
I'm A Newbie

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Apr 25, 2004
Hi there fellas!

How is everyone?

I am new to this board,but I live in Virginia so it seemed normal that I post here.I'm sure some of you know me already.

There are quite a few ways to beat the system,but I only know a few.That's a story for another day though.I hope everyone has their bikes ready for the big WG this year!!!!!!!

YAY!!!! WINTERGREEN!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I can't wait to ride there! I heard they have handicapp ramps to ride on!! Those are my specialty! ;) Me and the other guys from the big WG ride those pallets like bats out of Hell!!! (we are all straight gangsters,that's why)


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Well, welcome to Ridemonkey, Richard. You'll get along fine with the folks here, no doubt....
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by DßR
Well, welcome to Ridemonkey, Richard. You'll get along fine with the folks here, no doubt....
I sure hope so! I have been browsing the website for a couple of months and all the people here seem reeeeaaaallll nice.Lots of common sense in The Lounge too.That's always a good sign.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Originally posted by Richard James
I sure hope so! I have been browsing the website for a couple of months and all the people here seem reeeeaaaallll nice.Lots of common sense in The Lounge too.That's always a good sign.
Yeah, you'll fit right in. Any thoughts on an avatar yet? You'll wanna get one as soon as you can....
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by DßR
Yeah, you'll fit right in. Any thoughts on an avatar yet? You'll wanna get one as soon as you can....
I'm not so sure about the movement to get an avatar there DBR.I have many MANY offensive avatars on the website so far,and I wouldn't want to add to any chaos or unneccesary ludeness.There is quite a bit of offensive material on Ridemonkey now that you mention it...only about 1% of it comes from avatars though.It seems almost like the moderators aren't even in touch enough with the website to notice it!

Sounds like politics :rolleyes:
Aug 30, 2002
Snow hoes
Originally posted by Richard James
Lots of common sense in The Lounge too.That's always a good sign.

Hey Richard James, glad you could join the board, maybe we can go for a bike ride sometime, what kind of bike you got?

Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by VegiBikerDude
Hey Richard James, glad you could join the board, maybe we can go for a bike ride sometime, what kind of bike you got?


Hey there VegiBikerDude!

Well I actually got a new bike today.I can't disclose that information at this time because it could possibly release my true identity and I am wanted for criminal offenses in 17 states,plus I am an illegal alien in your country.I would love you go for a bike ride some time.That is one of my favorite hobbies.Whereabouts are you located? Describe some of the places you like to ride at.

By chance are you located anywhere near Betsy Bell Mountain?
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by VegiBikerDude
Bitch please, you couldnt handle that mountain, not unless you happen to have a 2003 giant team dh that is...:rolleyes:
Wow,that sounds quite intimidating.What kind of bike is that? It sounds like a VERY quality piece of equipment.The name alone makes me crap my pants in jealousy.I wish I had one.
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by Dartman
Welcome to the board Mr. James. Since were both fellow Buffalonians I made this avatar for you...
I wish I could use it,but I believe I need over 100 posts to obtain and/or use one.

Hm...it's funny...seems like I passed 100 a loooong time ago...:confused:
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by VegiBikerDude
ding ding ding, we have a winner! congratulations captain obvious:thumb:


Fffrreeeaaaakkkk,why did you have to go and do that and spoil all the fun!?! You party pooper,you! You seem a little upset to see me back on your fine establishment of a website.PLEASE do something about it.
Like ban me again.For no reason...again.

Sorry to bust you out like that,I'm sure not everyone knows why I disappeared before,but now they do.And why.

Guess you'll have to wait until I do something wrong this time!! ;)

Originally posted by BANCHE
spanked vagina, or is it smelly vagina
Close!! I think the initials SV actually stands for Wintergeen Sucks

don't ask :rolleyes:


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
We own the site so we can do whatever we want, whenever we want. You are hopelessly immature and have not contributed much of value to the board. You have been warned more than once but you just don't get it, so you are out.
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