
I'm really hurt(serious)


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well I have spent the last 6 nights in the Hospital. I don't know what happened. Something about falling off a car that was going fast. Got another bad concussion and can't see straight. This is a teaser, I will post tomorrow if I feel better. I have some sort of internal bleeding in my head and frankly lucky to be alive. I'm drugged on morphiene so I gotta go. Thanks for any support.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
if you were on top of a car that was going fast, you may have been asking for it... none the less, get better


Why would anyone have a smart ass comment for this thread??? Get well, Price.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
loco said:
Why would anyone have a smart ass comment for this thread??? Get well, Price.
Yep, the guy fell out of a truck bed and is lucky to be alive.
And people are still spewing diarrhea out of thier mouth.
If azzholes could fly, the lounge would be an airport.:rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Jeremy R said:
If azzholes could fly, the lounge would be an airport.:rolleyes:
Slight alteration of some Alkaline Trio lyrics? :think:

Best of luck to ya Price, and hopefully you'll recover in time to practice your switch 5s this season. :thumb:


Oct 3, 2005
Jeremy R said:
Yep, they guy fell out of a truck bed and is lucky to be alive.

Darwin was sleeping on the job.

Heal well and maybe take this as a "wake up" call lest you end up as the feature on the all star "hey y'all watch this" special on COPS.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
justsomeguy said:

Darwin was sleeping on the job.

Heal well and maybe take this as a "wake up" call lest you end up as the feature on the all star "hey y'all watch this" special on COPS.
Dude... don't be that guy. Bad form.


justsomeguy said:
What guy?

The guy that calls a spade a spade?

Sorry. That's me.

Sometimes the truth hurts.
Here's a little truth, bro. When you think people think you are an asshole, you are right. We don't need a critic here. If you can't keep your mouth shut, some of us would appreciate you hanging on mtbr or something.

Do you think Price doesn't regret whatever happened??? I am sure he does. He doesn't need some dill hole telling him about it. Chill out, holmes.


Oct 3, 2005
loco said:
. If you can't keep your mouth shut, some of us would appreciate you hanging on mtbr or something.

Do you think Price doesn't regret whatever happened??? I am sure he does. He doesn't need some dill hole telling him about it. Chill out, holmes.
Which part of "heal well" are you struggling with?

If my posts continue to cause you discomfort, exercise some self-control and ignore them. Or go see a doctor and have your overly sensitive vagina checked out by a professional. Who knows, you might actually enjoy the exam...

p.s. "dill hole" is SO cutting!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
justsomeguy said:
Which part of "heal well" are you struggling with?
Leave it at that and STFU.

Price, all the best wishes for you getting better.


justsomeguy said:
Which part of "heal well" are you struggling with?

If my posts continue to cause you discomfort, exercise some self-control and ignore them. Or go see a doctor and have your overly sensitive vagina checked out by a professional. Who knows, you might actually enjoy the exam...

p.s. "dill hole" is SO cutting!
The fact that you apparently HAVE to be an ass to people. You could have simply said, "heal well". eh???


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
wow amazing how this always happens a forum to let a guy know that you actually care and it somehow turns into a rant. wow you would think that some people in this world would actually have a hart and wish a guy the best of luck and your in our prayers but no people always have to have some smart ass comment to show how much smarter they are cause they havent fallen off the back of a truck. well dude hes not the only one and since that maybee you werent there maybee you could keep you mouth shut and quit judging for two seconds. since you werent there and didnt know the situation you dont know if he was pushed off or if he jumped or what so shut your mouth if you aint got anything good to say. okay sorry for my rant but i felt it was necissary (sorry im not the best at spelling)

ohh and price your in my prayers dude and of course i hope that you feel better. may the bike be an encouragment and an inspiration. get well soon man and God bless man.


Jul 31, 2004
Nor Cal, of course
Hey JUSTSOMEGUY, it really doesn’t matter if you said "heal well" don't you think that all the negative sh1t you just had to vocalize overshadowed your feeble attempt at being supportive?

I hope you can get back on the bike soon man.


Nam I am
Heal up!!!

and Quite frankly I have to agree with Justsomeguy, maybe he was a little rough how he said it , but quit doing stupid stuff and banging you knoggin around.

and again Heal up and don't rush back into things, there are people who care about you and would miss you.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Damn dude....heal up quickly!! You need to better protect that noggin of yours.

As far as some of the replies to this thread go....if any of you never did anything careless or stupid in your youth, I don't want to meet you because you're probably boring as hell.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
As far as some of the replies to this thread go....if any of you never did anything careless or stupid in your youth, I don't want to meet you because you're probably boring as hell.
Well, two people I knew like that are dead.

Tombstones are pretty boring.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
splat said:
and Quite frankly I have to agree with Justsomeguy, maybe he was a little rough how he said it , but quit doing stupid stuff and banging you knoggin around.
I'm sure not one other person that he cares about (his dad, mom, friends, siblings, pastor, whatever) has told him that :rolleyes:.

The point is that you guys are not telling him anything he hasn't heard from friends and family, and he doesn't need another lecture - he needs support.

I posted in the thread in the DH forum, too, but heal up quick, Price. Give yourself lots of time to recover - and good luck.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
We all did stupid sh!t when we were kids, I know I walked away from quite a few situations where I could have gotten seriously messed up.

Heal up quick Price.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I'm damn glad I'm not posting a news article your demise like that fool who tought it would be a good idea to jump from one roof to another on a 5 story building... :dead:

Heal up, get well and learn something from this.



Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
johnbryanpeters said:

1) Heal up, dude!

2) Please stop doing really stupid stuff, for your own sake and for that of your friends and loved ones.


Dude, you ain't Evel Knievel you gotta take better care of yourself,

Here's a quote from an Old Burt Reynolds Movie "They say the Body is a temple, and thats one hell of a way to treat a Temple"


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
loco said:
Why would anyone have a smart ass comment for this thread??? Get well, Price.
Because the kid won't stop doing things that give him concussions? :think: (seriously, I'm not being a smart ass. Just wondering.)

Either way, get well soon, Price. May you recover completely and be blessed with much better head karma in the future.

robdamanii said:
Obviously not. Like a cell phone, it will fvck up their equipment. Duh. :rolleyes:
Not entirely true. We (Kaiser Permanente) have a few pilot programs going where we have wireless access points in the hospital. The docs love it. (Cell phones and such only F up some equipment.)