
i'm in a pickle


Jun 10, 2002
roomate doesn't like prewashing dishes, so often times, her pans will come out of the dishwasher with lots of egg still stuck. as such, i generally say **** it, and let her deal with putting up the dishes. i hate taking away from her TV time and all, but you know...tough titties. today, i decided to put them up, and am now stuck with the once-washed-still-covered-with-egg pan, and a bunch of her knives have some funk on them still.

how would you handle the situation; put them up? wash them? leave them in the dishwasher? (can't do that 'cause she fixes eggs like 2 times a day...but only washes the pan once a week...:confused: ) **** in her cat's litter box?

i figure i could tell her that they didn't get cleaned, but then i wouldn't be able to post this fun stuff on Ridemonkey! yea! :) :):):):):):):)


Oct 17, 2002
the Inbred said:
roomate doesn't like prewashing dishes, so often times, her pans will come out of the dishwasher with lots of egg still stuck. as such, i generally say **** it, and let her deal with putting up the dishes. i hate taking away from her TV time and all, but you know...tough titties. today, i decided to put them up, and am now stuck with the once-washed-still-covered-with-egg pan, and a bunch of her knives have some funk on them still.

how would you handle the situation; put them up? wash them? leave them in the dishwasher? (can't do that cause she fixes eggs like 2 times a day...but only washes the pan once a week...:confused: ) **** in her cat's litter box?

i figure i could tell her that they didn't get cleaned, but then i wouldn't be able to post this fun stuff on Ridemonkey! yea! :) :):):):):):):)
Interesting. Tell us more.


Jun 10, 2002
LordOpie said:
Interesting. Tell us more.
damn. that took some talent, Opie. you've got selective vision, i see. i'd rather have that than the selective hearing i apparently have.


My friend, Pat, crapped in his cousin's cat's box while he was cat sitting.


Oct 17, 2002
the Inbred said:
damn. that took some talent, Opie. you've got selective vision, i see. i'd rather have that than the selective hearing i apparently have.
It's not the first time my eyes have been drawn to titties.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Repack said:
Leave them on her bed and then you'll have some really cool stuff to post!
that worked well w/ us in college. most of us were on the meal plan, but one of the guys (7 in total in the house) wasn't and cooked at home. we never really used the kitchen at all but the dirty dishes were getting a bit much, even for us (and we did have a ~10" mushroom growing the bathroom at one point too) so my friend sean took all the stuff and dumped it on steve's bed.

end of dirty dishes in the sink.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
loco said:
My friend, Pat, crapped in his cousin's cat's box while he was cat sitting.
My brother did that to a girl who figuratively stabbed him in the back. I think it was justified. Damned dirty whore.

I also had a nasty room mate. The kid was really effed up in the head. He would make pasta. But instead of making what he could eat, he would cook the whole box. Then he would leave the extra on the stove. It would sit there until it rotted. Or grew mold. Or both. I just left it and bought my own pot. And pot was the reason I didn't do more about it. He always had lots of it. At one point I bought my own pot(mettle variey). I actually cleaned up his mess b/c the smell got so bad. I had to wear a mask and put on rubber gloves it was so nasty. At the time, my choices were to deal with a festering mess or clean it. It was only the two of us, so I had no one to gang up on him with. But I haven't talked to hi in 5 years and hope I never do.

The real kicker came when he got drunker than I had ever seen anybody. He room was near the top of the stairs so I stayed with him until he past out. I didn't want him taking a header down the stairs. In retrospect, I should have told him that there was a giant bag of weed in the middle of I-89 crying his name. But back to my tangent. While waiting for him to pass out he says, "Remember how I told you that I graduated high school a semester early and then worked as a teachers aid? Well I was actually in a mental institution." It all made sense then. I was just glad that he was so wasted that he wouldn't remember any of it.

iShty roommates suck.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Better idea! Hide cameras in her bedroom, sell the picture to porn sites, then be like "See, that what you get for effing with a man's ability to prepare food!"


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
You should poop in the pan, then leave in on her bed.
Edit:The porn idea is great...send me photos via gmail...i've got a 1000 mb's... :evil:


Jun 10, 2002
Austin Bike said:
Inbred - get yer own place. Have you ever had a roomate work out?
actually yes. in a dorm, of all places. he even had his girlfriend over quite often. i think they're married now.


Repack said:
<snip>Well I was actually in a mental institution." It all made sense then. I was just glad that he was so wasted that he wouldn't remember any of it.
I missed a ride a while back with some cat I have never ridden on the dirt with. Just the road. Anyhow, supposedly he was just chatting away about needing to bash a skull. Kevin decided he is crazy, and he made the "don't call to ride" list. :nope: You never know.


the Inbred said:
i have polish friend named "Pat."

his real name is Prezmyslaw
Pat has a German friend. I don't think he has a name other than the "German".


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
the only good solution I heard of is the rotating name system. Put all the housemates' names on seperate cards. The person on who is on the top of the list has to do all the dishes. After he/she is done, he/she puts his/her name on the bottom of the list.

If there is only one glass in the sink, then wash it and put your name at the back of the list. It encourages everyone to do dishes immediately before they pile up in the sink.


Mar 18, 2005
Santa Barbara
chicks are way dirtier than most guys I know, my roommate ( a female) leaves **** all over the house all the time. I just say cook some eggs and put them on her pillow and then crap on top of it.


Mar 14, 2005
although killing her sounds good..... I am sure this has gone on for such a long time it is sooo frustrating, but i would buy another pan and tell her that you think she is disgusting and it annoys you to see the pan in that condition and please refrain from using your new pan or you will have terminate her. all in a nice calm voice. then if she does it again throw the pan out and deny everything


Jun 10, 2002

she loaded and started the dishwasher, again. i didn't bother unloading it this time, so what does Angela do? she takes out the dishes as she needs them, dirties them, then leaves them on the counter. doesn't bother unloading the rest. i know she's got a tough schedule and all. those 6.5hrs of tv watching she has accomplished today must be rough. or maybe it was the 3hr nap.

no ****, she got in bed as i was leaving at 3, and woke up at 6pm. turned on the TV to Comedy Central and has been watching ever since. 'tis now 12:44.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i would definitely put the litter box in her room. **** having to deal with other peoples pet crap. we had that problem once, never again.

about her dishes, why don't you tell her to prewash them? then if they still come out dirty, i would just le them pile up in the sink.


the Inbred said:
those 6.5hrs of tv watching
Pretty impressive to have 6 1/2 hours chalked up for the day shortly after midnight. She is quite efficient.