
illegal immigrant upset she doesn't qualify for college loans


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Why do you love exploitation and near-slave labor?
I don't. But the reality is that illegals do much of the work that "Americans" refuse to do. Yes, pay them a decent wage, have them gain a right to work legally. Then watch the farms fail because they can't compete in an open market because their margins are too small to sustain it. Should we then take the money we "save" and poor it into farm subsidies to bail out the farms?

The system is designed to fail. It's not a mom, pop, and their 10 kid operation anymore. It's a system built on migrant workers who often stay too long or duck the system all together.

If you load up Greyhounds and ship them all south, who does the work? Are you going to take the nations welfare base and hand them a bucket in a field? There are an estimated 10M. If only a fourth of them are employed (legally or otherwise) that would mean 2.5M open reqs.

Call it "Job Creation"?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Didn't read all your ranting but caught this in the article:
Castro joined the Army Junior ROTC in 2007
Isn't military service a fast track to citizenship and opens her up to the GI Bill? Seems like that's an option that would please everyone...

edit: More options... this seems like a fair way to keep the crimes of the parents from preventing a minor from becoming a contributing and legal resident.
[The] Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, also known as the Dream Act, ... is working its way through Congress.
Under the bill, illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. under 16 years of age and have lived here more than five years, graduated from high school and can demonstrate good moral character may apply for conditional legal status.
They would be allowed to stay in the country for six years under such status.
Students can convert their conditional status to permanent residency by graduating from a two-year college, studying at least two years toward a bachelor's degree or serving in the military at least two years.
Students receive green cards and could apply for citizenship, if the conditions of the probationary period are met.
Last edited:


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
But the reality is that illegals do much of the work that "Americans" refuse to do.
i think this was a popular notion when the unemployment rate was 5%, but lesser now. high time for whitey to swallow his pride. maybe by cutting unemployment benefits back to what they were not too long ago (26 weeks, right?), this perceived extra cash could be used as a stimulus

...or in our case, pay down the existing stimulus.

but yeah, the Dream Act makes perfect sense. and aside from the bureaucratic process, what could go wrong w/ that? ed: same for mil svc, obviously


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
i think this was a popular notion when the unemployment rate was 5%, but lesser now. high time for whitey to swallow his pride. maybe by cutting unemployment benefits back to what they were not too long ago (26 weeks, right?), this perceived extra cash could be used as a stimulus

...or in our case, pay down the existing stimulus.

but yeah, the Dream Act makes perfect sense. and aside from the bureaucratic process, what could go wrong w/ that? ed: same for mil svc, obviously
I was talking to a guy the other day at lunch and he asked if I was working. I said yeah, but I make ****. He said "Man, now is the time to be unemployed. I make more doing nothing than I ever did working".

Stupid job.


Jun 26, 2007
You could always use your vast armed forces for something actually useful, for example picking strawberries and weeding.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Isn't military service a fast track to citizenship and opens her up to the GI Bill? Seems like that's an option that would please everyone...
Not really. On the other hand, she's willing to kill poor people in another country to go to college, and that about as American as Apple ****ing Pie...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Many illegals are victims of employers who take out the withholding, pocket it, and never report the employment to the feds. (Among the myriad other exploitative employment practices involving illegals.)

That said, deport any and all known illegal immigrants, immediately. Every. Single. One.

Focus enforcement against employers, but don't ignore known criminals. Reform immigration laws, but don't ignore known criminals.

Deportation is NOT punishment for a crime. It's restoration of the proper legal order. It's escorting a trespasser to get off your land. Punishment for a crime would be imprisonment for the felony offense of crossing the US border without permission.

Do not reward illegal behavior with federal benefits.

Do prosecute those who hire illegally. But until there's immigration reform and real control of the issue, it's nearly impossible to hold any employer accountable for employing illegals.

Edit: Yeah, does suck if your parents bring you to the States illegally. They made a pretty stupid decision, so I'd take it up with them...
must spread rep...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
sit-in for dream act
Four undocumented college students are celebrating the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education by staging a sit-in outside the offices of Arizona Senator John McCain. Their protest is multi-tasked; taking aim at the recent Arizona “papers” law as well as advocating for the passage of the DREAM Act.

Lizbeth Mateo of Los Angeles,California; Tania Unzueta of Chicago, Illinois; Mohammad Abdollahi of Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Yahaira Carrillo of Kansas City, Missouri as well as Arizona native, Raul Alcaraz are taking part in the sit in.

It began at 11:30 AM, Arizona time on 5/17.

Update: After a day long sit-in Mohammad Abdollahi, Yahaira Carrillo, Lizbeth Mateo and Raul Alcarazan have been arrested and detained. A fifth protester, Tania Unzueta of Chicago was not arrested and has been designated as spokesperson for the detainees.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Okay the update is pretty hilarious. They're also idiots for bringing exactly the wrong attention to the DREAM act and making it part of the curious Arizona-based furor. It almost ensures that the act will be killed by association.
so i'm inferring "open borders" to be in effect like crossing state lines, where you have
- no background check
- no need for assimilation to our culture
- no sovereignty
- no mandate for ID

i can see a case being made for expedited entry or visa approval, but wanton erosion of our borders makes so little sense. at that point, citizenship would seem both arbitrary & unnecessary.

have you thought this through?
I have been thinking about it for a long time. I don't believe that you could do it suddenly, you'd have to phase it in over, say, 20 years. I would expect mutual assimilation, which tends to occur anyway.

The godawful problem at this moment is the societal decay that has set in Mexico in great part because of our benighted "war against drugs".

Citizenship? It perhaps is arbitrary and unnecessary. It's a mechanism (I have not thought this out) that binds people to a state, for what? To provide cannon fodder? A labor supply? A tax source?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I have been thinking about it for a long time. I don't believe that you could do it suddenly, you'd have to phase it in over, say, 20 years. I would expect mutual assimilation, which tends to occur anyway.

The godawful problem at this moment is the societal decay that has set in Mexico in great part because of our benighted "war against drugs".

Citizenship? It perhaps is arbitrary and unnecessary. It's a mechanism (I have not thought this out) that binds people to a state, for what? To provide cannon fodder? A labor supply? A tax source?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I have been thinking about it for a long time. I don't believe that you could do it suddenly, you'd have to phase it in over, say, 20 years. I would expect mutual assimilation, which tends to occur anyway.
what does "mutual assimilation" look like?
The godawful problem at this moment is the societal decay that has set in Mexico in great part because of our benighted "war against drugs".
would you say our gov't prosecution of the WOD owns the lion's share in the overall blight, or the manufacturers & distributors? if you say gov't, i think that's where we part ways, as i can't envision a significant deviation from the current process (local legalization of possession of small amts excluded). perhaps my mind's not sufficiently open
Citizenship? It perhaps is arbitrary and unnecessary. It's a mechanism (I have not thought this out) that binds people to a state, for what? To provide cannon fodder? A labor supply? A tax source?
ok, so it seems you place the value of citizenship on par w/ family name or religious affiliation, which are not earned, but declared. and this in turn may be exploited by the state.

fair enough.

but i think our founding fathers [beck safety word alert] took us far beyond serfdom, and citizenship has value & honor (to me, anyway)