
I'm not cut out to be a housewife


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
The 4th Monday is here...and I'm still not working even though my sweetie is...so I send him off to work: breakfast, lunch, coffee and a kiss in hand...sit down to the comp for another fruitless day of hunting for the oh so prized telecommuting position. grrrr.

later today I get to clean the house, prep the dinner, run some errands, do yoga, and otherwise do whatever is necessary to fill my time and not go nuts.

Very frustrating it is when you get a crapload of responses to your resume, even job offers that pay a ton, and you can't bloody take them. I'm hoping this week proves more fruitful than the last - as already at 9am I had two emails waiting for me - one a telecommuting position as an admin assistant for an online-based company (sigh, pay is ****, but it's legit which is rare in the telecom world I'm learning), the other is a definite - work 4 days-top per month, get paid a nice fee per day of work, but have to travel around the US and be a trainer. Just waiting on the contract for that one...

Anyone else get frustrated with the whole stay-at-home gig?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I have the option of working from home at my current job, but I have never seen a job that would allow me to do it full time. I wish, that would be nice.

My wife has been a stay-at-home type mom since our daughter was born 5 years ago. There was a short time when she went to work part time when I was laid off, but that was only for about 4 months.

She has a lot of things she does to take up time while Maddie is at pre-school. She started a non-profit gig working with kids and horses, she is also doing some horse training as well.

I went nuts when I was at home. I ended up taking a job as a tow truck driver (I'm a software engineer) when the market was slow because I hated being at home. So I understand.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I know your pain. I am quite the busy-body and I have been home with a new baby for 4 weeks and was home for 1 week prior. My house is completely clean, I have my freezer stocked with food and I am getting bored. I just found out (today) that I can resume working out on my "normal" schedule. I do have the baby to take care of, but she's still at the stage where she eats, sleeps, soils diapers and repeats every 3 hours. While I love being home with my little angel all day, I do find myself bored sometimes. Good luck on the job hunt. If I didn't have Sydney here to amuse me, I would go insane staying home all day!


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
jimmydean said:
I have the option of working from home at my current job, but I have never seen a job that would allow me to do it full time. I wish, that would be nice.

My wife has been a stay-at-home type mom since our daughter was born 5 years ago. There was a short time when she went to work part time when I was laid off, but that was only for about 4 months.

She has a lot of things she does to take up time while Maddie is at pre-school. She started a non-profit gig working with kids and horses, she is also doing some horse training as well.

I went nuts when I was at home. I ended up taking a job as a tow truck driver (I'm a software engineer) when the market was slow because I hated being at home. So I understand.
I don't have a choice really, or a nice excuse like kids that need attention. Being home makes it way too tempting to go pick up a puppy or something so I'd have a friend during the day, but I made a commitment that there will be no pets for awhile, not till Steve and I know what exactly is going to happen to us here...

I'm not "legal" here in Canada yet - paperwork is still being processed (I have to figure out how to get a state-by-state certificate of no records today, as my federal one isn't good enough apparently), and I don't want to move back across the border to work for the few months more this is going to take. But - if I can telecommute for a US based company, then everything works out nicely. And yes - in case anyone on here is reporting this - I still have a "US" permanent address so I'm just "visiting" for now.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
TreeSaw said:
I know your pain. I am quite the busy-body and I have been home with a new baby for 4 weeks and was home for 1 week prior. My house is completely clean, I have my freezer stocked with food and I am getting bored. I just found out (today) that I can resume working out on my "normal" schedule. I do have the baby to take care of, but she's still at the stage where she eats, sleeps, soils diapers and repeats every 3 hours. While I love being home with my little angel all day, I do find myself bored sometimes. Good luck on the job hunt. If I didn't have Sydney here to amuse me, I would go insane staying home all day!
My sister-in-law had that dilemna a few years ago when my first niece was born. After about 4 months of being a stay at home mom (she gave up a 6-figure career as an engineer at a well known company) she started accepting individual contracts just to keep herself from going nuts. Now she's got two girls keeping her hands full, so last I heard extra work was very not needed. She has, however, become one of the "organizers" in the play group she takes the girls to on a regular basis.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
TreeSaw said:
Oh...happy belated birthday :D
Hahah - I'm beginning to think skipping birthday's and holidays every few years is totally worthwhile - I get more bday wishes than I know what to do with! :D :thumb: :rolleyes:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I don't think our next door neighbor is happy to have us home though - he's currently hammering at something on the immediate side of our shared wall - ahhh condo life.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I work from home everyday. The freedom to work this way is unbeatable. I take my laptop wherever I go and can work as long as I can get on the internet to upload deliverables.

I will admit to getting distracted alot by TV, ridemonkey, things to take picture sof on the lake, shiny objects etc.

That said, I would not trade this for the world.