
If you were admitted to the hospital tomorrow, vegetative...

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
If you were admitted to the hospital tomorrow, in a vegetative state, would the doctors know whether or not you want to be kept alive via a feeding tube? Would the doctors know who to ask to make medical decisions for you if you are incompetent?

When the Terri Schiavo case was a headline I swore up and down I'd make sure my doctor knows my wishes for the above. Then I forgot about it. Now I just read an article in the Washington Post that reminded me... I have to take care of myself and fill out my Advance Directives because I want my fiance to be able to make medical decisions for me if necessary.

If you haven't completed Advance Directives or a Living Will, check out this site. If you don't, you could end up being forced to live off of a feeding tube in the event of a severe accident, against your will. I've been to a nursing home about every week for months and months. Really makes ya think, "What if I had a really bad crash and...?"


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Received my living will package in the mail last week - going through it with the wife by the end of the month.

By September I will be just like an old appliance - it stops working, PULL THE PLUG!!!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
The GF, my parents and her parents have discussed this at length. In a couple of months when the GF and I are married we are going to do all the living will stuff and all that. It's something that's too important to put off for another day. Thanks for the good reminder, Cap'n. :thumb:

Slugman said:
By September I will be just like an old appliance - it stops working, PULL THE PLUG!!!
Can I have your bike? :p


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
in the light of all these deep questions on life and its meanings... somehow this was one of the 1st things that popped on my mind...

say you end up like terry schiavo... and they pull the plug on you... do you (better said your family) still get to collect your life insurance?????