
Im confused... how on earth!!!


Sep 30, 2003
I dont get anything about the cost of this sport. i dont understand why deraluer pulleys cost $20 and a rear Fvcking derailuer costs $50! not to mention companies like hayes, make an affordable brake (kinda) and its made of plastic so it break the first day and you have to buy $50 replacement parts. Does enough engenerring go into shimanos derailuers each year (becuase they change so much) that a decent Xt costs $60??? seriously, what the hell is with these companies! not to mention people are so proud of thier crap you cant even afford beat up used parts because (it hasnt been ridden hard..) these arent damn harleys here! what the hell is the deal?? Eveerything in biking should cost almost 1/2 what it does.
Comparing price per pound for your average nice bike
Bike- $180 per pound or soemthing like that
Hummer- $36
Kawasaki Street bike- $12

You cant tell me as much engeinerring goes into a bike as a car or mottorcycle!


Sep 30, 2003
i know this is probly old news to everyone. i have never quite figured out how this can be, except that the companies are just a buch a money suckers in suits who dont care if the majority of us can afford to ride and have a good time, becuase they have loads of cash and can afford it. how many pro freeriders do you think could afford to do that without huge sponserships. i guess getting sponsored in the only way to affor dto ride! yay for corperate amercia! (assholes)


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Replacement parts are always going to cost more. Any guesses how much a Corvette would cost if you bought every part and built it up? I'm willing to bet almost $200k.


Sep 30, 2003
but since they are the same parts they shouldnt cost more.... since they produce so many of them... replacement should cost the same and have the same value if they came with the bike? its the same part, why should it matter when you bought it!


Sep 30, 2003
i got that of some article, maybe the math was wrong, but etiher way a decent ridable more than sidewalk bike definatly costs more than $9 per pound...
eithery way, you cant deny that biking is a complete ripoff!

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
I do agree that some stuff is over priced. But if you really look at the quality of craftmanship on a boutique frame(well some) it's amazing. Look at a dirtbike close, the welds and craftamanship are on a much lower level than say an intense. It's true that per pound bikes cost more than a sports car.

HANDMADE! is the key word here


Mar 19, 2002
Remember a lot of full suspension designs, cranks, shifters, parts, etc. are strictly for one company. There is a lot of competition in the bike industry for something new and different, and to design something like that takes a lot of r&d, which accounts for much of the cost. Plus, these guys aren't dumb, they know we will pay for it thus prices stay high.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Originally posted by SASQUATCH-J
I dont get anything about the cost of this sport. i dont understand why deraluer pulleys cost $20 and a rear Fvcking derailuer costs $50! <snip>
Tell you what - *you* design a rear derailleur that is efficient, light, durable, and costs $20. The biking world will beat a path to your door and make you millions.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by SASQUATCH-J
a decent bike is going to run you at least 80 per pound...
You're really focused on this per-pound measurement. It's an absurd measurement. You want to actually do some comparison? Compare a Wal-Mart bike to a Hummer. The weight is much higher on a Wal-Mart bike, and the cost lower, so the per-pound value is a great deal higher. You can get a 40lb. steel Wal-Mart bike for $100. How's that for cost per pound?

Why don't you talk to some Fomula 1 racers about how much it costs them in materials to get their cars lighter.

People on this website don't understand that we are the ultimate snobs. 99.999% of the population is content on a Wal-Mart or other low quality, high value bike. Of course it's expensive for us.


Sep 30, 2003
Rochester, NY or Boise, ID
Originally posted by SASQUATCH-J
eithery way, you cant deny that biking is a complete ripoff!
stop riding then. :D

Sure, it's expensive... but I'd rather spend the money on bikes than cars or anything else.. it's much more gratifying and fun.

Hell, I spent the insurance money for my computer on a new bike frame! I went without a computer for 5 or 6 months... riding is just that much better.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by binary visions

People on this website don't understand that we are the ultimate snobs. 99.999% of the population is content on a Wal-Mart or other low quality, high value bike. Of course it's expensive for us.
A snob!, Well i never:D


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Originally posted by speedster
There is a lot of competition in the bike industry for something new and different, and to design something like that takes a lot of r&d, which accounts for much of the cost.
Actually R&D is a VERY small percentage of the cost... sales and marketing is where the $$$ goes. Just ask and R&D guy in any industry...

Originally posted by speedster
Plus, these guys aren't dumb, they know we will pay for it thus prices stay high.
Ahhhh, capitalism... aint it wonderful! That's why we will be paying $3 a gallon by July (oops, wrong thread fro that comment!).


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I didn't read any of the posts after the second one so this may have been mentioned but as someone who has seen the birth of mtn bikes and the marketing that helped get it to the public from day one, I can say with complete confidence that the price of parts is directly related to the people who purchase the parts/bikes.

mostly college educated adults w/ jobs that pay.

during the early 90's four bike companys that started in BMX jumped over the newwer sport of mtn bikes. they used the same technology they used to build bmx bikes but where able to sell them at a higher price.
redline, gt, mongoose and haro are those four companys, if your curious.

that was then, now the bikes have reach a point where the technology is beyond what anyone would have thought it could reach. reasearch and development costs money.

most people have bikes that are way beyond what they need to ride well though.
Apr 29, 2004
culpeper VA
The awnser is very simple actually. People millions of them, keep buying the stuff. They pay what the price tag says. Mostly cause they are addicted. Ever notice how much pres. meds cost?
Your a junkie, and they have your fix. Face it your owned by 3 little japanese men, who right now don't own bikes, and are surrounded by beautiful women catering to their every whim. You on the other hand, have holes in your spandex, and spend hours aday either pedaling or working on somthing with pedals, or that is some how related to pedaling. You've got issues, and they are gunna take full advantage of it.
"nasa can send a man to the moon, and bring him back, yet cadiliac can't build a bumper that doesn't eventually fall off."


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You could ask the same questions about many things...


It's difficult to budget and ride a decent bike, but ignoring 75% of the trendy things, and being wise in your purchases can go a long way.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Originally posted by squirrelonabike
Hmmmmmmm, pricing out hookers. Do we use the dollar per pound thing here? I guess if I like biguns, I'm just s.o.l
I think there's an inversed proportion or something at work there.


Nam I am
Originally posted by Lexx D
A snob!, Well i never:D
It is funny you should mention that , last year I was at a party with a Cyclist friend , and she was talking about how she needed a new bike for her son , and I was mentioning what we and bought for my son ( from our LBS). and a lady who over herd us say "i was in Toy-r0us and they had some great bikes a a good prices too." my friend politly says , "that may be true, but we are bike snobs here , thank you anyway "
that lady didn't say another word to us the rest of the day :cool:


Nov 5, 2003
you cant deny that biking is a complete ripoff!
are u really into the sport for the right reason if u complain about the price, the balance between joy and price is fairly equal i would say, i dont mind shelling out ( provided i have it) 600+ for a new fork or 1900 for a new frame thats gonna ride better and is gonna make the rush so much more intence, but i like the idea of $9 / pound :cool:

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by splat
It is funny you should mention that , last year I was at a party with a Cyclist friend , and she was talking about how she needed a new bike for her son , and I was mentioning what we and bought for my son ( from our LBS). and a lady who over herd us say "i was in Toy-r0us and they had some great bikes a a good prices too." my friend politly says , "that may be true, but we are bike snobs here , thank you anyway "
that lady didn't say another word to us the rest of the day :cool:
lmao, I can be a bike snob, I admit it. Just like people into cars like the nice ones, People into music collect alot of cd's(or records).
I like bikes, and the expensive ones for that matter. If i ever have puppies they will never ride junk. Now where's the snobbish smiley with his nose in the air?


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I can't belive this has gone on for two pages and no one has brought this up:


The reason the stuff we ride is soo expensive is because of the cost to build it. Think about it. Pacific Bike Co. has thousands of machines that cost very little to run (in the scheme of things). Their tubing is the crappiest most inexpensive tubing you can find. AND, they buy it in HUUGE quantities. It costs them nothing to build one of those 50 lb Wal Mart Specials.

Now, Think about this. Rocky Mountain bicycles HAND MAKES every single frame they produce. They use high end tubing, and do not buy anywhere NEAR as much as Pacific does.

Honestly, the high end bicycle turnover is usually 30-35%. if you are doing 40% you are doing well.

The reason the small stuff is so expensive, is because that is where they make their money. If it costs the COMPANY (not including getting it to the distributor and then to the shops) a little over $1,000 to make a frame, and the framset retails for $2,000, they are not making much money. If it costs them $1 to make a DH tube, and then it retails for $8, that is where the money comes from. This is how they stay in buisness.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Its like that Frazz comic that had Frazz talking to this kid about how money doesn't buy happiness and the kid says "But you have a 3000 dollar bike" and Frazz responds with "I like to arrive at that moment very fast" or some crap...Bike=Love.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
I will go out on a limb here and say:

This thread is dumb.

You get what you pay for.

Go out and ride it to death, then get some more. If you think it's too expensive, buy cheap stuff and let us know how well it works for you.

If you think it all sucks, and people are getting ripped, start your own company Then try to sell stuff cheap and keep a decent standard of living, for you and the people you employ.

Or just ride and smile.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Originally posted by splat
It is funny you should mention that , last year I was at a party with a Cyclist friend , and she was talking about how she needed a new bike for her son , and I was mentioning what we and bought for my son ( from our LBS). and a lady who over herd us say "i was in Toy-r0us and they had some great bikes a a good prices too." my friend politly says , "that may be true, but we are bike snobs here , thank you anyway "
that lady didn't say another word to us the rest of the day :cool:
Snobs suck. I wouldn't have spoken to you again either :p

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I am going to say this again, because people are still hazarding guesses which really have no basis.

You, me, and everyone who posts here is buying in the top end of the mountain bike equipment. The top end of anything, whether it is stereos, car equipment, motocross equipment.. It's all expensive. It's all low volume, high quality equipment.

You are all snobs. Snobs have to pay extra because they only accept the best. The rest of the world rides Huffy's and their bikes are getting nothing but cheaper for them. You can buy an aluminum frame from Wal-Mart now - that was unheard of 10 years ago.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Originally posted by binary visions
You are all snobs. Snobs have to pay extra because they only accept the best. The rest of the world rides Huffy's and their bikes are getting nothing but cheaper for them.
I wouldn't call us "snobs". I'd call us "enthusiasts who appreciate quality craftsmanship and are willing to pay for it".


Sep 30, 2003
its not a snob thing i dont think, not for me, i enjoy throwing myself of 20 foot cliffs, its fun! its not like i can go and do that on a kmart blue light special. i used to ride the kmart special, snapped of the fork, and broke the frame in half! that was no fun! even when you spend 3,000 on a bike it does the same thing? how much do you have to spend for a little bit of security? it just seems like the parts you have to replace the most (drivetrain parts) are the most rediculous priced! this could be attributed and blamed completely on shimano! aha!
deraluers shouldnt cost that much, its the things like deraluers and shifters that are the most rediculous, little plastic parts, that cost $100 YAY!!!!
if people would realize its a ripoff and stop buying all this shtuff shimano would be forced to stop ripping people off. the bike shops are a ripoff too.
car tires are the same price as bike tires??? HOW DOES THIS WORK! break pads for a car are cheaper! than hayes break pads. u can replace cv joints for cheaper than rear shock... not to mention shocks for a car are a hell of alot cheaper than bike shocks. ive done all these things to my car, so i actually know what the stuff costs! its rediculous!
You cant tell me the sport isnt a ripoff, as fun as it is! i pay out the @ss for parts, and it just pisses me off that people (shimano) that makes these parts just sit back and look at money!
and comeon, do they really need to spend all that $$ on advertising and marketing?? i personally dont think it does alot of good.