
I'm moving


Oct 26, 2001
:(:(:( Well, after a recent, rather unpleasant turn of events, I will be moving back to NH. I don't know how soon, but all I know is I need to get out of here. Who knows, I might just get to make it out to Monkeyfest. :thumb:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
BrokenChain said:
What does OTH mean?

It stands for other than honorable as in discharge. I hope this is not the case though.

My office is above the JAG office so I get to know all the cryptic AF legal terms.

We are 70 degrees this AM at the real BUFF base...


N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
BrokenChain said:
Stosh, it is currently -28 degrees out (Without windchill). 2 hours ago it was -45 with.


I just looked out my window on the flight-line and I can see several BUFF's with Minot on the tails.... I thought the crews were here for training but now I realize they escaped!



Oct 26, 2001
My wife is the one in the military. I just found out that she and my "best friend" have been sleeping togeteher for the last two weeks :(:(:(. He's also in the military, and married. I feel as though his wife has the right to know what's going on, but at the same time, I don't want to get any more involved than I already am. What do you monkies think :confused: ?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
BrokenChain said:
My wife is the one in the military. I just found out that she and my "best friend" have been sleeping togeteher for the last two weeks :(:(:(. He's also in the military, and married. I feel as though his wife has the right to know what's going on, but at the same time, I don't want to get any more involved than I already am. What do you monkies think :confused: ?

Whoa! That's some serious chit especially with those on active duty. Did you talk to anyone at Mental Health in the Family Center?


Oct 26, 2001
Not yet. I have a full support system with my family, my bosses and my in-laws :thumb:. I'm in suprisingly good spirits considiring what I found out last night. But I have a feeling that it just hasn't thoroughly sunk in yet.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BrokenChain said:
I feel as though his wife has the right to know what's going on, but at the same time, I don't want to get any more involved than I already am. What do you monkies think :confused: ?
That's horrible.. So sorry to hear it.

There was another situation similar to this posted a while back, and the general consensus was that the other person's S.O. has the right to know if they're being cheated on.

I agree... I would want to know if I was being cheated on.


lawn dart extraordinare
Apr 8, 2002
Wow, that really really really sucks. I mean, North Dakota is bad enough... but to be dragged to a military base there and then stabbed in the back by your spouse, OUCH! :( Sending positive vibes your direction yo!

Do yourself a favor and don't be the one to break the news to the guy's wife. That is his life to live. You make your own choices, you pay your own prices. You deal with your wife, let that guy deal with his. I know you want to kinda slash back at him by telling her, but believe me, it will be better if you don't.
(by "better" I mean if he tells her, good for him, but if not, you will always have that 'over' him).

Good luck.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
is she hot?

Just kidding man! A cheating significant other sucks!!!
Good luck with moving and it will be better that your not in ND.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
The other spouse has the right to know but I'm not sure you need to be the one that tells her. It might stir up more crap than you want to handle. I would definately go to a Chaplain or your direct supervisor (unless that's the dude). I don't know the Air Force's support structure but use it.

I had this happen a few times to soldiers under my command and the ones where the soldiers tried to take care of things on their own turned out badly VERY BADLY.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I'd get ready to move, and then they day you leave tell your friends wife. F them, your wife and friend already ruined your trust. I would now make their lives miserable.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
I'd get ready to move, and then they day you leave tell your friends wife. F them, your wife and friend already ruined your trust. I would now make their lives miserable.
What are you like 10yrs old? Although I guess I would want to know if it happened to me....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SpareTireScott said:
I told the wife today... Not to be vengeful as you might think...

...she was so grateful I told her, she said she had been seeing a therapist, was on Zoloft, and having self-destructive thoughts all because of this...

...She said that, although it sucks to find out, she can now have closure and move on knowing she isn't the awful person...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
stosh said:
What are you like 10yrs old? Although I guess I would want to know if it happened to me....
Her affair most likely will backfire on her. F it, she did it to herself as it takes 2 to tango. I'd make her life hell for a while, if she was unhappy in their relationship, she should have told him that and bailed before cheating and been an adult about it.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
Brian HCM#1 said:
I'd get ready to move, and then they day you leave tell your friends wife. F them, your wife and friend already ruined your trust. I would now make their lives miserable.
good advice


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
BrokenChain said:
My wife is the one in the military. I just found out that she and my "best friend" have been sleeping togeteher for the last two weeks :(:(:(. He's also in the military, and married. I feel as though his wife has the right to know what's going on, but at the same time, I don't want to get any more involved than I already am. What do you monkies think :confused: ?
Your wife is banging this dude... how much more has to happen before you feel fully involved in this situation?

Sorry, I know that was very callous... but my personal feeling on these situations is that people need to step up and do the right thing, not the easy thing.

If he is your 'best friend' then you probably have some sort of friendship with her as well... doesn't she deserve to know what is going on. Yeah, it'll suck being the one to tell her, but at least she will know.

Just my $0.02

Oh yeah... FYI
binary visions said:
SpareTireScott said:
I know several people said it was none of my business, but I remembered how awful and low I felt thinking I was the one at fault for everything that happened. I didn't want his wife continually going through the same hell. In the end I just decided that if I were on the other side, I would hope someone had the strength of character to tell me so I could have peace....


Oct 26, 2001
Well thanks all for the positive words. I do have some good news out of this. My wife has agreed to see a therapist and at least make an attempt at working things out. I said some very unkind things last night that make me feel like a terrible person, but it was only a knee-jerk reaction to what I was informed of. Also, the guy did finally sack up and call his wife to break the news. She is staying with some friends for a few days, and if needed I can stay with either of my bosses. This afternoon my wife and I had an awesome conversation, all I did was listen to what she had to say, and then explained my inability to just let her go. I just can't. So we came upon a compromise, where we will go to counseling and make a 100% effort to try and make things right. And they both agreed to not speak to or see each other during this time.


Oct 26, 2001
RideND said:
Whats with the hate for ND?
Actually, I really like this place. People here are super friendly, and the cost of living is insanely cheap. But if things don't work out between us, I have all my family and friends in NH.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
BC, sorry to hear about your wife and friend doing that behind your back, that is really lame. It's hard for any of us to say anything without knowing the people involved or how close all of you are, but from the little I know your willingness to try to work it out is really surprising. To me any relationship is built on trust and I wouldn't be able to trust either of them from this point forward, and I don't think I would be able to forgive either of them. But I guess that's the kind of stuff you are going to try to work out with some outside help. Props to you for not just jetting out of there and not looking back, even though you would be justified to do so. She must be pretty special to put in that kind of effort.

So good luck man, I hope it works out for you the way you want it to, one way or another.


Mar 17, 2002
Man that sucks..But be careful, once a cheater...always a cheater...

Sorry, no one really needed my two cents...but still..from what I've seen and experienced, once a cheater...

If you guys are going to try to work things out..make sure you guys keep talking and whatnot..

then again, what do I know?


Oct 26, 2001
OGRipper said:
BC, sorry to hear about your wife and friend doing that behind your back, that is really lame. It's hard for any of us to say anything without knowing the people involved or how close all of you are, but from the little I know your willingness to try to work it out is really surprising. To me any relationship is built on trust and I wouldn't be able to trust either of them from this point forward, and I don't think I would be able to forgive either of them. But I guess that's the kind of stuff you are going to try to work out with some outside help. Props to you for not just jetting out of there and not looking back, even though you would be justified to do so. She must be pretty special to put in that kind of effort.

So good luck man, I hope it works out for you the way you want it to, one way or another.
My wife means more than anything to me. I did tell her that the one thing I would never forgive her for, was if she cheated on me. Now that it has really happened to me, I just can't turn her away without a second chance. I made sure that she knows I will always have a place for her, as long as she makes an attempt. But if it doesn't work out between us, we can say we gave it a shot. And if it does come to that, she knows once the papers are signed, that's it. No more. Ever.


Oct 26, 2001
Craw said:
Man that sucks..But be careful, once a cheater...always a cheater...

Sorry, no one really needed my two cents...but still..from what I've seen and experienced, once a cheater...

If you guys are going to try to work things out..make sure you guys keep talking and whatnot..

then again, what do I know?
I will agree that many times this is the case. However, I also know several couples who had the same problem, and after working it out have been happily married for 30+ years. I'm going to give her the benifit of the doubt for now. I told her that I will never forget what happend, but I will always try to forgive her.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Sorry to sound like a jerk because I really do feel bad for you, however, looking at your B-day indicates you are VERY young, too young to be married. My guess is you never really dated a lot in High School, and she is probably your first real true love. How close am I here. So my guess with lack of serious relationships under your belt, all you know is your first love so of course you want to work things out. My opinion is you both have a lot of growing up to do, you or your wife I'm sure never really sowed your oats, so with your wife I'm sure the curiosity was there. If I were you I'd move forward because I don't think I'd ever be able to trust her again, that's a huge problem in getting married too young these days.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Brian HCM#1 said:
Sorry to sound like a jerk because I really do feel bad for you, however, looking at your B-day indicates you are VERY young, too young to be married. My guess is you never really dated a lot in High School, and she is probably your first real true love. How close am I here. So my guess with lack of serious relationships under your belt, all you know is your first love so of course you want to work things out. My opinion is you both have a lot of growing up to do, you or your wife I'm sure never really sowed your oats, so with your wife I'm sure the curiosity was there. If I were you I'd move forward because I don't think I'd ever be able to trust her again, that's a huge problem in getting married too young these days.
No kidding, sorry about whats happened to you BC. Damn though you're younge to be married. Like according to your B-day you;re 5 years older than me. I don't want to get married at all costs for like hmmm 15 years lol. Either way if it turns for the worst again you still have age on your side. Best of luck with everything BC, oh and thats to cold of a place to live anyway :devil: .