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Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Along with both my parents. Long story short, 2 years ago I was coming home about midnight from helping my girlfriends little brother with his homework, I'm on my way home. See a cop pulling some dude over, miss a red light and T bone the back end of some ladies SUV. She gets out says she's ok, take's my info, soon as the cops show she can't speak to me cause she's so angry, and she needs to go to the hospital. Fast forward to ten minutes ago and I'm being served 3 individual notices. My insurance was all good and up to date (through AAA) WTF is even going on? She's suing me for property damages, loss of work, all the bull****


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Looks like someone is in need of some cash and figures that she can exploit you.

Get a good accident lawyer.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Your being "sued" for whatever else she can get above and beyond what your insurance paid...... This is why even with liability only, you need to look at what your coverage levels are, minimum liability it 10k 15k 10k... that means that is the max to be paid out by the insurance company.....

Lamens terms, if there is hospital bills for multi hundreds of thouands of dollars, the insurance company only covers 15K, only covers 10K for vehicle damage, and 10K for death. At taht point as one who caused the accident, your still liable for the rest of the costs.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Your being "sued" for whatever else she can get above and beyond what your insurance paid...... This is why even with liability only, you need to look at what your coverage levels are, minimum liability it 10k 15k 10k... that means that is the max to be paid out by the insurance company.....

Lamens terms, if there is hospital bills for multi hundreds of thouands of dollars, the insurance company only covers 15K, only covers 10K for vehicle damage, and 10K for death. At taht point as one who caused the accident, your still liable for the rest of the costs.
There is no way she racked 15,000$ in bill if she walked her ass out of the car and into the ambulance, and I think my coverage was closer to 80K but I'll have to look.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
There is no way she racked 15,000$ in bill if she walked her ass out of the car and into the ambulance, and I think my coverage was closer to 80K but I'll have to look.
The bill for my knee was 82K and all they did was xrays and an MRI, sent me to a specialist who told me your not having surgery, but your having PT..... Bill went up from there. Insurance covered, but I got a copy of everything because I requested it.

Its also very possible that her medical insurance company may be behind it as well, also possibly her auto insurance.....


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Its also very possible that her medical insurance company may be behind it as well, also possibly her auto insurance.....
Why would insurance wait till 2 weeks before the deadline? and how would they be able to go for, medical costs, property damage, AND loss of work. I know FOR A FACT that the entirety of the property damage was covered for the whole car (it was a saturn veu)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004

My ride to Penrose St. Francis was just a little under 7 miles and AMR billed just under a grand. Money well spent IMHO.
My brother got a ride from Breckenridge to Denver in an ambulance after getting a bottle cap stuck in his throat. He split the cost with another person and his half was something like 5 grand. It was money well spent for him too.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Insurance settlements take quite a while to be resolved.

I've been in two separate accidents, first one, I got T-boned by a drunk driver, ambulance ride, pretty ugly, massive concussion/amnesia.
Second, pickup truck got me on my bike, another ambulance ride, broken tib/fib.

Both times, they had insurance (fortunately), but both times, my actual losses easily maxed out the limits. Took a year in both cases to get the insurance company to actually pay out. Now, afterwards, I could have easily sued the responsible parties for whatever else I was out (and boy did my lawyer want me to) but I was just glad it was over and let it go.

Most likely she got screwed by the hospital and is now going to take it out on you. She is well within her rights to do that, so you better consult a lawyer to see how you can fight this.

Also, this is why its good to have really high limit coverage, in case people pull $hit like this.

Also...my first bill was over $25, that was a CAT scan and 2 nights in the hospital. Plus the ambulance.
Second time was over $50K, plus the ambulance again.
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
Yeah, my weeklong stay in the hospital for my bloodclot was over $10k.
Did you forget a zero?
$10k for a week is the best deal of you life. I cleared a cool mill in 3 weeks. That's in 1996 dollars too.
They said I passed the 10k auto policy before I hit the door. Helicopters are fricken expensive!

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Are they suing you or threatening to sue you?

They are probably just trying to scare an additional settlement out of you. If the insurance company already paid a settlement, they most likely had her sign something stating that their would be no further liability. It would also be their responsibility to defend you. Send them whatever you received so they can tell her to go pound sand.

If they really are suing you for an over the limit thing, you can just declare bankruptcy if you lose. You're young and I am assuming you don't have many assets.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Double check the statute of limitations. Most jurisdictions are two years from the minute you hit her.

Yea, its her insurance that's more than likely pushing it. This is going to suck up a year of your life. Welcome to the suck.


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
I'm with everyone else on this one. Medical expenses are ridiculous.
I paid $10K out of my pocket for 9 tension stitches in my leg after my insurance paid their portion.

I also know that I'm dealing with a case where I was run over by a car on my commute to work. I've used up my Personal Injury Protection on my auto insurance plane. I'm paying out of pocket for all of my current co-pays. Luckily my health insurance and physical therapy(2 years worth) are with-holding the bills and will charge his insurance once I settle. I ended up grabbing a lawyer, not because I want compensation(i actually hate the idea of suing) but I will have a life long injury that has to be dealt with (to make things as simple as sitting in a car tolerable) and unfortunately those things despite being expensive and helpful will never get me back to where I used to be.

Do a little lawyer shopping, it could save you a lot in the long run.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
my three years inpatient (just palo alto/stanford) along with 42 surgeries was estimated around 4.2 mil of your tax dollars
Well worth it dude.

Are they suing you or threatening to sue you?

They are probably just trying to scare an additional settlement out of you. If the insurance company already paid a settlement, they most likely had her sign something stating that their would be no further liability. It would also be their responsibility to defend you. Send them whatever you received so they can tell her to go pound sand.

If they really are suing you for an over the limit thing, you can just declare bankruptcy if you lose. You're young and I am assuming you don't have many assets.

Actually suing me.... I don't have ****, just a truck, but they can't take that from my understanding.

Double check the statute of limitations. Most jurisdictions are two years from the minute you hit her.

Yea, its her insurance that's more than likely pushing it. This is going to suck up a year of your life. Welcome to the suck.
They filed just under 2 years. Yea, I know, just what I ****ing need. School, Pay for school, Try and be sane, Coutr??!!!!


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Why they heck were you rubber necking in the first place?! In my world you would lose your licence. It really makes me angry to learn that the reason I was sitting in traffic for 30 minutes is so everyone could get a good look at the accident in the other direction.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
WTF is with US medical prices? A heli and ambulance transport in Austria, MRI, anticlot medication and special training ended up costing 4k$ and that was an expensive hospital from what I know (not to mention Austria being expensive). 3 x-rays, a cast and the usuall in Slovenia costs ~180$. Never had to wait.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I'm going to seu Montashu for degradation of the Ridemonkey "atmosphere" and driving away members causing loss in reveneu.

Expect papers informing you of the lawsiut by the end of the week.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
With a little PR work you might be able to get the public on your side.

"Women tries to sue local retarded boy, news at eleven"


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
So how many other people's first thought, when they saw the thread title and poster was "It was only a matter of time"?
or "How much will my IQ suffer from clicking and reading"?


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Actually something very similar happened to me about 8 years ago. (It might even be documented here, come to think of it)

But right before I moved to Seattle, I was in an accident in Vermont near Jay Peak. A guy had stopped in the middle of the two-lane highway, about a half mile ahead of me. I can see his brake lights. I start to go around him. As I do, a ski bus is in the oncoming lane. (Far enough away...not a near miss). So I pull back into my lane and start to slide....as it had just started to snow and the road became slippery. Truth be told, the whole thing was not my most brilliant move ever. I was trying to put it into the ditch on the right, but I had lost all traction by that point, and ended up hitting the guy who had stopped. No-one was hurt. My mom's jeep that i was driving at the time didn't do so well. But the pickup I hit only have bent bumper and a small ding in the tailgate.

Anyway, I got a ticket for "following too close".

Fast forward to about 2 weeks before the the statute of limitations was about to expire. I get a call at my desk at work. "you're being served for...."

Ultimately, I was deposed in a Seattle law office. The whole thing was settled. The guy got $80k out of the insurance co, (who I was no longer with).

I later learned (and maybe I'm remembering it wrong), that I made a strategic mistake when I got the call about being served. I didn't know that I should not have "accepted" that I was being served. My lawyer said that they probably would have missed the statute of limitation had i refused. I don't know how these things work.

But ultimately, it didn't intrude on my life too badly. A lot of annoying email and a trip to a Seattle law office.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
those medical costs are ridiculous!!!

my sister got half of one of her kidney removed (because of cancer), by a John Hopkings educated MD, in a facility better equipped then the university hospiral i visited in the US when i fell head-first off my bike when i was in college... including several CT scans, x-rays, travelling between 2 countries, many exams, several Drs. (many were Ivy-league educated), and a week of hospital stay for under $15k......


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Insurance settlements take quite a while to be resolved.

I've been in two separate accidents, first one, I got T-boned by a drunk driver, ambulance ride, pretty ugly, massive concussion/amnesia.
Second, pickup truck got me on my bike, another ambulance ride, broken tib/fib.

Both times, they had insurance (fortunately), but both times, my actual losses easily maxed out the limits. Took a year in both cases to get the insurance company to actually pay out. Now, afterwards, I could have easily sued the responsible parties for whatever else I was out (and boy did my lawyer want me to) but I was just glad it was over and let it go.

Most likely she got screwed by the hospital and is now going to take it out on you. She is well within her rights to do that, so you better consult a lawyer to see how you can fight this.

Also, this is why its good to have really high limit coverage, in case people pull $hit like this.

Also...my first bill was over $25, that was a CAT scan and 2 nights in the hospital. Plus the ambulance.
Second time was over $50K, plus the ambulance again.
This is pretty much exactly how my case was handled. Probably could have gone after the bimbos dad but I just wanted everything to be done. I was actually fairly surprised that everything only took a year. My expectations were a lot lower. I upped my insurance limits several degrees of magnitude and also purchased an umbrella policy because of my experience with the legal side of my accident. We have money in savings, equity in our house, and money in retirement plans, that can all be tapped if a "victim" is vengeful enough or has a real dirt bag lawyer. FSM forbid I should ever be on the opposite side of that legal exchange, I want to protect what assets I have. I assume this varies from state to state so teh mooshoo and his folks could be on the hook even more so, or not as much.

My 6 surgeries and 7 week stay at St. Francis was billed at just under a million dollars. That does not include 6 months of out patient rehab, drugs, etc, etc.

+1 on what Dirt said, statute of limitations in CO is 2 years.

You'd better lawyer up son.
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