an accident which stops the family tree (a life sentence all but guarantees it)
MikeD said:
Ed: This tragedy does bring to mind another vegan conundrum...can vegan chicks (or dudes, I suppose, as well) swallow?
funny you should start this with "ed".
putting that aside, i think there's permission to accidentally ingest protein, like when a hippie is riding his gt peace through the castro & gets tossed (like they do in japan).


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
<edit> I agree that it's bad to force kids into a lifestyle choice that was made by the parents. But that goes for religion and politics as well as many other chioces.
No man, that's what parenthood is about; to teach once kids values/fundamental perceptions (dunno which word is correct here..) so that they become the better part of once self. Them two parents where clearly not fully tuned.

Veganism as far as I know is objecting the stronger part (human) using the weaker part (animal) for his own egos pleasure; Animals aren't here on earth to please our heavenly asses; Whe're put here by God/fait on equal terms.
The stronger part justifying the use of a weaker part just because this asset, that he actually can, is a fundamental part in fascist ideology.

Them fatty-kid pics remind me of a 50cent rhyme that goes "I love you like a fat kid loves cake".


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
if ANY of my kids end up like that i'll send them to the vegan parents for some "tough love."

how do you let your child get this big?!!!!
A woman I work with has two girls that are huge. She and her husband are skinny so genetics probably have little to do with it in this case. I actually saw them at the gym one day, they got their kids a personal trainer to drop the weight while they sat in the lobby working on their laptops. I was dumbfounded that they would pay a whole lot of money to do what a ball in the backyard could accomplish let alone not participate at all. I'm guessing they are more concerned about getting that next promotion so they can afford the bigger Mercedes.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
if veganism is so great, why does it kill?

ok lets get one thing straight...the media put the "Vegan" spin on the story for sensationalism.

The couple got life in prison because they did not feed the baby not because they were Vegans!!...D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
ok lets get one thing straight...the media put the "Vegan" spin on the story for sensationalism.

The couple got life in prison because they did not feed the baby not because they were Vegans!!...D
Nobody listen to him. It's just the malnutrition talking...



That poor girl has a keg and she hasn't even started drinking yet!!! Her parents are probably fat and blame it on the "fat gene", nevermind all the candy and fast food


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
ok lets get one thing straight...the media put the "Vegan" spin on the story for sensationalism.

The couple got life in prison because they did not feed the baby not because they were Vegans!!...D
they didn't feed the baby enough because they forced a vegan diet upon the child.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
they didn't feed the baby enough because they forced a vegan diet upon the child.
A proper vegan diet has enough nutrients in it to sustain a child (although I personally would have voted for holding off until the kid was older).

They did not feed the baby enough or properly.

The parents being vegan is a side note at best, it's not like we've never heard of children being starved to death by meat eating parents.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
A proper vegan diet has enough nutrients in it to sustain a child (although I personally would have voted for holding off until the kid was older).

They did not feed the baby enough or properly.

The parents being vegan is a side note at best, it's not like we've never heard of children being starved to death by meat eating parents.
You're one of them aren't you?


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
A proper vegan diet has enough nutrients in it to sustain a child (although I personally would have voted for holding off until the kid was older).

They did not feed the baby enough or properly.

The parents being vegan is a side note at best, it's not like we've never heard of children being starved to death by meat eating parents.
thanks for the common sense post Boomer....D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I say we breed a nation of skinny S&M freak girls with father issues than a bunch of spoiled fatties, myself...


Oct 17, 2002
Sincere question...

What's the idea/concept/philosophy/whatever behind "meat is murder"?

aren't we animals and don't many animals kill and eat other animals?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Sincere question...

What's the idea/concept/philosophy/whatever behind "meat is murder"?

aren't we animals and don't many animals kill and eat other animals?
Now, Opie, if all the other animals jumped off the Brooklyn bridge, would you do it, too?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Sincere question...

What's the idea/concept/philosophy/whatever behind "meat is murder"?

aren't we animals and don't many animals kill and eat other animals?
I think some vegans/vegetarians take it a little far with the guilt thing, especially PETA.

But honestly, why do so many people seem to make it their business that I choose not to eat corpses?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
'cuz the mind control drugs are in the steak, and you're screwing up our plan.