
if you have stage iv cancer, how would you like to die?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
so.... i´ve been having this grim thought lately, which i guess has to do with the fact i have a wife nowadays and, hopefully, a kid in a few years.

at age 29, i have never really thought of cancer, until my sister was diagnosed with cancer last year (she is remission now), my best friend´s mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year, and my wife´s grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer a few months ago.

i´ve been researching about cancer, how does the it progress, its effects, the treatments, the statistics for different kinds, and finding out how is that one, exactly, dies of cancer... and HOLY ****!, words really cannot describe what ive seen.

whats the best way to go, if you have cancer?

i mean, i dont want to go fighting until my last day. i really see no point in extending my life for a few sad weeks, at the cost of inmense pain (not to mention the finantial costs). i really wouldnt want my family to go thru that kinda of stuff, the sleepless nights, the daily hospital tours, the washing/caring/feeding of my dying self... because, seriously, once you are metastatic, spending another $50k-$100k in additional useless treatments makes no sense, specially if you are leaving a stay-at-home wife with small children (which seems would be my case), that´d be taking money from them for no good reason at all....

i figure, just like i have a DNR tag in my helmets, it´d be a good idea to sort this kinda stuff out beforehand, just in case.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Not in the Hospital, thats for damn sure. Been there, done that.
I don't wanna die in the hospital
No I don't wanna die in the hospital
No I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

I don't wanna hear all those factory sounds
Looking like the girl in the sleeping gown
I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

Can you make a sound to distract the nurse
Before I take a ride in that long black hearse
I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots back on

Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots back on

I gotta go, go, go
Cause I don't have long

Yeah I don't give a damn what those doctors say
I don't wanna spend another lonesome day
I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

They don't let you smoke and you can't get drunk
All there is to watch are these soap operas
I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

Can you get this tube out of my arm
Morphine in my blood like a slow sad song
I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots back on

Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots on
Help me get my boots back on

I gotta go go go
Cos I don't have long

Is there still a world at my windowsill
All there ever was I remember still
I don't wanna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

Don't know when it's day or when its night
All I ever see are florescent lights
I'm not gonna die in this hospital
You gotta take me back outside

They give me all these flowers & big balloons
But I'm not gonna stay in this little room
I'm not gonna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

Are the stars still in the sky
Is that fat moon on the rise
Feel the earth against my feet
As the cold wind calls for me

I ain't gonna die in the hospital
No I ain't gonna die in the hospital
No I ain't gonna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside

I ain't gonna die in the hospital
No I ain't gonna die in the hospital
No I ain't gonna die in the hospital
You gotta take me back outside


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
As for me...
When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.
— Chief Aupumut (1725), Mohican.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Not in the Hospital, thats for damn sure. Been there, done that.
Ditto. I want to die at home, in comfort, surrounded by my family, NOT in the ICU after clinging on by a thread for interminable weeks on end.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Balls deep in seven Thai whores, three very hot Irish gingers, one big racked English blond with a six Brazilian girls.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
We have a friend whose mother has been bed ridden in a morphine coma for 2 weeks due to stage IV cancer that is choking her to death. She's blown up like a whale due to fluid retention, has a poop tube coming out of her intestines, and smells like death. Her whole families life has been suspended waiting for her to die. She will not turn loose and go. Selfish, IMO.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Both of my brothers father in laws died from cancer.

Don't smoke and use fvcking sunscreen.

They both died in hospice.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
so sugar/hfcs play a part in stage four melanoma?
I am more concerned with the amount of soot I clean off every surface in my house when I leave the windows open. I do live next to a interstate highway... By the way the air quality in Rochester is considered to be good....


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
so sugar/hfcs play a part in stage four melanoma?

So imagine, for these healthy young people, drinking a sweetened drink might be just as bad for their hearts as the fatty cheeseburgers we've all been warned about since the 1970s. That's when a government commission mandated that we lower fat consumption to try and reduce heart disease.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: So with the best of intentions, they say, "Time to reduce fat in the American diet?"

Dr. Robert Lustig: Exactly. And we did. And guess what? Heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and death are skyrocketing.

Dr. Lustig believes that's primarily because we replaced a lot of that fat with added sugars.

Dr. Robert Lustig: Take the fat out of food, it tastes like cardboard. And the food industry knew that. So they replaced it with sugar.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: This idea that sugar increases this particularly bad LDL, the small dense particles that are associated with heart disease. Do most doctors-- do they know this?

Dr. Robert Lustig: No, they do not know this. This is new.

And it turns out, sugar has become a major focus in cancer research too. Lewis Cantley, is looking at the connection.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: If you limit your sugar you decrease your chances of developing cancer?

Lewis Cantley: Absolutely.

Cantley, a Harvard professor and the head of the Beth Israel Deaconess Cancer Center, says when we eat or drink sugar, it causes a sudden spike in the hormone insulin, which can serve as a catalyst to fuel certain types of cancers.

Lewis Cantley: What we're beginning to learn is that insulin can cause adverse effects in the various tissues. And of particular concern is cancer.

Why? Nearly a third of some common cancers -- including breast and colon cancers -- have something called insulin receptors on their surface. Insulin binds to these receptors and signals the tumor to start consuming glucose.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
At this point in my life I know I wouldn't want to go through that. I think I'd take the Thompson approach, find a good day that was warm, have a nice last day with my family, and then eat the .45 express. Just not something I want to slowly waste away from.

That all being said, I am still really sorry breast cancer didn't take my ex-mother-in-law. That would have made anything I'll ever have to deal with better. But no justice.


Jul 19, 2010
this topic definitely hits close to home. if you're gonna do it though, do it with style. My mom let it all go 1/1/2001. And we all know she did this purposely to f over our New Years, her sense of humor could make any truck driver blush.


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
Have a 1 on 1 day with each family member and friend that I care about. 1 week camping and shooting with my brother. Life savings on black. Followed by a mass email to everyone saying...

"I'm doing this because the last memory of me I want you to have is our day together and how happy we were. I'm somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. I'm out here to die in peace. Don't look for me because you'll never find me. Take care and live each day like it's your last. I know I am."


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
step in front of a fast moving freight train, damn near instantaineous

That is why train drivers have such a high rate of suicide, most of them have at least one person.

I have no idea how I would choose to die, but I think stupidity will get me before cancer does.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Tune the Cannondale I won on Alaina's first bday, take the gondola to the top of Mammoth, start bombing down the Kamikazee, wave to her time capsule I left by Chair 14, hit 65mph (oh, I'd do it) on the fast point, brake failure, then face plant into a boulder with a huge smile on my face........

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
I have always told people that if I had a week to live I would head to Korea. Great food and people along with the best trails I have ridden.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Didn't know that stuff was that flammable.
Liquid sunscreens contain a lot of alcohol...
Guessing you both saw that report on the guy that sprayed himself down with sunscreen and proceeded to set himself on fire at the BBQ? He is pissed cause it said nothing on the warning label that it was still flammable after applying it. I bet a benji on it he never even read the label to begin with


Apr 3, 2008
My dad got stage 4 Melanoma when I was 15; he was 37, had to take a year off work and have a bunch of operations. He's coming to watch me race this summer on his 57th birthday.

I would fight until the end and do any treatment necessary to spend more time with my kids


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
things on my to do list, when-am-terminal-but-before-loosing-motor-functions.

wingsuit flying
moto road-racing
recreational drugs, all of them
heck, i forgot. i´d sell my car and buy 100 $100 bicycles and give them to 6-10yo kids, and watch their faces as they ride away....
Last edited:


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I think Id also wouldnt want to end in a way all the peeps who hated me during life whould how good I was after I died. Carradine kinda did it good but Im afraid of strangling and would rather not wear female lingerie.

Though Dirk was close to a good idea. Id do as of high jump as possible with the said number of ladies of ill repute. They would have chutes, I wouldn't. Probably do it over a crowded area and go with a bang!

If I was to do drungs I would probably just try tripping around the world and trying all the psychodelics. Morphine doesnt really go for me. Though I could always go full on Belushi and take speedball.