
I'm an idiot


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I should preface this somewhat.

Remeber when you were a teenager and you would see a guy in his mid 30's doing something really stupid, that he just should not have attempted? Well I've become that guy.

We took my daughter toboganing yesterday at my childhood spot, Allan's Hill. A way-kick-ass spot indeed. So anyway, after a while she got tired of it, and so I figured I'd take a run myself from the top. I start down, and all is going well. Towards the bottom, I see about a 1 foot high jump. I used to LOVE hitting jumps on a sled!! I lean hard and veer towards it. However I hit the jump at an angle, flip over and land mainly on my face. I believe my Oakleys actually preserved a fair amount of skin on my face. I only have a couple of faint scrapes. Rung my bell pretty good though....

Of course there was a flurry of verbal abuse from my wife challenging my intellectual fortitude.

But I used to be so GOOD at it! How did I become such a clod?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
MMike said:
But I used to be so GOOD at it! How did I become such a clod?
Did you not read this part of your post?
Remeber when you were a teenager and you would see a guy in his mid 30's doing something really stupid, that he just should not have attempted?
You became a clod after you ceased being a teenager and became a guy in his mid 30's ;)

Heal quickly!


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA

I now have the whole incident playing over and over in my head and can't stop giggling. Thanks for the pick me up. For what it is worth I was that poor SOB who couldn't do sool stuff when I was a teenager so the Mid 30's look to be quite painfull for me....



Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Because you tried too hard and thought too much. THat's why little kids are good at stuff like that, they don't think and try and methodize. THey just go.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Hmmm, you are just out of practice.
The bitchin thing about your 30's is that your body still works well enough to act like a jacka$$ with relative impunity. Though stuff takes longer to heal we still posess the physical acuity to do cool stuff.

I suggest acting like a jacka$$ more often.


Jun 14, 2002
zedro said:
gee we must live pretty close, i live right by Rockhill near the Beaurepair pool.
we ran into each other on allans hill in the winter once. you had your stinky and that giant serfas seat!

Stinky Boy

Jan 23, 2004
Arkport NY
I am 39 years old and my mountain bike pals have had me going down ski slopes on cross country skis. Did a face plant at about 35 miles per hour!

The scary part is I will probably try it again!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I was sledding with my 2yo last week and had a similar accident. Some gnar whoops caused my son to bounce forward off the sled. Hauling ass, there was nothing I could do but try and bail to avoid smearing him into the snow. The sled ran completely over him. When it came to a stop all I could see was his back, he was buried face down in the snow. Right when I was about to freak he popped up, pointed uphill and said "More?" before setting off uphill with a decided limp. Sledding rules.