
if you commute... be careful!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
If you happen to ride your bike to work, do you best not to get laid up by a mf'in car that turns from the opposing traffic right in front of you while you're riding in the focking bike lane...

because you may end up like me sitting on my bed w/ a broken knee, busted thumb, scrapes up the kazoo, hating life & dumb drivers like a mofo.

fug, meh :(

- dump

happened over a week ago & still hurts like a mofo :(


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Dude that SUCKS. I'm getting more and more pissed sitting here thinking about it :angry: :angry: :angry:

As much as I hate to be a proponent of the "sue-happy" society that America has become... was it a rich f*cker that hit ya? At least maybe in the long run you could get some restitution, not that it makes your current situation any better :(


Oct 17, 2001
Boston, MA
That blows.


I often commute to work and due to the constantly changing roads here, I'm sometimes forced to ride against traffic, with traffic, across traffic, etc... It's fockin' scary at times.

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
For sure! I got hit about 6 months ago, but luckily just got catapulted and bounced off the hood. Some confused old lady hit me. I was just bumped and bruised and didn't go to the hospital, by road bike got a pretty hard hit so I told the insurance it was a loss and got a new bike.

Did you guys hear about the messenger that was killed a couple weeks ago in DC? Some focker hit him, ran him over, and left his corpse in the middle of the road. Hit and run. :angry: :dead: :angry:

These things do make you step back and realize what can happen when sharing the road with 3000+ pounds of metal.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Whoa, that is horrible.
I assumed that this thread was a link to some story, not to you getting hit by a car! I hope you heal up quick and 100%!
Give me a dripping wet slick DH course anyday over riding my bike on the road. Drivers just don't care.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Man, sorry to hear that.

I sold my road bike when I moved up here after hearing horror stories and seeing how people gawking at the lake are completely unaware of your existence.

I'm sure that's nothing compared to what you deal with in the city.

Are you at least getting some medical compensation?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Sorry to hear 'bout that dump, hope you heal up quickly and completely and get back out there.

Boston, 1993 or so, I was riding my fixed gear through a green light, all of a sudden this big black limo blows a red light and smacks my rear end, sending me into a clipped-in sliding 720 across the pavement and into a parked car. I ended up in a heap in a nasty puddle in the gutter while limo boy took off. A couple of other drivers stopped to check me out, even though I was pretty messed up I said "Go get that ****er...!" They never found him, I was pretty much ok, bike was wrecked.

But come on, I drive too. Not all drivers are assholes or have "no concept..."

PS, if I wasn't wearing a helmet that day I probably wouldn't be writing this. I'll never forget the sound and feel of pavement grinding away at the hard shell and thinking it could have been my skull. Helmets protect you against someone else's stupidity, not just your own. Ok, end of sermon.


Sep 30, 2003
Rochester, NY or Boise, ID
damn dude... that sucks.. glad you're ok. hope your knee heals up well!

luckily i haven't been hit by a car yet.. i got into a couple somewhat-close calls over spring break... i hate people that don't pay attention to their driving.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
That does suck, get better quick its riding season

I drive like a fvckin psycho, but i'll always slow down and give plenty of room for Bikers :thumb: , but if you are on rollerblades watch out :devil: :p


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
sorry to hear dump. you're in the big apple, right? if so, give me a description of the vehicle/driver and i'll bar-end-cap their windows...just to get the revenge-ball rolling.

heal up quick.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
thanks for the well wishes guys... I guess I was just feeling extra sour this morning.

they have me all rigged up to work from home... email/phone tag is so much fun! ;)

ya luc, those roadrash pics look familiar (!) right now most is healing up pretty well, but my arm & leg are still pretty raw - i got the stiches out of my chin yesterday.
my knee hurts and i can't see walking on it w/ full weight for a while. I go for a second round of xrays on monday.


I was actually heading back from work (San Rafael -> SF) and was only about 10 mins outside of work...
the thing that really sucks is that I was in the damn bike lane... heading down hill, but certainly going below the 25mph speed limit. If i were on a mtb it might have been a differnt story, but w/ the roadbike, all i had time to do was flinch to the right & next thing I was airborne, hitting the ground, getting flipped over when my knee hit the curb :dead:

thankfully there were lots of witnesses, the guy stopped, the police showed up, I got carted away in an ambulance... I'm waiting for a copy of the police report atm.

@ least the guy was very appologetic, he was young, driving his mom's car - she had insurance...

meh - back to work... thanks for the well-wishes.

- dump


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Yikes, sorry to hear that. I got tagged once in DC by a dude running a red light, but it was pretty minor, no real injuries. Hope you heal up fast!


Nov 25, 2001
Boulder, CO
Oh man moni :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

What's the prognosis on the injuries?

And mark my words:

Sue his/her ASS! Get one of those ambulance chaser lawyers and nail this dumbass! They had the stupidity to hit a cyclist, but even more, you were in a designated bike lane!

Get better man.

Coming down to Lo-cal for Big Bear NCS? I'll be there.


May 3, 2002
Middle of MA
That sucks. Heal up and take it easy.

I used to have a road bike. After being driven off the road by a semi truck into a pile of winter road sand I sold it the following week. F road riding.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
The police report arrived the other day stating that the driver of the car is at fault...
at very least I'll get a new road bike & my bills covered.

meh, most of the abhrasions have healed up. My chin is still very raw & healing... haven't shaved since... going for the mountain-man look - actually, I just can't be bothered to shave right now.

A week ago friday I went in for a second round of xrays & the doctor put my right arm in a long-arm cast :dead: talk about slowing you down! I'm hesistant to tell him about the discomfort in my left wrist because if I got two of these mofos on, that would be too much.

The fractured kneecap is really painful :( The knee imobilizer is nice because I can take it on & off (to sit while @ work/shower). I guess the knee's just going to be a long road to recovery + therapy to get it working again...

I don't see being on a bike again for many months...

Looks like I'm also going to have to buy a car... something I didn't want to do, but am now forced to because my primary means of transport to work & back is gone... taking the bus is hell... 2hrs+ :( Luckily some co-workers have offered rides, but eventually I'm that'll get old for them & I'd like to keep the inconvenience to a minimum.

meh - just giving an update...
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
Originally posted by dump
The police report arrived the other day stating that the driver of the car is at fault...
at very least I'll get a new road bike & my bills covered.

meh, most of the abhrasions have healed up. My chin is still very raw & healing... haven't shaved since... going for the mountain-man look - actually, I just can't be bothered to shave right now.

A week ago friday I went in for a second round of xrays & the doctor put my right arm in a long-arm cast :dead: talk about slowing you down! I'm hesistant to tell him about the discomfort in my left wrist because if I got two of these mofos on, that would be too much.

The fractured kneecap is really painful :( The knee imobilizer is nice because I can take it on & off (to sit while @ work/shower). I guess the knee's just going to be a long road to recovery + therapy to get it working again...

I don't see being on a bike again for many months...

Looks like I'm also going to have to buy a car... something I didn't want to do, but am now forced to because my primary means of transport to work & back is gone... taking the bus is hell... 2hrs+ :( Luckily some co-workers have offered rides, but eventually I'm that'll get old for them & I'd like to keep the inconvenience to a minimum.

meh - just giving an update...
I know exactly how u feel x2...same thing happened to me 2wice and i have had 2 broken kneecaps and 2 torn ligaments in my knee because of them. If i can add any advice its keep ur ankle strong but STAY OFF THE KNEE. im 17 and already have arthritis in both knees because i pushed a lil early on them and they never fully healed rite.
I am still no doctor but they took me off my feet for 6 months each time one of the knee caps broke because there is little blood flow and they take forever to heal. but they did tell me that spinning and swimming were beneficial so see what you can force them to OK.

Good luck and heal fast,


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
A very similar situation happened to my brother-in-law in Minn. He commutes about 65 miles round trip to work almost everyday on a fixed gear w/ no brakes. He too was on a bike path and encountered someone making a "improper" turn. He did not really get hurt but there was witnesses and his bike and clothes were ruined, (although I thiink the frames survived with some scratches). Anyway, he did not sue, but ended up with plenty of compensation. The driver did have insurance as well, which is good. His wife pulled ads with msrp prices for everthing that he had with him, shoes, socks, everything! I cannot remember exactly how much he got but I know it was between 3,500-5,000 and I think it was closer to 5G's. I was actually surprised he got anything riding a bike with no brakes but the police ruled in his favor. I guess he was also a registered bike commuter which has some very cool benefits in Minneapolis: bike insurance, tax write off (I believe) and they will send a van to take you home if it rains!
Anyway, this was very recent so let me know if you'ld like more details on how he handled it, I can put you in contact with him as I am sure he would be more than willing to help a fellow commuter.


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
Damn Moni!!!
I'm really sorry to hear this. You must be seriously frustrated and pissed. I hope you heal quickly. I've been hit by a car while on a bike 3 times now, but never sustained injuries so serious. Nelly says also that she hopes you are alright and get better soon. She gets scared by these stories (frankly all bike riders should). I know I'm in far off pitt, but if there is anything I can do to help you out, let me know.



Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
damn, reading this makes me so angry right now.....but it is not going to make dump heal up any faster. Dump, I hope that you recover as fast as possible. be careful with working from home, lots of times you will find yourself working a lot longer hours than you would if you were in the office. Definitely take your time to heal up and make sure you get your money........

Dingus McGee

Damn, hope your healing is progressing well. I commute in S.F daily (and have done the SF-San Rafael many times. too - but using the Larkspur Ferry) Sounds like an inexperienced driver learned a hard lesson at your expense-SUCKS!

Get well!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Originally posted by Dingus McGee
have done the SF-San Rafael many times. too - but using the Larkspur Ferry) ...
yup, that's exactly what I do (did)... but I go a little farther than downtown San Rafael... I'm up by Northgate Mall / Terra Linda


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Originally posted by jmvar
be careful with working from home, lots of times you will find yourself working a lot longer hours than you would if you were in the office.
heh - that's spot on!
didn't enjoy the whole working from home gig... now I'm back @ work though thanks to a help from a co-worker who picks me up every day, but it looks like I'm going to have to get a car :(


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Originally posted by Pegboy
I guess he was also a registered bike commuter which has some very cool benefits in Minneapolis: bike insurance, tax write off (I believe) and they will send a van to take you home if it rains!

I've never heard of such a thing!!! a van when it rains? that's nuts! (i.e. the best gig around) :D

Thanks for the advice, I'm in touch w/ the SF bike coalition who's helping me out w/ legal advice & such... thanks.

- dump


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Thanks for all the advice & well-wishes guys... it's going to be a long road to recovery, but hopefully all will go well & I'll heal up just fine. I'm taking things slow & am in now way interested on getting back on a bike anytime soon :(

- dump