
I'm getting tired of it...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
So today I'm riding to work and this guy jumps out in front of me and yells something at me. I'm on the sidewalk and there is snow and ice and its a pretty dangerous situation because I could have slipped and busted my ass or worse fallen into traffic. I'm getting pretty used to being harrassed so I just sort of cruise on by him. I get up to the corner and stop at the light. I'm pretty mad and I'm thinking "you know I'm getting pretty tired of this s*** every day." So turn around and ride back to the guy. He looks pretty freaked out. I guess he wasn't expecting me to say anything too him. He apologized and then I asked why he was such a jackass and he tired to play it off. So I told him to not be such an inconsiderate ass in the future and rode off. Made me feel a little better. I was probably too nice to him but it was my first time confronting anyone like that so I didn't completely have my wits about me.

So from now on (when the odds are in my favor) I'm gonna be calling these jerks out and ask them why they have to be such asses.

Good morning to you too...



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
hehehe. maybe i am all wrong then.... I like to scream & cuss back & shoot the bird & tell them I had fun with their mothers last nite, etc....
maybe i should try your way. :D


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
jdschall said:
He just jumped out at me and said something of the equivalent of "Booo" He was intentionally trying to scare me.
HAHAHAHA! now that is just funny!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
When people do crap like that to me I **** them up and use them as a example. I find very few people **** with me anymore. I let nobody get away with any level of disrespect towards me period. Even if I know they are going to beat my ass. I still take a stand. I am sick of peoples ****.....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
jdcamb said:
When people do crap like that to me I **** them up and use them as a example. I find very few people **** with me anymore. I let nobody get away with any level of disrespect towards me period. Even if I know they are going to beat my ass. I still take a stand. I am sick of peoples ****.....
You've got a little bit of excessive anger, there.

By the way, with an attitude like that, the stupid people won. They were trying to get a rise out of you, and they did. So, congratulations, you let them win at their little game.

A short lecture or ignoring them are the best ways to deal with morons...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
jdcamb said:
I find very few people **** with me anymore. I let nobody get away with any level of disrespect towards me period.
That's all fine and good but this is sort of a tourist town and there are different people everyday. What good would it do me to go around with an attitude get a reputation as a bad mofo if you never see the same people? For the most part the locals and the homeless folks that I pass everyday say nothing or say hello and are friendly. Its the Touron's that think that since they are away from home they can get away with being rude SOBs. I'm a good commuter. I say excuse me, I have a bell that rattles all the time so I don't scare people, I try to reflect a postive image of cycling...


Dec 6, 2004
I think you should have rode back and slid you back tire into his ankles. That would have tought him a lesson...then go by him an ice cream cone for being so mean.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Haha. I'm surprised he didn't have an ice cream cone already. Every other Touron here is lapping at one at all times... Just what I want to see - touron tongues. Yuck!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
binary visions said:
You've got a little bit of excessive anger, there.

By the way, with an attitude like that, the stupid people won. They were trying to get a rise out of you, and they did. So, congratulations, you let them win at their little game.

A short lecture or ignoring them are the best ways to deal with morons...
Yes I am angry. The stupid people may have won but at a cost. Now they have to consider whether it is worth the effort to mess with me. I used to ignore them like you advised and they still would mess with me. Now they don't. So to me my strategy has been quite effective IMO. People leave me alone for the most part. Life is much easier for me not having to deal with the same idiots over and over again. Now I just deal with the random ones and weigh the situation concerning them one a case by case basis. Nobody asks me for change or cigarettes on my way to work. Nobody takes my parking spot in the parking garage anymore. The witness' don't knock on my door anymore. The guy at the Basra mart gives me all my change back from that $20. My truck and home haven't been broken into in a long while. The crazy homeless guy crosses the street when he see my walking down the sidewalk... I could go on. You really feel that explaining or lecturing a idiot makes some level of difference? Good luck Gandhi......


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
jdschall said:
So today I'm riding to work and this guy jumps out in front of me and yells something at me. I'm on the sidewalk and there is snow and ice and its a pretty dangerous situation because I could have slipped and busted my ass or worse fallen into traffic. I'm getting pretty used to being harrassed so I just sort of cruise on by him. I get up to the corner and stop at the light. I'm pretty mad and I'm thinking "you know I'm getting pretty tired of this s*** every day." So turn around and ride back to the guy. He looks pretty freaked out. I guess he wasn't expecting me to say anything too him. He apologized and then I asked why he was such a jackass and he tired to play it off. So I told him to not be such an inconsiderate ass in the future and rode off. Made me feel a little better. I was probably too nice to him but it was my first time confronting anyone like that so I didn't completely have my wits about me.

So from now on (when the odds are in my favor) I'm gonna be calling these jerks out and ask them why they have to be such asses.

Good morning to you too...

Road bike or Mtn? You could have manualed into his chest. :evil:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
jdcamb said:
The witness' don't knock on my door anymore.
I got rid of the witnesses by answering the door in nothing but my boxers and made them carry on a conversation for about 5-10 minutes acting as if nothing was wrong while they tried not to stare. They never came back. How did you do it?

I do agree with you that if the same guy was messing with me everyday I'd have to take steps towards making him change is mind and that may take more than a lecture. But you have to be careful since the rule of thumb is that they always catch the second guy.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
jdcamb said:
Yes I am angry.
Ah, so you've simply branded yourself as the crazy angry guy that nobody wants to talk to or have any dealings with.

That's a great way to live... :rolleyes:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I should have just grabbed a handful of frontbrake and whipped my rearend into his shins as I went by. and then farted...

Speaking of farting, I watched Mystery Men last night.


Mar 17, 2002
I'm getting tired of people's crap also. I've been the nice guy for far too long...

Like a little while ago I held the door open for this girl. No big deal whatever. But then a guy ran in behind her and she playfully hits him and goes "How come you never open the door for me anymore?"

So the guy goes, "Well this guy's holding the door open for you, but you're going home with me"

After that they start coo-ing at each other and making out.

haha! Touche!

I look to that moment as one example of how being a nice guy gains you no respect.
I've been working hard to change that. It's hard..but in the end I think it will be better for me.

The summer of me has begun!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
B.V., I've tried to turn the other cheek more times than not, but as jdcamb mentions, it's not terribly effective. Your method is more sensible, but his feels better. Most of the time I've pursued transgressors, they've gotten away. Those times they didn't, though, I've made them pay. Morons that swerve, honk or throw bottles at cyclists are too stupid to comprehend anything but violent confrontation it appears.


Dec 6, 2004
jdschall said:
I should have just grabbed a handful of frontbrake and whipped my rearend into his shins as I went by. and then farted...

Speaking of farting, I watched Mystery Men last night.
Haha, I think this thread is getting a little out of hand. But thats a good idea too. :thumb:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
B.V., I've tried to turn the other cheek more times than not, but as jdcamb mentions, it's not terribly effective.
Well, I don't want to come across as being a turn-the-other-cheek pacifist, because I've had my share of ranting/lecturing encounters, but there is a happy medium to be had and jdcamb's is not it.

In cases where it is necessary, I am more than willing explain to the offending party just how much of a waste of the earth's resources they are. When it gets to the point that people start crossing the street when they see you, and you are well-known as the town idiot... Perhaps nobody will bother you, but nobody will respect you, either.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
binary visions said:
In cases where it is necessary, I am more than willing explain to the offending party just how much of a waste of the earth's resources they are. When it gets to the point that people start crossing the street when they see you, and you are well-known as the town idiot... Perhaps nobody will bother you, but nobody will respect you, either.
In certainly see your point, but the way it has worked out for me is that people I care about like and respect me, and those for whom I would not give two wet shakes off the tip of my tool...I'd just as soon they fear me.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
llkoolkeg said:
In certainly see your point, but the way it has worked out for me is that people I care about like and respect me, and those for whom I would not give two wet shakes off the tip of my tool...I'd just as soon they fear me.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
In certainly see your point, but the way it has worked out for me is that people I care about like and respect me, and those for whom I would not give two wet shakes off the tip of my tool...I'd just as soon they fear me.
Guess we all make our choices on how to live.

Frankly, I would rather ignore the idiots than let a part of my day be consumed with the time it took me to "educate" them to their ways - likely to little or no effect, and also the time and energy it took me to get over my anger at them.

I have little enough time for myself as it is.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Well BV you have a very good point but... What good does it do to educate one person who is a rude ass? Not much and it does take your precious time, a comodity that we all have too little of.

But what would happen if everybody on this board went out of there way to "educate" (either through words or other means) rude asses? Say once a week? Would that make a difference? Maybe.

Or maybe I should just get my Utopic head out of my ass and just accept that there's alot of jerks in the world. Either way.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
ok, here's an example. you are stuck in traffic. some me-first idiot decides that he is too inconvenienced so he pulls into the right-hand breakdown lane and passes people. do you move yr car to block him?

i used to do this in boston on the lower deck a few times, and all it ever did was give me and the other driver high blood pressure. it's not like the guy said to himself, "hey, i never knew i was a selfish prick, and i'll stop doing that next time".

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
jdschall said:
But what would happen if everybody on this board went out of there way to "educate" (either through words or other means) rude asses? Say once a week? Would that make a difference? Maybe.
More likely, it would just propagate the already widely held belief that bikers are ***holes, and are worthy of these acts of rudeness.

How many riders would really go out of their way to actually educate people? Rather than screaming, cursing, or throwing things, to actually stop the guy who jumped out and said, "Boo!" and explain the dangers of what he did.

Look at the Safetrails guy: he put up a website absolutely slandering downhill/freeride riders. You know what kind of response he got? He got the kind of response that justified his website's existance. He got cursing and threatening emails that made DH/FR riders appear to be a bunch of loose canons with no sense of decency. What he should have gotten was some well-worded emails, patiently taking his site apart piece-by-piece, but unfortunately, 98% of the population seems to be unable to compose such an argument.

Yours is a fine idea in theory, but as they say, so is communism.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
jdschall said:
Or maybe I should just get my Utopic head out of my ass and just accept that there's alot of jerks in the world.
You're rcompletely right of course "98% of the population seems to be unable to compose such an argument."

So in regards to your post BV, I quote myself.

jdschall said:
Or maybe I should just get my Utopic head out of my ass and just accept that there's alot of jerks in the world.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
binary visions said:
More likely, it would just propagate the already widely held belief that bikers are ***holes, and are worthy of these acts of rudeness.

How many riders would really go out of their way to actually educate people? Rather than screaming, cursing, or throwing things, to actually stop the guy who jumped out and said, "Boo!" and explain the dangers of what he did.

Look at the Safetrails guy: he put up a website absolutely slandering downhill/freeride riders. You know what kind of response he got? He got the kind of response that justified his website's existance. He got cursing and threatening emails that made DH/FR riders appear to be a bunch of loose canons with no sense of decency. What he should have gotten was some well-worded emails, patiently taking his site apart piece-by-piece, but unfortunately, 98% of the population seems to be unable to compose such an argument.

Yours is a fine idea in theory, but as they say, so is communism.
Again, very good points and it is admirable you are able to consistently take the high road. Although I believe I would fall outside the 98% unable to compose a well-worded argument, I tend to follow more closely your other time-saving caveat.

I believe 98% of people are too stupid to benefit from my patient explanations, and because I also guard my precious time, I choose a more base yet efficient approach. Basically, it takes me far less time to verbally or physically menace such fools than it would for me to try to mollycoddle compliance from them with logic beyond their ability to comprehend...and at the same time, it supplies a morsel to my hunger pangs for justice.