
I'm sick of Cops


Jun 24, 2004
Springfield Va
So I was out riding for three hours around my school, Old Dominion University. I just finished building my Woodman elite trials bike and was tooling around. I got stoped by three different cops at three diffrent places! This is just stupid!! I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with Old dominion and Norfolk VA, but there are bigger problems to worry about than me riding my bike up some stairs! I honestly think they do this for the sole reason that were easy targets, they dont have to do any real work and they still get to act like they are all big and bad. I ride my bike here at school to take a brake from studying, the rest of my fellow students go out and get drunk or Hi. So I think in the future I'm just going to start doing that....they seem to get hasseled less.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
1SurlyRider said:
So I was out riding for three hours around my school, Old Dominion University. I just finished building my Woodman elite trials bike and was tooling around. I got stoped by three different cops at three diffrent places! This is just stupid!! I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with Old dominion and Norfolk VA, but there are bigger problems to worry about than me riding my bike up some stairs! I honestly think they do this for the sole reason that were easy targets, they dont have to do any real work and they still get to act like they are all big and bad. I ride my bike here at school to take a brake from studying, the rest of my fellow students go out and get drunk or Hi. So I think in the future I'm just going to start doing that....they seem to get hasseled less.
Or you could be cool with the cops and become their buddies.....

That is what we did at CWU. I jump some stairs tacoed and wheel and scratched the crap out of my face and the police just asked if I was OK. :) They were cool with us.

Have an attitude and be the little prick that they like giving a hard time and that is what you will get....

Just my experience.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Ive never been stoped in our town for anything.

Today i was walking up the main street to my friends house with a spud gun on my shoulder, and like 2 cops passes me, i even walked by the traffic cop... haha.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I can't believe that two out of three posts in this thread spelled a word like "stopped" wrong. :rolleyes:


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
binary visions said:
I can't believe that two out of three posts in this thread spelled a word like "stopped" wrong. :rolleyes:

Come on, man....there was no typo:

Stoped: To remove (ore) from or mine by means of a stope.

So the cop removed ore from the dude. Sounds painful.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
binary visions said:
I can't believe that two out of three posts in this thread spelled a word like "stopped" wrong. :rolleyes:


it is sad that you found that worthy of posting... :stosh:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Let me get this straight.

You've had it with cops because you want to do illegal stuff. Cry me a river.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Well aren't we all in a bad mood today? :)


Relax, they are doing their job. Just don't make yourself public enemy #1 in their books. Friendly is always better.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
90% of cops were picked on in school, so naturally when they can finally feel big and powerfull with their police status they pick on cool ppl who ride bikes. This is also the reason they never actaully stop crime because essentially they haven;t change from when they were lil wusses in school. ;)
JMAC said:
90% of cops were picked on in school, so naturally when they can finally feel big and powerfull with their police status they pick on cool ppl who ride bikes. This is also the reason they never actaully stop crime because essentially they haven;t change from when they were lil wusses in school. ;)
Go polish your Guccis. ;) ;)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
johnbryanpeters said:
Go polish your Guccis. ;) ;)
Dude if only I had some, I don;t have money for stuff that good...damn bikes they suck up all my money and with the little that is left I somehow always loose it on more running shoes :eek:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
JMAC said:
BTW I love the new smilies
Isn't the only new one the :o: smilie? I think I liked the old one better - this one looks slightly drunk and too happy to be embarassed :p


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
binary visions said:
Isn't the only new one the :o: smilie? I think I liked the old one better - this one looks slightly drunk and too happy to be embarassed :p
Oh I guarantee you I'll start complianing about them soon, I just like them now cause they're all new and shiney. :eek:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
JMAC said:
90% of cops were picked on in school, so naturally when they can finally feel big and powerfull with their police status they pick on cool ppl who ride bikes. This is also the reason they never actaully stop crime because essentially they haven;t change from when they were lil wusses in school. ;)
That has to be one of the most completely uninformed and moronic statements ever made.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
The cops at Seattle Pacific University are the worst. Two cars stolen from our parking garage (they even caught one only to let the thief go WITH the car), and then I'm down in the garage tinkering with my bike and they came up and started questioning my friend and I; he had to show his ID to prove that we were allowed to be there. They're trying to do their job, but they do it very poorly. As for riding around campus, I always feel like they're watching me, and it gets really annoying.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
We seem to have been pretty lucky here in Atlanta... At both Emory univ, and Ga Tech, most of the cops are cool. The thing is, at both schools the cops are supplied by the Georgia State Patrol... Which means, they can arresst your butt, and stick you in some random hick county over night if they want. Both schools have unmarked cars, and K9 units. Its kinda crazy, we have kinda come to an agrement with most of them... If we ride at night, and stay off the flowers, its ok. They have to do their jobs, some of them are dicks, but so are some of you guys, so I just say yes sir, no sir, thank you sir, and then pedal away.

...187 on a mutha****in cop...


Aug 27, 2002
Seattle, WA
Cruisin' to school the other day (UW in Seattle), coasting down a gentle campus road, sitting up with my arms crossed, no traffic, no pedestrians crossing, a campus cop coming up the road in his car gets on the loudspeaker:
"Uhhh... put your hands on the handlebars, sir"

I wonder if he felt that made him important.

Oh, then there was that time I was pulled over in my sticker-stoked car. Officer said my license plate light was out, but sent me on my way. Checked it at home, both lights were working just fine. Hmm...

I don't hate cops, but a few have pissed me off.


binary visions said:
I can't believe that two out of three posts in this thread spelled a word like "stopped" wrong. :rolleyes:

Just like I'm not surprised, you weren't either. At least we could decipher what he was talking about this time.

1surlyrider - don't ride where you aren't supposed to and it becomes a non-issue surprisingly fast.


Dec 14, 2001
Durango, CO
Echo said:
That has to be one of the most completely uninformed and moronic statements ever made.
I dont know. The statement deffinately holds true for my home town. Its a generalized statement but in alot of instances it does hold true, some it does not. I would not say it is completely uninformed.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
DRB said:
It is absolutely amazing how just doing this makes 90% of cops easy to deal with.
Truthspeak. I've wormed out of many curfew tickets with this :thumb:

The cops up here at Utah State are dicks, normally you have to flee from them if you're on a bike. I've tried talking. No use, so I just continue riding. Oh well.

The city cops are okay, but the PD is overstaffed...I've also enraged them all with an editorial I wrote for the high school newspaper (Which also happens to go out in the local newspaper :D )
xbluethunderx said:
Truthspeak. I've wormed out of many curfew tickets with this :thumb:

The cops up here at Utah State are dicks, normally you have to flee from them if you're on a bike. I've tried talking. No use, so I just continue riding. Oh well.

The city cops are okay, but the PD is overstaffed...I've also enraged them all with an editorial I wrote for the high school newspaper (Which also happens to go out in the local newspaper :D )
Would you consider posting the editorial so we can get in a cat fight about it?

J :monkey:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Not getting involved on this one.....kids making assumptions that they know what a cops job entails is like me telling a astrophysicist how to do his job. some people just don't like accepting responsibility for their actions...and yes, dealing with smartass kids does make us crass sometimes :D

oh yeah.....and i definitely wasn't picked on in school :nuts:


Jun 17, 2002
manimal said:
Not getting involved on this one.....kids making assumptions that they know what a cops job entails is like me telling a astrophysicist how to do his job. some people just don't like accepting responsibility for their actions...and yes, dealing with smartass kids does make us crass sometimes :D

oh yeah.....and i definitely wasn't picked on in school :nuts:

Yea, but you are now:)


Turbo Monkey
Dec 24, 2003
Mammoth Lakes, Ca
YA cops are stupid, my friend got a ticket for RIDING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!! And it was a side street, not a big traffic street with a million cars, I mean how stupid, He has to go to court and everything. And I got a ticket a while ago for riding my dirtbike in the street which I was drying off, which was the same cop that gave my mom a ticket for parking in her friends driveway, which must be the stupidest ticket EVER!!!


merrrrjig said:
YA cops are stupid, my friend got a ticket for RIDING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!! And it was a side street, not a big traffic street with a million cars, I mean how stupid, He has to go to court and everything. And I got a ticket a while ago for riding my dirtbike in the street which I was drying off, which was the same cop that gave my mom a ticket for parking in her friends driveway, which must be the stupidest ticket EVER!!!
There is more to any of these stories.


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
Even though I have nothing but utter contempt for authority! I have found out the hard way that it is easier to use the yes sir, no sir method than the f*** you pig approach.
Cops hassling bikers and skaters has been going on since the dawn of time.........What can you do besides accept it........I'm tired of fighting the man....