
If the Laws of Sexual Consent did not exist....


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
What is the youngest chick you would allow yourself to get with? I'll state my answer after a couple of others I guess, I just want to get a ballpark for where most people are on this.


Aug 17, 2004
Even 20 year old chicks (let alone <18) are loose cannons in my book and are better off left alone - there are plenty who are 20+. Why invite disaster?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Listen. Im not talking pedaphelia here. I mean Hillary Duff is basically a woman, she's just young. Is there any particular age where you'd just feel morally wrong to go?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
s1ngletrack said:
Even 20 year old chicks (let alone <18) are loose cannons in my book and are better off left alone - there are plenty who are 20+. Why invite disaster?
Well yeah, but we arent talking prolonged relationships. Maybe just one night at a party.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
hillary duff would get it. i dont care how old she is. she is........nevermind.


Aug 8, 2004
BurlyShirley, They are all liers.

I don't want to incriminate myself so I will just say hypothetically - there might be all kinds of sayings (that we would never tell women) that men say like "If there's grass in the infield, play ball!" Or "old enough to sit at the table, old enough to eat" I'm not saying we say it or mean it - but maybe we say things like that when only men are around in a lockler room etc.

It sounds pretty bad but in all actuality we're hard wired that way. In most non western cultures people are or were popping out kids from around 15 on and all the biological impulses in the deepest darkest parts of our brains like our hypothalumi are telling us primordial males that those recently menarched females are the healthiest and most likely to bear us strong children with high survival rates.

Anything that holds us off that is a cultural construct not an evolutionary psych or a biological norm.

So I'll say head trips and cultural constraints removed, its gonna be 15 to 17 for any male who has more testosterone than culturally induced phobia about social ostracization or jail for statutory rape.

Just trying to be honest,

We do have the willpower to live within our culturally accepted norms though (in most cases) so this doesn't mean you all need to fear men everywhere wanting to get their freak on with your "innocent" daughters.

By the way I'm an anthropology grad student so maybe I have a different way of viewing it all but I'm not fibbing.



Aug 8, 2004
As far as my answer that I'll swear to, it would be voting age, of course.
I mean I'm not some kind of perve, LOL.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Btyler311 said:
BurlyShirley, They are all liers.

I don't want to incriminate myself so I will just say hypothetically - there might be all kinds of sayings (that we would never tell women) that men say like "If there's grass in the infield, play ball!" Or "old enough to sit at the table, old enough to eat" I'm not saying we say it or mean it - but maybe we say things like that when only men are around in a lockler room etc.

It sounds pretty bad but in all actuality we're hard wired that way. In most non western cultures people are or were popping out kids from around 15 on and all the biological impulses in the deepest darkest parts of our brains like our hypothalumi are telling us primordial males that those recently menarched females are the healthiest and most likely to bear us strong children with high survival rates.

Anything that holds us off that is a cultural construct not an evolutionary psych or a biological norm.

So I'll say head trips and cultural constraints removed, its gonna be 15 to 17 for any male who has more testosterone than culturally induced phobia about social ostracization or jail for statutory rape.

Just trying to be honest,

We do have the willpower to live within our culturally accepted norms though (in most cases) so this doesn't mean you all need to fear men everywhere wanting to get their freak on with your "innocent" daughters.

By the way I'm an anthropology grad student so maybe I have a different way of viewing it all but I'm not fibbing.

Dude I took two anthropology classes as an undergrad to "round out" my education. As if a mechanical engineer needs to know about anthropology. :rolleyes: But it was fun nevertheless. One of the classes was a cultural anthropology class and we learned about exactly what you mentioned.

If I was here to only procreate, that is to not have a personal relationship or bond, I would definately go for the 15-17 year old range. They have all the working pipes for a reason. They are strong and healthy and visualy suggest they are good strong mates that can bear my offspring.

Being 31 and happily married, I'd never 'date' or even 'one night' a girl of that age, laws aside. They are so emotionaly and intelligently immature it never worth it. :dead:


Aug 8, 2004
Of course, but I think burleyshirley wanted to know what we really think when we see 'em.

Keep in mind the same ones who are shall we say "active" at 15 and having kids are not acting like the 15 year olds in our culture. They are running a household and considered adults.

Any out of control immature behavior on their part is as much a product of our culture as our hesitation to "hit that." We treat our kids like children after they are biological adults because we have an economy that requires them to go through college before they can function as adults on their own. So we sort of emotionally stunt them until then. Its like the way our adult pets act like puppies/kittens and respond to us as parental figures.

I'm 32 and married too and if I were single agai and out looking, I'd look for within say an 5 year difference so I would be functionally similar in my views etc. All important to a relationship, but if no relationship were planned and no stalking to worry about or cultural backlash to haunt me then I'd have to admit I would potentially go much younger.

Honest Ty

(good thing my wife doesn't read this, LOL)


Aug 8, 2004
Actually my wife is 3 yrs older than me and we've been happily married for 5 yrs.

There are some skills those younger girls just havn't had the time to learn. LOL, So don't any of you older mudhunnies think I'm hatin'.

I love my older more experienced hunny and wouldn't trade her in.



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Hey, Btyler, I know that stuff already, but I was just curious about some people's personal limits. No one seems to want to step up to the plate.


Aug 8, 2004
They are afraid to say it.


If she can drive over by her self that scores her a lot of points.



PS if it happened tomorrow and I woke up single in America though I'd say 18 but a mature 18. Really it would be differnet on a case by case. As long as she is physically and emotionally mature - or at least as much as I am, then I wouldn't make a id checking issue of it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Interesting thread.

I guess my question would be, do you really mean if the laws of sexual consent didn't exist... or did you mean "if society had not taught you that this is bad..."?

Perfect example: the other day I was eating breakfast at a local resturant. There was a girl there that was surely not older than 15. But she was hot, in that young-teenager-hands-off kind of way. Nice, firm ones, high up on her chest, pants that were tight enough to show off .. ahem, sorry, getting distracted from the subject.

Would I have sex with her? No way. That's younger than my little sister (who is a lot younger than me). But if I was being honest with myself, and hadn't been taught over the years that it's unacceptable to behave like that, sure, I'd hit it. It's a natural instinct. My guess is that barring society's influence, any girl that you can look at and say, "She's hot" is old enough to have sex with.

The interesting part of this is that our culture has encouraged little girls to start dressing, talking, and acting like adults. That means that 12 and 13 year old girls, and even younger, are strutting around in tiny skirts wearing makeup and acting like adults. From an purely animal perspective, that's gotta f**k stuff up. I mean, the basic instinct there says, "If it looks like a woman, talks like a woman, and acts like a woman, it must be..."

Anyhow.. I guess my point in this is a question of whether you actually mean simply the legalities of having sex with younger girls, or the moral/sociatal impacts of it. Would I have sex with a 15 year old? Nope. Would I, if I hadn't been raised in a society that frowns on it, and developed a moral structure accordingly? Yep.
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
BurlyShirley said:
Hey, Btyler, I know that stuff already, but I was just curious about some people's personal limits. No one seems to want to step up to the plate.
Of course, YOU haven't taken a swing yet either. Just being a bit of a voyeur?

For myself, I'd never go for anyone younger than my kids.

The Cheese

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
I guess I can't be specific as to how old, because some of the girls I've seen running around...well I just don't know how old they are. Suffice it to say even a year ago, when Hillary Duff was 15, I was quite, ummm, well, yeah.

I would say when they reach stage 5 of puberty, which is typically around 15, then they have the physical attributes of a woman and I am therefore attracted to them physically. It's painful enough however, to handle an evening trying to relate to an 18-20 year old woman (though I'll admit occasionally I've done so). 21-23 isn't much better and neither of these 2 age groups knows much (in general) about how to be good in the sack, however 21-23 is the age group I most often "date." 24-27 is a nice age range and good for getting a serious relationship going. 28-32 is perfect for starting a family. 32 and up, well the sex just gets better and better. After a while, the age starts to affect the physical appearance, but a large part of that is offset by the fact that women in their 30's...ok and their 40's, know how to have a good time sexually.

OK, so short answer long, probably 15.


Aug 8, 2004
See Binary thats my point, 16, hot and having periods is not a girl she IS a woman, dressing like one but maybe acting like a child and emotionally stunted to be like a child.

Our economy and social system that makes it virtually impossible to move out and be a productive member of society at that age is what F'ks stuff up.

Looka at all the women, my wife included that have to use fertility treatments to concieve at 35 and up because they waited until after finishing educations and getting real jobs before tryin to have their offspring.

Maybe we should be getting busy earlier and just set up our infrastructure to be less of a hamper on those who have kids. Maybe we should have our kids before college and just assure that instituions of secondary learning and job settings all provide viable child care options.

We've developed a social system that makes it more difficult to have kids if you are successful, that is counter productive. Its just wrong somehow. Then we've screwed with our own heads to justify it.

just my thoughts.



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
El Jefe said:
I would say when they reach stage 5 of puberty, which is typically around 15, then they have the physical attributes of a woman and I am therefore attracted to them physically.
Dude you are in trouble... in today’s hormone filled beef world, girls are getting their periods and growing breast MUCH less than age 15.

It used to be that the average age of beginning of menstruation (menarche) in the 1800s was 16-17 years, whereas now it is between 12-13 years. Some girls are seen developing breasts as early as 7 or 8 years old. So girls are maturing much earlier than they used to. Something in modern life has made this change, and probably the girls in ages past were better off. A 8-9 year old girl still has a child-like mind that is not ready for the changes into maturity if her body jumps ahead. It is easier to deal with the raging hormones and other changes of puberty when your mind has had time to develop.
Julianne is a devoted mother to her beautiful and healthy-looking five-year-old daughter. But all was not as it seemed: something strange was stirring in Sarah's body. One night, while putting Sarah to bed, Julianne pulled her pajama top over her daughter's head when Sarah suddenly exclaimed, "Ouch! That hurt when you touched my nipple." Julianne was totally surprised by her daughter's response. Upon taking a closer look, she noticed that her nipples did appear to be different from what she had remembered. In fact, they looked bigger. Julianne immediately called her pediatrician to schedule tests. The results confirmed that Sarah was going through puberty. The small lumps were, in fact, breast buds. Sarah's breasts were actually developing. But she was only five years old! How could this possibly be? The doctor explained that Sarah had a condition called "precocious puberty". Julianne sat there in shock as the specialist informed her that the medical community now considers eight years of age to be the normal age for the beginning of puberty!
Personally - When I was younger(teenage to early 20's) she had to be at least 16. As I grew older I would only date girls who were no no more than 8 years younger than me, and no more than 5 years older. No idea where I came up with those numbers... but it worked well for me.

My wife is 6 years younger...


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well on anopther note if you think about the animal kingdom and us being animlas then it would be perfectly logical to reproduce with the youngest most vibrant of the species. you dont see the buck deer going for the oldest worn out doe they can find. That is proven amongst all animals as well.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i have a 7 year rule by the way (i'll be 29 next week). although dirty thoughts can happen. unfortunately i live in a state where 16 is the legal age of consent.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
See, now I've got to thinking about it.

If I hooked up with a girl who looked and acted 18, had sex with her, and then found out that she was only 15, I'm not sure I'd feel bad about it. I would feel uncomfortable about the fact that what I did was illegal, but I'm not sure I'd end up with any kind of moral dilemma. If someone's going to look and act older than they are, the accept the consequences accordingly.


Too many variables. Impossible to make such a black and white destinction. This requires further study. Please supply several hot, horny females of varying ages for my pleasu-- I mean, study.


May 4, 2004
Where the wild things are
depends on the girl, if she is smoking hot and possibly 15, I would do it. Although the way some of the youngens are dressing these days, I may have to raise the bar a bit. I would go 16 as an age.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
BurlyShirley said:
What is the youngest chick you would allow yourself to get with? I'll state my answer after a couple of others I guess, I just want to get a ballpark for where most people are on this.
you are so goin' to jail my man! :p