
If you shuttle in Santa Cruz you may want to read this


Jan 20, 2005
Santa Cruz
I warn you this is very long but worth reading, and it has quite a bunch of BS in it as well.

Written by a resident of Upper Scenic road in Felton and sent out to a number of local and county offices.

May 19,2011
Subject: Mountain Bikers and Other Trespassers on Private Forest Lakes Property and Use of lllegal Trails on State Land We are writing to ask for your collective assistance to effectively deal with an out of control situation: The use of privately owned and maintained roads and UCSC campus fire roads to access and build illegal trails on environmentally sensitive state park, watershed and private property We are property owners and residents on Glengarry Road, Toll House Gulch Road, Upper Scenic Drive and
Scenic Drive who have witnessed an unprecedented increase in vehicular traffic on our private roadways and an increasing number of aggressive and verbally abusive people.

What is the problem?
Hordes of trucks and vans carrying up to 14 mountain bikes in a single vehicle (see photo attachment) that repeatedly shuttle riders on private roads to the UCSC/Forest Lakes Marshall Road gate at the top of Upper Scenic Drive. Many of these vehicles are associated with downhill racing teams and sport such company names as Harley Davidson, Fox, Spider, etc. The bike riders use Marshal! Road to access illegally cut trails through UCSC and Henry Cowell State Park which terminate on Highway 9. Riders are picked up at the turnouts on Highway 9 and shuttled back up the hill with the process repeating until everyone has had a turn driving. Up to 50 drop offs can occur in one day. The shuttles start as early as 7:0O AM and continue into the night. Ihe drop offs occur every doy of the week. At times, there are three or four vehicles stacked up waiting
to drop off up to 15 riders, or they simply meet at the top of the hill on private property to congregate at the chain gate or in private driveways (see photo attachment). On average, each vehicle carries 4-5 individuals and makes 5 shuttle stops. It is not uncommon to have more than 100 vehicle trips with 500 individuals shuttle through the area in any given week, or more than five times
the typical usage for the number of homes located along the route. Favorable weather conditions increase these numbers. Some drivers hove now turned shuttling into o business enterprise, chorging SS Wr person to
pile into the vehicles to take them to the top of Upper Scenic Drive

Over the past several years, this location has also been used as a staging area for building and grooming the illegal trails. Properiy owners have observed mountain bikers carrying chainsaws, shovels, pick axes, rakes,
tree pruners and bales of straw up Marshall Road. Though many riders are local to Santa Cruz County, there are also out of county and even out of state riders. Many of these riders acknowledge and even tout their illegal activities on lnternet discussion threads and You Tube postings (see attachment). lnfo on how to access the illegal trails is also provided at local bike shops.
Trash is routinely left behind by the Marshall Road chain gate, including cigarette butts, food wrappers, empty beer bottles, cans and energy drinks, discarded clothing, drug paraphernalia, urine and feces, and even pornographic material. Vandalism and other property damage routinely occurs including broken car windows, removing and defacing signage, cutting down smalltrees, and damage to mailboxes. ln the last year, two single vehicle accidents have occurred, including someone backing in to a telephone pole and leaving broken
window glass and damage to one of the bollards at the chain gate.
Resident sofety should be o top priority. The roads are narrow, not meant for this type of continuous traffic, and there are many small children in the area. The large trucks and vans typically travel at unsafe speeds to quickly shuttle the riders, and there has already been several "near misses" between trucks and our children riding their bikes or playing in front of their houses on cul-de-sacs such as View Drive. The significant liability risks associated with this activity cannot and should not be ignored any longer. When we try to communicate to the shuttle riders that they are trespassing on private property, we are met with arrogance and scorn os if we ore invading their spoce. Some of the worst offenders openly discard lit cigarette butts on the ground or rip down no trespassing signs in our presence. Aggressive behavior and use of offensive language is increasing. When park rangers stepped up enforcement in 2009 and put signs at the Marshall Road terminus, the signs were ripped down and left on the ground within 20 minutes of being posted.
It is interesting to note that there is a wide age range from teens to older adults who willingly trespass on our roads to access the illegal trails. Parents routinely drop off their children, sometimes congregating in private driveways without regard to blocking owner access. The parent's prevailing notion is that they are helping their children stay out of trouble and off drugs. Unfortunately, drug and alcohol use occurs in this area as well. We find it ironic and sad that the message parents are giving their children is that it is OK to trespass on
privately owned and maintained property and OK to degrade our precious watershed lands and private property, so long as they are not committing more serious offenses. Another problem is illegal parking in front of the chain gate, along the roadway adjacent to the gate, or at the emergency staging area north of the gate accessed by private drive. At times there are five vehicles parked at
this location" Access to the fire road is routinely blocked for hours at a time (see photos attached), and should be kept clear at all times. Telling home owners to obtain and report license plates is not the answer. A number of us have spoken to some of you individually with very limited responsiveness over the last several
years. We are now asking that you collectively address this worsening situation. We are generally told by the sheriffs office or UCSC police to put up signage, "rope off the property'' or take down and report license plate numbers, which usually results in direct confrontation. Mountain Bikers and Other Trespassers on Private Forest Lakes Propefi and Use of lllegal Trails on State Land, page 3
Suggesting that homeowners individually confront an increasingly aggressive and offensive group of people is not the most resporisible way of addressing this problem. These "discussions" quickly become confrontational, with young and older adults alike angrily shouting us down and simply refusing to
acknowledge that they are trespassing on private property, and even defacing our property in our presence. Drivers of the shuttle trucks frequently cover their license plates, or physically block access to viewing their license plates. Many homeowners will not engage in confrontation for fear of retaliation and this has already occurred with broken auto windows. Clearly, Forest Lakes and applicable government agency personnel must play a much greater role in prevention, deterrence and enforcement. Negative environmental impacts to San Lorenzo watershed There is an intricate series of illegal traits on State parkland and adjacent private property accessed from UCSC propery which terminate along Highway 9 south of Glengary Road. Due to significant erosion, some of the
trails have now been abandoned, but new trails are being built as of this writing. On one weekend in March, a group of mountain bikers parked their truck at the staging are adjacent to the Marshall Road chain gate and were observed carrying shovels, rakes and tree pruners up Marshall Road to groom the illegal trails. The truck remained parked at the area for over 4 hours (see photo attached). This scene is repeated often at this location. We are all dependent on local water and UCSC and adjacent Henry Cowell State Park lands provide critical recharge areas. Biryclists have created a web of single-track paths and large clear cut open areas with jumps, berms and makeshift bridges which denude vegetation, compact soils, and channel water out of our watershed (see photo attached). A number of tracks down steep slopes have flow even in minor rain events.
Several have so much erosion they contain waterfalls. Continued destruction of the hillsides above Highway 9 and channelizing of water onto the road bed leads to more landslides and destabilization of the road bed. This costs the community at large at a time when state and local agencies can ill afford increased expenses for roadway maintenance. Forest Lakes and applicable agencies must recognize that Marshall Road/Upper Scenic Drive is being used as a staging area to gain quick and easy access to create, maintain and continuously use the illegaltrail system and should take appropriate steps to end the practice. Glenearry Road is county maintqined for only the first .3 miles The first .3 miles of Glengarry is county maintained road. At the .3 mile mark, a small white wooden post,
partially buried, simply indicates the acronym ECMR for End County Maintained Road. Plainly, better signage is needed to state that the county maintained road ends and where the private road begins. Fixes like this are simple, inexpensive, and help educate members of the public who may be assuming that they are still on a public roadway.

What are we asking for?
That your organizations collectively grasp the severity of this problem, be accountable for your jurisdictions and address these issues in a coordinated fashion.

Please consider and act on our recommendations:
Mountain Bikers and Other Trespassers on Private Forest Lakes Property and Use of lllegal Trails on State Land, page 4
Forest Lakes Mutual Water.Compa,nv
o Board of Directors should contact all appropriate agencies tb formally request assistance in reducing illegal activity, be the designated coordination point with government agencies and for distribution of information to residents, and coordinate "all-hands" meeting with affected agencies to Erect private property/no trespassing/tow zone signage at the Marshall Road chain gate and along roadways (Forest Lakes committed to buying signage severalyears ago with s400 left in balance for pothole repairs paid personally by property owners above and beyond annual road maintenance feet and this never occurred. Property owners contributed $13,000 of the $19,000 total) to Relocate and replace the Marshall Road chain gate with a more sturdy structure closer to Upper Scenic Drive
o Provide ongoing visible presence at the Marshall Road terminus to educate/deter trespassers
o Post this document to your website to educate Forest Lakes residents
o Consider Forest Lakes decals for resident vehicles
o Tow illegally parked vehicles
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
youd think someone trying to make a point, would spell moar better.

and is Harley Davidson finally sponsoring a DH team? :rofl:
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Jan 20, 2005
Santa Cruz
its scanned from a letter we received and apparently my scanner has the spelling skills of a 3rd grader, but yeah.

I like the part where it says we make waterfalls. how could you not like waterfalls, they are awesome!


Aug 24, 2006
San Jose/Santa Barbara
Easy solution... spend a little extra on gas money and go the long route, or hike it. I don't know who the bad seeds are that are ruining this for the rest of us, but laying low is the key to riding illegal trails... not leaving trash in plain sight and being intrusive to the locals. They're the ones that care the most and will notice. Looks like I'll be taking another 6 month hiatus from riding UC while this blows over again.


Jan 20, 2005
Santa Cruz
Looks like I'll be taking another 6 month hiatus from riding UC while this blows over again.
yeah, this happens every 2-3 years. everyone gets tickets and gets scared and stops riding up there.

BTW, i got stopped by a ranger at the bottom of Campers and was given a warning (because i had never been caught there before) the tickes are $500 now. $250 for trespassing, and $250 for disturbing sensitive forest stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Wow, porn, drugs and waterfalls! Sounds like a crazy place.

I wish people could have a little common sense towards respecting an area they ride, but apparently that's too much to ask.

Don't worry Jamie- when the high, pornographic, trash leaving, waterfall building zombies take over, I got some shuttle trails down this way you can come ride. :D


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
A lot of the garbage and theft are from the crackies and meth heads.

I would guess if the trucks have HD stickers on them, they are the moto guys from Hollister and the East Bay. I would hope/assume that the locals know better than to use the private roads and bomb down them, which again highlights the 'outsiders'.

As for the trail maintenance, one would hope that the locals know to hike and/or access the trails through non-visible locations?

Best of luck guys, sounds like a isht show.


Sep 7, 2001
I would hope/assume that the locals know better than to use the private roads and bomb down them...

As for the trail maintenance, one would hope that the locals know to hike and/or access the trails through non-visible locations?
You give the shuttle/me-me-me/youtube/facebook/i-do-whatever-i-want crowd way too much credit.

I'm no way a local and it sucks I have more respect for the neighbors and the trails than some of the "locals" do.


May 20, 2011
Even if it's not a perfectly written letter, much of what they are saying is true. There is no denying that a significant number of people behave like pigs on and around the UC trails.

I've been in the parking lot and witnessed the load-up & go--a bunch of flat brim bros loading their DH rigs into a jacked up pickup with the bass thumping then ripping up Highway 9 to a private road. If I had these yahoos buzzing my house--particularly one I bought specifically to be secluded--I'd be pissed too.

I'm not holier-than-thou...I find myself on an "unofficial trail" every now and again. The difference is that I get there in the quietest, most unobtrusive way I can. I ride in small groups usually in off-peak hours. I pick up after myself and am polite to the people I see out in the woods, even if they seem to not dig the fact I'm there.

And while I would contend much of what's in the letter regarding erosion is based on junk science--rainfall runoff causes erosion on steep slopes, trails or not--all that goes away if people stop being jackasses.

So use some common sense, earn your turns, respect private property, don't Facebook/YouTube the evidence, be kind to the woods & trails and don't be an a**hole.


May 24, 2011
San Jose, CA
been shuttling & riding UC ever since I've started to ride way back. Whether its with locals, or with foreigners, i always make sure my group know what time it is when it comes to treatin the tollhouse peeps right. however, i cant speak for everyone else. I do see trucks blasting music, clouds of black smoke comin' from smoke stacks, almost hitting our truck and even local drivers and kids, the whole 9 yards. its a damn shame but what they say in the letter is very true. people need to learn. thats fosho.

on another note, those tollhouse residents are definitely taking the conflict into their own hands, maybe a little too radically at times as well. just on Saturday, myself and numerous other drivers/riders were shot at with pellet guns by kids residing on tollhouse. not cool. i just bounced out but the other fellas decided to get the po-po up there... another uncool card. sure, teaches the kid a lesson, but then again, attracts ALOT of unneeded attention towards tollhouse and our collective activites up there.

its a guarantee that this whole deal will die down once again because the truth is, there are no CVC codes on those private roads, therefor, granting them legality to drive. Its just a matter of pricks learning alittle respect. in the mean time, give the trails a rest, and go shred other trails.


Nov 24, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
Kev1n, I think I ran into you last weekend when you told me about getting shot at with a pellet gun, sorry to hear about that.

I'm hoping things will die down, but it's definitely not good to have local residents so upset. To have riders AND residents calling the cops is just negative attention we don't have to have anywhere near our trails. I think everyone needs to stay as low key as possible, and if you have a run-in with an angry loc, just play it cool and be respectful. ****, say anything, say you're from out of town and don't know what you're doing, whatever, just don't get aggressive. We have a great thing going, relatively under the radar, and I would be crushed if it were to change for the worse.

on another note, those tollhouse residents are definitely taking the conflict into their own hands, maybe a little too radically at times as well. just on Saturday, myself and numerous other drivers/riders were shot at with pellet guns by kids residing on tollhouse. not cool. i just bounced out but the other fellas decided to get the po-po up there... another uncool card. sure, teaches the kid a lesson, but then again, attracts ALOT of unneeded attention towards tollhouse and our collective activites up there.


Mar 21, 2005
Chinquapin fire road
I try really hard not to point fingers, but that letter makes the point clear. The general public is not affected by regular riders who ride up the hill and drop back down without ever being seen. The only possible conflict is a few drivers who have to wait to pass riders on Hwy 9.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I was driving up 9 yesterday and saw two people popping out of trails almost get hit by shooting into traffic. Sad, sad commentary... Oh, and the shuttle trucks for the most part had the obligatory Monster and Fox stickers. They were like 9ft tall and very few of the riders look like guys I've met riding SC before; most actually looked East Bay.


Jul 30, 2010
Sandy Eggo
i was surprised how many people i saw just riding on the shoulder of 9 yesterday. there was a train of like 20 people on XC bikes. if you know that highway, you know that is just a dumb idea.

on a side note, it was the first weekend i didn't see an army of valley bro's ripping up my favorite shuttle spot so thats good. maybe i was out there too late in the day. either way, it was very peaceful and tranquil, and the lack of blown out berms and braking bumps was awesome and put a big smile on my face and all those i shuttled with.


Jan 3, 2012
On 1-1-12 the rangers were handing out tickets to all riders they caught up there at UC. I would guess this will continue until all the students return to school.


Jan 3, 2012
Rumor has it that the rangers were handing out tickets up at UC on 1-1-12. This may (imho) continue until the school break is over. Can you say Demo?