oh crap, another one from the debate (yes, i'm reading the transcript days later)
what if palin had said this?
and later in the debate, responding to a question on how ordinary people benefit from the bailout legislationobama said:"that it's not enough just to help those at the top. Prosperity is not just going to trickle down."
seriously?obama said:Well, Oliver, first, let me tell you what's in the rescue package for you. Right now, the credit markets are frozen up and what that means, as a practical matter, is that small businesses and some large businesses just can't get loans. If they can't get a loan, that means that they can't make payroll. If they can't make payroll, then they may end up having to shut their doors and lay people off.
And if you imagine just one company trying to deal with that, now imagine a million companies all across the country. So it could end up having an adverse effect on everybody, and that's why we had to take action. But we shouldn't have been there in the first place.
what if palin had said this?