
I'm about to go off the deep end (Alaina related).....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Quick background-- wife's dad passed back in December. Told to wait for letter from his attorney. Got letter today. Think it's all legal-speak (Dirt, I need your help in a big way). Loads of typo's and wrong names, so wonder if "his" letter to his daughters is legit. Now for the part that really hits me.......

He says he had 6 grandkids (3 from other daughter, 3 from wife's previous, yet forgets about Alaina). That makes 7, you phuqing bastard!!!!!

I sure hope Alaina is giving him a cold shoulder right now......


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I went through this with my dad's will somewhat. He just never updated it then he had several strokes. Could that be part of this?
Good question. The letter does state about his "deteriorating health due to emphysema", however, how do you spell your daughter's/my wife's name wrong, and even refer to her with a different middle name? Yet the envelope from "the attorney" has her name spelled right and correct middle name? Let alone the abundance of mis-spelled words used. We're just wondering if it is in his words, or written by his wife/wife's step-mom.

I know I should not speak ill of him. Dislike me, dislike your daughter, fine. Forget Alaina? Pyss off!!!!


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
This may be hard but for purposes of a will and inheritance, how can you say he has 6 grandkids? I don't know much about your situation but it sounds like he DID update the will, knowing that whatever would have gone to Alaina would instead go to you and your wife. He would separately make gifts directly to you and your wife if he wanted to.

In any case, if you want to contest the will (or trust, if there is one) you need to get your own lawyer and not rely on the guy handling the estate.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It might just be worth noting that everyone deals with sadness and loss differently, too. I know you feel every day that Alaina is there with you, but for some people it might be too painful to carry that memory with them.

I know it doesn't comfort you, but some people cope by putting their memories aside.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
To the RM Collective--

As odd as this will sound, I truly feel that this is one of the very few places I can vent and not be be-littled. Witty comebacks from some? Guided wisdom from others? I do feel that many of you have helped me, whether by responding or just reading, and that means a boatload to me.

Just called the trust attorney, so we'll see what we need to do from here.....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
That really sucks that she was left out when she will always be in your memories.
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Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Did you find out anything additional yet? It does sound fishy. Though I do agree that some people bury memories and your father in law may have removed her from the will when she passed. It would be odd of him to completely not mention her AND misspell his own daughter's name though....


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I'm just reading this now and my initial thoughts are: Wow! While I do understand that everyone grieves differently and I don't know how close your wife, you and Alaina were with him, I too find it very strange that he mis-spelled your wife's name (and wrong middle name????) and failed to mention that Alaina had pre-deceased him. Definitely talk with the trust attorney and best of luck to you!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Haven't heard anything yet, and I called (had to tell the receptionist "I'm Kristine's husband" 3 times), left a message, and even texted the office twice yesterday. No response yet. As far as will mentioning, maybe I was too vague. What I'm referring to is an apparent letter he wrote to his daughters (wife and her sis) that left Alaina out and had all the typo's. We're trying to get a copy of the family trust from this attorney, and just want to find out from him what wife needs to do to get it, then go from there.

Thank you all for your words of support. You know I do appreciate them.....

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I'm going to be blunt. If I am old and writing out my will I really doubt that I will be mentioning those that are dead as I am not leaving anything to them. Alana's death was obviously traumatic for you. Most people move on after a while but it appears to still consume you after all these years. I'm not trying to be a Dick but perhaps you should consider seeing a grief counselor.

the law

Jun 25, 2002
where its at
Haven't heard anything yet, and I called (had to tell the receptionist "I'm Kristine's husband" 3 times), left a message, and even texted the office twice yesterday. No response yet. As far as will mentioning, maybe I was too vague. What I'm referring to is an apparent letter he wrote to his daughters (wife and her sis) that left Alaina out and had all the typo's. We're trying to get a copy of the family trust from this attorney, and just want to find out from him what wife needs to do to get it, then go from there.

Thank you all for your words of support. You know I do appreciate them.....
They should be sending this to you automatically after the death along with the will. Maybe you should also send the attorney an email so you have a record.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I'm going to be blunt. If I am old and writing out my will I really doubt that I will be mentioning those that are dead as I am not leaving anything to them. Alana's death was obviously traumatic for you. Most people move on after a while but it appears to still consume you after all these years. I'm not trying to be a Dick but perhaps you should consider seeing a grief counselor.

NEVER would I feel someone being blunt/honest is being a dick. And you do make sense that someone who has gone first very well would not be mentioned in a letter/will. As for grief counselling, I did attend Compassionate Friends for 4 years, and still go into the online chat rooms they have on a weekly basis.

Eric, thank you for your input, and I do appreciate it......


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
So here's the update-- Received a copy of the "family" trust today. Started reading it (why all the legal-speak, huh?), and when we got to the end/final amendment, it states that each of "his" daughters/grandchildren will receive $100/cash, while his "wife" (and yes, I do use the term loosely)/daughters' stepmom/her niece/grand-niece/"someone else" splits the estate in certain percentages (15%/20%/30%/etc).

Now, I'm not saying in any way how one is to spend their money, however, to burn your blood grandchildren like this? Oh well, what to I know.....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Um, I'm no expert, but it sounds like the origin of said letter should be investigated further.
Wife plans on discussing this with her sister to see if they have any options. I don't know if he truly was in his "right mind" when he signed the latest amendment, having to take medications for emphysema and such, however, all I can do now is to try and support my wife and stepkids to the best I can. All else is truly small potatoes....