
I'm sick of Cops


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
merrrrjig said:
YA cops are stupid, my friend got a ticket for RIDING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!! And it was a side street, not a big traffic street with a million cars, I mean how stupid, He has to go to court and everything. And I got a ticket a while ago for riding my dirtbike in the street which I was drying off, which was the same cop that gave my mom a ticket for parking in her friends driveway, which must be the stupidest ticket EVER!!!
Hey ass. When there are thousands of bicyclists out there fighting for bicycles to have proper rights on the roads, all we need it IDIOTS on bikes out there who are too freaking STUPID to obey traffic laws. A BICYCLE IS A VEHICLE. Of course you get a ticket if you operate a vehicle on the wrong side of the road. And then you act surprised that you got a ticket for riding an unlicensed and uninsured motorcycle on a public roadway. This isn't rocket science. You do things that are OBVIOUSLY illegal, you will get tickets.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
well, i've had some stupid experiences with the police. I was changing my sparkplugs next to the auto garage where I work, using their tools and such. And I was on the street adjacent to the shop, because the bay and parking lot were full of other cars. I look up from what i'm doing and there's a BIKE cop writing me a $20 fix-it ticket. I start questioning him in his reasoning and he asks me to move my car. Well, it was kind of hard when there were 7 spark plugs on the ground and my car was an I4. When he handed me the ticket, I just laughed at him. Of course I argue it and win, and being good friends with the Sgt. here in this tiny town, he sided with me and thought it was stupid. good times.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Echo said:
Hey ass. When there are thousands of bicyclists out there fighting for bicycles to have proper rights on the roads, all we need it IDIOTS on bikes out there who are too freaking STUPID to obey traffic laws. A BICYCLE IS A VEHICLE. Of course you get a ticket if you operate a vehicle on the wrong side of the road. And then you act surprised that you got a ticket for riding an unlicensed and uninsured motorcycle on a public roadway. This isn't rocket science. You do things that are OBVIOUSLY illegal, you will get tickets.
That about covers it.


Jun 24, 2004
Springfield Va
BurlyShirley said:
Let me get this straight.

You've had it with cops because you want to do illegal stuff. Cry me a river.

I'm not mad because I'm doing illegal stuff and having cops stop me, I'm annoyed because it seems like there would be better stuff for them to do than come up to me and keep asking me to move, or stop.There are more important matters to be worrying about, I have a few friends who got mugged and other such maddness... what I'm doing isnt hurting anyone, I'm on a trials bike, so I'm not grinding on any rails, therefore not tearing up the buildings. so why bother with the kid on the bike when there is real police work to be done?

P.S: I know to be very polite whenever I'm talking to a cop, they never get that mad but its just irritating.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
1SurlyRider said:
I'm not mad because I'm doing illegal stuff and having cops stop me, I'm annoyed because it seems like there would be better stuff for them to do than come up to me and keep asking me to move, or stop.There are more important matters to be worrying about, I have a few friends who got mugged and other such maddness... what I'm doing isnt hurting anyone, I'm on a trials bike, so I'm not grinding on any rails, therefore not tearing up the buildings. so why bother with the kid on the bike when there is real police work to be done?
:rolleyes: I'm pretty sure that there isn't a burglary in progress when they're schooling you. If there was, I'm pretty sure they'd go answer that call.



boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Meh...I can only find a rough form:

Nathan King
Story #3
Many valley teenagers have stories of being pulled over and ticketed for curfew violations when out past midnight on weekends, and out past 10:30 p.m. on weekdays. Logan police officers are notorious for being sticklers with the curfew rule.
I was pulled over for a curfew violation recently, and suffered from a bit of culture shock, having just moved to Logan from Salt Lake. Curfew laws are in existence there, but they are not enforced, mostly because the police have better things to do than hunt down insubordinate teenagers.
I believe that if the police department shifted their focus from curfew violations to other things, like plowing snow, the city would be better benefitted. Perhaps we could put taxpayers’ money to better use by mounting a snowplow blade and salt machine to police cruisers to solve this complex issue. They would still be protecting the public, but this time from the horrors of ice and slush, rather than dangerous teenagers such as myself.
Think about it. There are plenty of car accidents in Logan due to dangerous driving conditions. With the addition of ten or so more snow plows to the current plow mafia (in the form of Crown Victoria police cruisers, of course), we could greatly reduce this number. By supplementing what seems to be an overworked plow force of Logan City with police officers and their cruisers, we could have the streets safer overnight, albeit full of trouble making teenagers out plotting to ride the carousel at K-Mart at 3 a.m.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
xbluethunderx said:
Many valley teenagers have stories of being pulled over and ticketed for curfew violations when out past midnight on weekends, and out past 10:30 p.m. on weekdays.
I think they should make the curfew 7 p.m. *EVERY* night. Keep you little hoodlums locked out of sight where you belong.......... :angry:


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
xbluethunderx said:
Meh...I can only find a rough form:

Nathan King
Story #3
Here, let me summarize that:

"I was out breaking the law one day, and the police took notice. I don't like the law at all, though, so the police shouldn't enforce it.

So here I am, making retarded suggestions like mounting snowplows on Crown Victorias.

The End."


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
Here, let me summarize that:

"I was out breaking the law one day, and the police took notice. I don't like the law at all, though, so the police shouldn't enforce it.

So here I am, making retarded suggestions like mounting snowplows on Crown Victorias.

The End."
Bwaaahahahahha. :stupid:



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
xbluethunderx said:
I believe that if the police department shifted their focus from curfew violations to other things, like plowing snow, the city would be better benefitted. Perhaps we could put taxpayers’ money to better use by mounting a snowplow blade and salt machine to police cruisers to solve this complex issue.
The person who wrote this is without a doubt one of the biggest morons on the planet. I bet he has great ideas for solving all kinds of problems :rolleyes:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Echo said:
The person who wrote this is without a doubt one of the biggest morons on the planet. I bet he has great ideas for solving all kinds of problems :rolleyes:
Whaddya mean? Just imagine how useful a snowplow would prove during pursuits and civil unrest or for clearing the homeless from the streets. And the road salt dispenser? What better for backing off the caravan of cars that believe speeding directly behind a cruiser somehow puts them in the radar's blind spot and prevents 'em from being ticketed? :)


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
And now for a much-needed injection of levity:

1) Good
An Erie, PA policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but
wasn't getting many. Then he discovered the problem. A twelve year old boy
was standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read "RADAR TRAP
AHEAD". The officer then found a young accomplice down the road with a
sign reading "TIPS" and a bucket full of money. (And we used to just sell

2) Better
A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an
automated radar post in Pittsburgh, PA . A $40 speeding ticket was included.
Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40. The police
responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs.

3) Absolute Best
A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the Pennsylvania State
Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she
said "I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the State Troopers Ball".
He replied, "Pennsylvania State Troopers don't have balls".
There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he realized what
he'd just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and
left. She was laughing too hard to start her car.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
xbluethunderx said:
Meh...I can only find a rough form:

Nathan King
Story #3
Many valley teenagers have stories of being pulled over and ticketed for curfew violations when out past midnight on weekends, and out past 10:30 p.m. on weekdays. Logan police officers are notorious for being sticklers with the curfew rule.
I was pulled over for a curfew violation recently, and suffered from a bit of culture shock, having just moved to Logan from Salt Lake. Curfew laws are in existence there, but they are not enforced, mostly because the police have better things to do than hunt down insubordinate teenagers.
I believe that if the police department shifted their focus from curfew violations to other things, like plowing snow, the city would be better benefitted. Perhaps we could put taxpayers’ money to better use by mounting a snowplow blade and salt machine to police cruisers to solve this complex issue. They would still be protecting the public, but this time from the horrors of ice and slush, rather than dangerous teenagers such as myself.
Think about it. There are plenty of car accidents in Logan due to dangerous driving conditions. With the addition of ten or so more snow plows to the current plow mafia (in the form of Crown Victoria police cruisers, of course), we could greatly reduce this number. By supplementing what seems to be an overworked plow force of Logan City with police officers and their cruisers, we could have the streets safer overnight, albeit full of trouble making teenagers out plotting to ride the carousel at K-Mart at 3 a.m.
You gave the cops a name to hassle as well... :p


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
xbluethunderx said:
Meh...I can only find a rough form:

Nathan King
Story #3
Many valley teenagers have stories of being pulled over and ticketed for curfew violations when out past midnight on weekends, and out past 10:30 p.m. on weekdays. Logan police officers are notorious for being sticklers with the curfew rule.
I was pulled over for a curfew violation recently, and suffered from a bit of culture shock, having just moved to Logan from Salt Lake. Curfew laws are in existence there, but they are not enforced, mostly because the police have better things to do than hunt down insubordinate teenagers.
I believe that if the police department shifted their focus from curfew violations to other things, like plowing snow, the city would be better benefitted. Perhaps we could put taxpayers’ money to better use by mounting a snowplow blade and salt machine to police cruisers to solve this complex issue. They would still be protecting the public, but this time from the horrors of ice and slush, rather than dangerous teenagers such as myself.
Think about it. There are plenty of car accidents in Logan due to dangerous driving conditions. With the addition of ten or so more snow plows to the current plow mafia (in the form of Crown Victoria police cruisers, of course), we could greatly reduce this number. By supplementing what seems to be an overworked plow force of Logan City with police officers and their cruisers, we could have the streets safer overnight, albeit full of trouble making teenagers out plotting to ride the carousel at K-Mart at 3 a.m.
umm, yeah......that would really piss off the cops around here :rolleyes:

although contrary to popular opinion, most of us cops are college educated folks that can pick out an editorial post that has merit verses an overpriveledged whiny kid that gets to post his mundane thoughts in the local paper.

i have one cure for every cop-hater out there.....do just one ride-a-long on a friday or saturday night, you're views will change drastically.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004

It wasn't meant to be taken seriously...however, our PD is overstaffed, it's a pretty open fact around here. The police don't have much to do. A couple of weeks ago a kid at a different HS got arrested for lewd conduct after making the "jacking off" hand symbol.

When I was an intern at the LBS, a cop came in to investigate a bike that was stolen from the front of the store. After getting a report from one of the owners (took 5 minutes), he wandered around the store for 45 minutes looking at crap. If only you could know what it's like to live in small town, Utah...


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
1SurlyRider said:
I'm not mad because I'm doing illegal stuff and having cops stop me, (snip)... what I'm doing isnt hurting anyone, I'm on a trials bike, so I'm not grinding on any rails, therefore not tearing up the buildings. so why bother with the kid on the bike when there is real police work to be done?
and if your cops not manimal how can he tell the difference between a bike thats grinding things up and one thats just triials? and landowners put up no tresspassing signs for a reason. its very unprofessional for a big client to come into your building and have to watch out for some dude hoppin around on his back tire. also what if you fall? you get hurt and from the landowners viewpoint thats a liability. he doesnt want to get sued. so it makes alot more sense to just not let anyone ride there eh?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
xbluethunderx said:

It wasn't meant to be taken seriously...
Well, it wasn't clever, it wasn't intelligent, it wasn't funny, and you kill your own credibility when you post something as utterly worthless as that.

Just something to think about. In a discussion, don't quote stupid people for any reason.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
binary visions said:
Well, it wasn't clever, it wasn't intelligent, it wasn't funny, and you kill your own credibility when you post something as utterly worthless as that.
Someone feels threatened. :nopity:


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
binary visions said:
Mmm.. Okay. If you say so.
JBP asked me to post it. I did.

It's written for teenagers that love taking jabs at the local PD, not for seemingly omniscient egotists such as yourself. If that offends your ever superior and obviously far reaching intelligence and insight into such things as high school newspapers, so be it.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Wow... talk about over-reaction to some little article in a frikken high school newspaper that was obviously not meant to be taken seriously...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
xbluethunderx said:
JBP asked me to post it. I did.
...and I told you what I thought of it. High school paper, or the New York Times, I thought it was stupid. It didn't offend me at all. It didn't even provoke enough thought or emotion to offend me.

I do admit my reaction was a little over-stated though :p


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
llkoolkeg said:
And now for a much-needed injection of levity:

1) Good
An Erie, PA policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but
wasn't getting many. Then he discovered the problem. A twelve year old boy
was standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read "RADAR TRAP
AHEAD". The officer then found a young accomplice down the road with a
sign reading "TIPS" and a bucket full of money. (And we used to just sell


Those are some smart kids!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
=[Stinky]= said:
Are you In Ga?
no, but i'm only about 5 hours from hotlanta down 85. come on down for some good riding and i'll be glad to give u a ride-along, you can even crash at my place if you need to.

it's kinda like hanging with peete and jeffd, except you get to see the inebriated parties from the other side :D


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Oh man... I have hung out with those guys enuff.!!!.. hahah jk. I wanna say we have met... Ever raced Wolfe Laurel in NC? I stand corrected, thought krispy kreme was started here. mmmm glaaaazzzzzed dooonnnuuuttttsssss


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
xbluethunderx said:
JBP asked me to post it. I did.

It's written for teenagers that love taking jabs at the local PD, not for seemingly omniscient egotists such as yourself. If that offends your ever superior and obviously far reaching intelligence and insight into such things as high school newspapers, so be it.



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
=[Stinky]= said:
Oh man... I have hung out with those guys enuff.!!!.. hahah jk. I wanna say we have met... Ever raced Wolfe Laurel in NC? I stand corrected, thought krispy kreme was started here. mmmm glaaaazzzzzed dooonnnuuuttttsssss

yeah...now i remember...u had a balfa or something cool like that if i recall. doood....u def need to come up here and ride. i think you would really enjoy a ride-along too, i can make it uh....interesting ;)